(2983) Hollow jet valve
This valve is essentially a needle valve where the needle or closure member points upstream. The nozzle is eliminated allowing the water to discharge from the bell-shaped body in a tubular or hollow jet, the outside diameter of which does not change regardless of the valve opening. This valve is primarily used in outlet works and is located on the downstream end of the outlet pipes. The water discharged may be closely regulated over the entire opening range of the above (illustrated).
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Dictionary - Turbine and Jet Pumps Terms
- Groyne, Groin, Bankhead, Spur, Spur dike, Transverse dike, Jetty
- Jetty
- Water turbine
- Turbine setting
- Cased turbine
- Free jet stilling basin, or Free jet basin
- Free jet chute, Free jet parabolic drop, or Parabolic chute
- Free jet chute basin
- Jet diffusion basin, or Jet diffusion stilling basin
- Submerged jet diffusion stilling basin
- Jet diffusion
- Jet
- Free jet
- Hollow jet, or Annular jet
- Solid jet
- Partially submerged jet, or Partially drowned jet
- Submerged jet, or Drowned jet
- Contra-jet energy dissipator, or Interacting jet dissipator
- Jet deflector
- Jet trajectory
- Jet flow gate
- Hollow jet valve
- Jet mixer
- Oscillating jump, or Oscillating jet
- Reverse jet type automatic offtake regulator, Automatic reverse jet type outlet
- Leading jetty, or Guard wall
- Pool and jet fishway, or Pool and transverse fish pass
- Pool and orifice fishway, Orifice fish ladder, or Submerged jet fish ladder
- Impulse turbine
- Pelton wheel, Pelton water wheel, Tangential turbine
- Axial flow turbine, or Parallel flow turbine
- Mixed flow turbine, Francis turbine, or American-type turbine
- Radial flow turbine
- Reaction turbine
- Jetting method of boring, or Hydraulic wash
- Jetting tube
- Jetting pump
- Jetting bit
- Pneumatic pumps
- Jet pump
- Turbine pump
- Deep-well turbine pump, or Bore-hole pump
- Wind motor, Aeromotor, or Wind turbine
- Jet cleaner
- Jet pressure equipment
- Jetting pump
- Water level control system (pumps)
- Ink-jet printer