(1364) Well graded soil
A continuous distribution of grain sizes from the coarsest to the finest components in a proportions that the successively smaller size grains just fill the spaces between the larger grains.
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Sources of Irrigation
Irrigation History +
Sources of Irrigation +
Ponds +
Tanks +
Diversion Weirs +
Dams and Reservoirs +
Groundwater +
Conjunctive Water Use +
Wastewater +
Poor Quality Water +
Application of Irrigation water
Canal Irrigation +
Flood Irrigation +
Deficit Irrigation +
Supplemental Irrigation +
Sprinkler Irrigation +
Drip Irrigation +
Lift Irrigation +
Centre Pivot Irrigation +
Tidal Irrigation +
Micro-Irrigation Technologies for Small Holders +
Automatic Irrigation Systems +
Pressurized Irrigation +
Irrigation in Viticulture +
Purpose of Irrigation
Instruments and implements of Irrigation
Pumps +
Centrifugal Pumps +
Submersible Pumps +
Turbine and Jet Pumps +
Conveying Pipes +
Sprinklers +
Drippers +
Canal Automation Systems +
Irrigation Management
Economics of Irrigation System +
I&D System Types +
I&D Investment Functions +
I&D Management Issues +
Participatory I&D Management +
Equity in Irrigation +
Irrigation Services +
Irrigation and environment
Pollution and Irrigation +
Irrigation and Climate Resilience +
Environmental Aspects of Irrigation +
Environmental Impacts of Irrigation +
Green Lawn Irrigation +
Safe Use of Waste Water in Irrigation +
Organic Agriculture +
Soil Health +
Soil Health Management +
Quality of Irrigation Water +
Capacity Development
Drainage Types and Systems
Agricultural Drainage +
Field Drainage systems +
Canal Irrigation and Drainage +
Surface Drainage Systems +
Subsurface Drainage +
Mole Drainage +
Bio-Drainage +
Regional Bio-Drainage +
Drainage Issues
Dictionary - Waterlogging and Soil Salinity Terms
- Belt of soil water
- Interstice, or Void (in a rock, or soil)
- Well graded soil
- Soil Science
- Soil
- Soil morphology
- Mature soil
- Immature soil
- Skeletal soil
- Endodynamorphic soil
- Ectodynamorphic soil
- Hydromorphic soil
- Truncated soil
- Residual soil
- Transported soil, or Secondary soil
- Glacial tills, or Glacial soil
- Alluvial soil
- Aeolian soil
- Colluvial soil
- Mineral soil
- Organic soil
- Soil profile
- Soil horizon
- Soil horizon symbols
- Subsoil
- Topsoil, or Surface soil
- Plough soil, Plowsole pan, or Induced pressure
- Plansols, or Planosoils
- Soil texture
- Soil separates
- Soil particle
- Soil structure
- Soil classification
- Soil taxonomy
- Soil series
- Soil type
- Azonal soil
- Intrazonal soil
- Great soil group
- Soil family
- Soil phase
- Soil association
- Soil complex
- Prairie soil
- Black turf soil
- Chestnut soil
- Brown (steppe) soil
- Sierozem or Grey desert soil
- Desert soil
- Laterite soil, or Latosol
- Regur or Black cotton soil
- Mallee soil, Solonized brown soil, Mallisol
- Transitional soil
- Soil consistence, or Consistency
- Air capacity of soil
- Air content of soil
- Mobile soil colloids
- Soil solution
- Unsaturated soil solution
- Saturated soil
- Soil reaction
- Soil moisture
- Soil moisture accretion
- Soil moisture deficit
- Unsaturated soil
- Saturated soil paste
- Unavailable soil moisture, or Unavailable water
- Soil moisture tension, or Moisture tension
- Moisture characteristics (of soils)
- pF of soil water
- Soil water zone
- Soil water deficit
- Soil water tension
- Soil temperature
- Daily range of soil temperature
- Productivity (of soil)
- Waterlogging
- Lacustrine, Fen soil, or Lowmoor
- Bog soil
- Half bog soil
- Pool soils
- Dal soil
- Dead soils
- Tundra soil
- Rodoorn soils
- Kleiplaat soils
- Schor soils
- Plaat, or Slik soils
- Pik, Knip, or Knik soils
- Saline soil
- Solodif, Soloti soil, Solod, or Soloth
- Acid soil
- Neutral soil
- Sajong soils, or Shachiang soils
- Calcareous soil
- Non-calcareous soil
- Alluvial meadow soil
- Humic gley soil
- Degree of salinity
- Soil horizon of carbonate accumulation
- Soil amendment
- Soil modification
- Soil sterilization
- Soil conditioner
- Allowable bearing value, or Allowable soil pressure
- Soil classification systems
- Cohesive soil
- Soil-cement lining
- Plastic soil-cement
- Standard soil-cement
- Wetted soil percentage
- Available soil water storage
- Soil hydraulic conductivity
- Soil intake (infiltration) rate
- Soil specific gravity or Dry bulk density
- Soil water stress
- Soil water content
- Soil water tension
- Total available soil water storage
- Total soil water storage
- Soil degradation
- Change in salinity
- Alkaline soil
- Cohesionless soil
- Non-saline alkali soil
- Saline sodic soil
- Saline soil
- Sodic soil
- Subsoil
- Subsoil amelioration
- Unstable soil
- Subsurface drainage, Under drainage, Subsoil drainage, Underground drainage, or Covered drainage
- Drain tile, Field drain pipe, Subsoil pipe, Land pipe
- Soil water head
- Total head, Total hydraulic head or Total soil water potential
- Uniform soil
- Neutron probe, Neutron soil moisture probe (or gauge), Neutron moisture meter, or Neutron scattering probe
- Soil conservation
- Soil management
- Soil creep, or Solifluxion
- Soil erosion
- Surface sealing (of soil)
- Soil K-factor
- Soil loss equation
- Total potential (of soil water)
- Soil water pressure
- Soil Water Characteristics Curve
- Soil water diffusivity
- Supporting soil conservation practices
- Regenerated soil
- Soil binder
- Soil-saving dam
- Soil-saving dike
- Water salinity
- Soil flushing
- Nightsoil
- Renovating soil
- Subsoiling
- Soil improvement
- Soil amendment
- Soil conditioner
- Soil sealant
- Soil injection
- Soil
- Regolith Soil
- Mineral soil
- Muck soil
- Soil structure
- Soil aggregation
- Soil texture
- Soil capping or Soil crusting
- Effective soil depth
- Soil permeability
- Impervious soil
- Soil aeration
- Soil pH
- Soil fertility
- Soil drainage status
- Soil salinization
- Subsoil flow tank
- Salinity wedge
- Salinity control
- Soil survey
- Salinity control benefits
- Soil survey report
- Soil Carbon Pool