Automation of micro-irrigation system refers to operation of the system with minimum manual interventions. A well- controlled irrigation system is one which optimizes the special and temporal distribution to maximize the benefit cost ratio. Automation of micro-irrigation system involves understanding of irrigation scheduling.
Major components that are required to convert a conventional micro-irrigation system are: controller, control valves, automatic metering valves, metering pumps, peristaltic pumps, flow transducers, sequencer systems, fertilizer and chemical injectors and filters and environmental sensors.
Automatic systems are broadly divided into: non-feedback systems where operation is carried out on the basis of pre-set conditions - time based system or volume based system - and real-time feedback systems is driven by at least two inputs signals. There are four basic closed loop control methods which are generally used in automation of micro-irrigation systems: soil water, plant water, evapotranspiration estimates and a combination of some or all of them. It requires estimation of crop evapotranspiration, which is a function of weather, plant and soil measured through sensors. Sensors are also required for measuring crop growth, canopy cover and weather conditions.The feedback is provided by one or more sensors.
Most of these systems are computer controlled which provides a method to control the application of water and monitor it in real time. A number of sensors can be connected to the computer through interface circuits and software. Software calculates the crop water requirements based on various inputs such as crop type, soil type, weather data, crop growth stages, date of sowing and other known factors that determine crop water requirement. Many of the advanced systems also use 7-10 days weather forecast. Many of the systems are increasingly using internet based enabling mobile phone controlled operations.
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- Automatic tide gauge
- Soil classification systems
- Automatic spillway
- Semi-automatic shutter, Self-tipping shutter, Falling shutter, Falling crest, or Permanent flashboard
- Automatic shutter
- Tilting gate, Hinged-leaf gate, or Automatic flap gate
- Automatic spillway gate
- Semi-automatic gate hanger
- Automatic semi-constant flow offtake regulator
- Automatic constant flow offtake regulator
- Reverse jet type automatic offtake regulator, Automatic reverse jet type outlet
- Irrigation pipe aqueduct, Pipe aqueduct, Pipe flume
- Syphon, Inverted siphon, Irrigation syphon, Canal syphon, Syphon superpassage
- Lift irrigation area, or Lift area
- Continuous-flow irrigation
- Night-storage irrigation system
- Intermittent-flow irrigation system
- Irrigation return flow
- Farm irrigation structures
- Non-automatic system
- Integrated production systems
- Collective irrigation system
- Individual irrigation system
- Perennial irrigation
- Seasonal irrigation
- Supplemental irrigation
- Systematic irrigation
- Flow irrigation, or Gravity irrigation
- Pumping irrigation
- Inundation irrigation
- Irrigation from a storage reservoir
- Irrigation from groundwater
- Irrigation by flood water spreading
- Sailab irrigation (a term used in India and Pakistan)
- Micro basin irrigation
- Irrigation by spreading
- Irrigation
- Irrigation interval
- Irrigation dose
- Ideal irrigation interval
- Irrigation season
- Fall irrigation (USA)
- Winter irrigation (USA)
- Early irrigation (USA)
- Sub-irrigation
- Overirrigation
- Irrigation canals
- Surface irrigation
- Flood irrigation
- Basin method of irrigation, or Irrigation by beds
- Flush irrigation
- Spate irrigation
- Border irrigation, or Border method
- Flooding from ditches, or (contour ditch irrigation)
- Corrugation irrigation
- Furrow irrigation
- Surge irrigation
- Duration of irrigation
- Secondary flow, Two discharge, or Cutback irrigation
- Primary flow irrigation (single discharge)
- Wave irrigation
- Irrigation through buried drains, Irrigation-drainage, or Vallenhove process
- Irrigation by nappe control, or Ramspol process
- Selection of irrigation parameters
- Sprinkler irrigation
- Irrigation terminal
- Irrigation device
- Perforated pipe sprinkler irrigation
- Irrigation sprinkler machine
- Centre pivot irrigation
- Lateral-move irrigation machine sprinkler method
- Solid set irrigation
- Piloting of irrigation
- Irrigation cycle
- Micro-irrigation, Localized irrigation, Drip irrigation, Trickle irrigation
- Mobile micro-irrigation
- Pulse irrigation
- Surface drip irrigation
- Buried drip irrigation
- Drip irrigation functioning by propulsions
- Micro-irrigation network
- Micro-irrigation nozzle-line
- Irrigation dose
- Semi-automatic control (of irrigation)
- Micro-irrigation system with hydraulic sequential operation
- Automatic control (of irrigation)
- Automatic scheduling
- Porous wall microirrigation tubing
- Automatic self-cleaning sieve filter
- Proportional irrigation pump
- Irrigation water
- Irrigation water requirement, Irrigation need
- Net irrigation requirement, Farm delivery requirement, or Delta at farm
- Crop irrigation requirement
- Diversion requirement, Gross irrigation requirement, or Delta at head of main canal
- Optimum irrigation requirements
- Irrigation efficiency, Farm irrigation efficiency, Farm delivery efficiency, Water conveyance and delivery efficiency, or Overall efficiency
- Irrigation water-requirement
- Subirrigation
- Surge irrigation
- Irrigation water use efficiency
- Unit irrigation efficiency
- Economic efficiency of irrigation
- Irrigation efficiency
- Agronomic efficiency of irrigation or Agronomic productivity of irrigation
- Degree of durability of irrigation
- Natural drainage systems, or Random drainage systems
- Automatic system
- Automatic control
- Semi-automatic
- Programmed irrigation
- Fully automatic irrigation system
- Semi-automatic field water distribution system, or Partially automatic system
- Automatic metering valve, or Automatic metering tap
- Pneumatic butyl valve (for pipeline distribution systems)
- Automatic siphon spillway, or Siphon spillway
- Automatic storage (or compensation) system
- Irrigation development project or system
- Biological systems
- Irrigation
- Surface irrigation
- Basin Irrigation
- Overhead irrigation
- Sub‑irrigation
- Microirrigation
- Trickle irrigation
- Drip irrigation
- Total irrigation
- Supplemental irrigation
- Preplant irrigation
- Organic irrigation
- Hydraulic effectiveness of flood control systems
- Systems analysis, Operational analysis, System engineering, Mathematical modeling, Management science
- Systems compatibility
- Systems engineering
- Systems integration
- Decision Support Systems
- Conjunctive irrigation planning
- Irrigation project
- Irrigation potential
- Assessment of irrigation charges
- Irrigation cess
- Water rate, Water charge, Irrigation rate, or Irrigation assessment
- Primary benefits, Primary effects, Direct irrigation benefits, or Direct irrigation effects
- Secondary benefits, Secondary effects, Indirect irrigation benefits, or Indirect irrigation effects
- Economic value of unit of irrigation water
- Revenue value of a unit of irrigation water