International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Levels of Capacity Development

A generic framework for capacity development that has gained acceptance in the water sectorcomprises four levelsof capacity development.


Individual level: This is the most “concrete” and familiar part of capacity development. Itincludes the education and training of the various stakeholders, farmers, local professionals,engineers and other disciplines involved in irrigation.


Organizational level: This refers to groups of people such as water user organizations, research groups, government extension agencies, private enterprises that share commonobjectives such as improved livelihoods at a farming level or improved water management orincreased agricultural productivity at a national level. Institutions are the rules and agreements, formal and informal, and shared values that bind organizations. Thus, the capacity of anorganization is embedded in the ability of its individuals to work together within establishedrules and values and to interact with other organizations.


Sector level: The sector level emphasizes the point that irrigation is part of the larger pictureof integrated water resource management and reflects the increasing awareness of the need forpolicies that integrate and cover all aspects of the water sector and not just irrigation, watersupplies and the environment in isolation.


Enabling environment: This represents the broad national and international contextwithin which irrigated agriculture can develop.It has immense influence over what happensat the lower levels. It is concerned withpolicy at the highest levels in government,the socio-economic conditions that enable ordiscourage irrigation development, and thelegal framework that provides farmers withsecurity of tenure for land and water and thepower to seek legal redress when contractsare broken.


The diagonal arrows in the Figure emphasize the links between the levels. Forexample, in irrigation the performance of awater users association (WUA) is shapedas much by society (laws and regulations)as it is by individuals (skills, leadership andrelationships).

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