WEAP: Water Evaluation And Planning system is a Windows-based decision support system for integrated water resources management and policy analysis. WEAP is a model-building tool, used to create simulations of water demand, supply, runoff, evapotranspiration, infiltration, crop irrigation requirements, in stream flow requirements, ecosystem services, groundwater and surface storage, reservoir operations, and pollution generation, treatment, discharge and in stream water quality, all under scenarios of varying policy, hydrology, climate, land use, technology and socio-economic factors. WEAP can dynamically link to the USGS MODFLOW groundwater flow model and the US EPA QUAL2K surface water quality odel.WEAPis used in 170 countries around the world to model the balance between water demand and supply at a range of spatial and temporal scales.
LEAP: The Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning system, used in more than 190 countries, is a powerful, versatile software system for integrated energy and greenhouse gas (GHG)mitigation planning. It is becoming the de facto standard for countries undertaking mitigation assessments and creating Low Emission Development Strategies (LEDs), and has been used for several National Communications on Climate Change to the United Nations. In addition, LEAP has been applied to develop climate strategies for several U.S. states and cities, and it was recently used to build scenarios for a global energy assessment.
WEAP can help gauge how new supplies would fit with the region’s future water needs – and whether the benefits are great enough to justify the cost. LEAP will show the impact on energy demand, for desalination itself and for pumping. If demand increases significantly, LEAP can help you explore options for meeting that demand. To minimize GHG impacts, you might consider using a renewable energy source, such as concentrating solar power. But many CSP technologies are water-intensive; WEAP would help you determine how much water would be needed. This, in turn, could affect how much water needs to be desalinated to meet demand in your region.
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- Mass diagram, Mass curve, Flow integrated curve, or Summation curve
- Surface water hydrology
- Geohydrology, Hydrogeology or Groundwater hydrology
- Hydrological year, or Water year
- Headwater, or Headwaters
- Slush, or Watery mud
- Snowmelt, or Snow water
- Water-equivalent of snow, Snow water equivalent
- Drainage area, Drainage basin, River basin, Catchment area, Catchment basin, Catchment, Watershed
- Experimental basin, or Experimental watershed (USA, AU)
- Water parting, Drainage divide, Divide, Watershed divide, Watershed boundary, Topographic divide
- Storm runoff or Storm-water runoff
- Groundwater runoff
- Watershed leakage
- Headwater storage
- River basin management, Watershed management, or River management
- River basin model, or Watershed model (US)
- Ungauged basin, or Ungaged watershed (US)
- Water balance, or Water budget
- Groundwater storage
- Groundwater province
- Subsurface water, Underground water, or Subterranean water
- Groundwater
- Zone of aeration, Aeration zone, Zone of suspended water, or Unsaturated zone
- Belt of soil water
- Interstitial water
- Suspended water
- Capillary groundwater, or Fringe water
- Intermediate water
- Vadose water, Gravity suspended water, or Gravitational water
- Groundwater table
- Free groundwater, Phreatic water, or Non-artesian water
- Confined water, or Confined groundwater
- Perched water, or Perched groundwater
- Semiperched groundwater
- Fixed groundwater
- Connate water
- Adsorption water
- Attached groundwater
- Cavern water
- Cavern water reservoir
- Fissure water, or Fault water
- Juvenile water
- Metamorphic water
- Meteoric water
- Pore water
- Primitive water
- Rejuvenated water
- Water of compaction
- Water of infiltration
- Influent water
- Water of condensation
- Groundwater flow
- Artesian water
- Groundwater reservoir
- Water-bearing media or Water-bearing strata
- Groundwater artery
- Groundwater divide
- Water-table spring
- Water-table contour, or Groundwater contour
- Hydro-isobaths, or Isobaths of water table
- Belt of fluctuation of water table, or Belt of phreatic fluctuation
- Phreatic decline, or Decline of water table
- Cone of water-table depression, or Cone of pumping depression
- Phreatic fluctuation, or Fluctuation of water table
- Groundwater cascade
- Groundwater dam
- Highest stage of the water table, or Phreatic height
- Groundwater ridge
- Interstream groundwater ridge
- Groundwater mound, or Groundwater hill
- Groundwater trench
- Groundwater withdrawal, or Groundwater extraction
- Water table
- Water surface (groundwater)
- Phreatic low, or Lowest stage of the water table
- Natural water table
- Profile of water table
- Perched water table
- Semiperched water table
- Field capacity, Normal field capacity, Normal moisture capacity, Maximum field carrying capacity, Field capillary (moisture) capacity, Effective water-holding capacity, Specific retention
- Effective velocity (of groundwater), Actual velocity (of groundwater), True velocity (of groundwater), or Field velocity (of groundwater)
- Apparent velocity (of groundwater)
- Average velocity (of groundwater)
- Critical velocity (of groundwater )
- Groundwater turbulent flow
- Groundwater recharge
- Groundwater balance, or Groundwater budget
- Groundwater increment, or Groundwater accretion
- Groundwater decrement
- Groundwater inventory
- Groundwater equation
- Groundwater management
- Groundwater model
- Absorbed water
- Groundwater balance
- Groundwater basin
- Zone of fluctuation of water table, or zone of phreatic fluctuations
- Dead water
- Water surface slope
- Water-stage recorder, or Water-level recorder
- Freshwater
- Surface water
- Watershed
- Ponded water
- Freshwater lake
- Centimetre of water
- Head of water in metres
- Head of water in metres
- Backwater
- Backwater curve
- Backwater effect
- Bed building stage of river, or Mean water stage of river
- High water training, or Training for discharge
- Low water training, or Training for depth
- Mean water training, or Training for sediment
- Tail water erosion
- Moisture content, Water content or Moisture percentage
- Water-depth ratio
- Hygroscopic moisture, Hygroscopic water, or Moisture of condensation
- Capillary moisture, or Capillary water
- Combined water
- Bound water
- Imbibation moisture, or Water of imbibation
- Water of saturation
- Water of supersaturation, or Water of dilation
- Moisture-holding capacity, Saturation capacity or Maximum water capacity
- Actual water deficiency
- Unavailable soil moisture, or Unavailable water
- pF of soil water
- Adhesive water, or Pellicular water
- Soil water zone
- Available water
- Soil water deficit
- Soil water tension
- Plerotic water
- Superfluous water
- Gravitational water
- Waterlogging
- Waterlogged low land
- Slack water, or Slack tide
- Tidal water level
- Low water of ordinary spring tides (LWOST)
- High water line of tide
- Indian spring low water
- Watershed management
- Operation waste, or Escaped water
- Waterway
- Standard waterway, Theoretical waterway, or Normal waterway
- Lacey`s waterway, or Lacey`s wetted perimeter
- Contracted waterway
- Dewatering
- Surface area of reservoir, or Maximum water surface area
- Water surface
- Maximum water level
- Retention water level, Top water level, Normal top water level, Full supply level, or Normal water level
- Exceptional water level, or Abnormal water level
- Normal water surface elevation, Normal water level, Conservation water level, Storage level, Normal pool level, or Conservation storage level
- Waterstop
- River sluices, Waste outlets, or Dewatering outlets
- Water intake test
- Pore pressure, Pore water pressure, or Neutral stress
- Water turbine
- Water hammer
- Water seal
- Cup basin type water seal
- Tilted outlet type water seal
- Obstruction weir type water seal
- Baby siphon type water seal, or Maramsilli baby siphon type water seal
- Auxiliary siphon type water seal
- Overfall weir type water seal, or Priming weir type water seal
- Mechanically induced water seal
- Tudel type water seal, Stepped type water seal, Offset type water seal, or Joggle type water seal
- Clear overfall type water seal
- Baffle type water seal
- Stilling basin, Tumble way, Hydraulic energy dissipator, Water-stilling device, or Energy dissipating device
- Water cushion, Stilling pool, or Cistern
- Tailwater rating curve, or Downstream stage discharge curve
- Water-sediment complex
- Water level diagram
- Constriction water-meter
- Mixed water levels control gate
- Flushing water
- Superfluous water
- Extra water, or Escapages
- Surplus water
- Excess water, or Surcharge water
- Waste water
- Lockage water
- Thrift basin chamber, Economizing chamber, Water saving chamber, Thrift lock
- Headwater
- Tailwater
- Cut-water
- Sharp (nose) cut-water, or Pointed (nose) cut-water
- Blunt (nose) cut-water
- Circular (nose) cut-water, or Half round cut-water
- Segmental cut-water
- Straight (line, surface) sharp cut-water, Equilateral cut-water, or Sixty degree straight sharp cut-water
- Elliptical cut-water
- Asymmetrical (nose) cut-water
- Ease-water, Fairing
- Overall waterway
- Clear waterway, Clear span
- Water mill
- Water flour mill
- Pelton wheel, Pelton water wheel, Tangential turbine
- Groundwater conservation
- Groundwater mining
- Groundwater overdraft
- Water allowance
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Water right
- Water sales
- Water account
- Water requirement
- Period of shortage of water
- Excess water
- Water-right
- Waterman, or Water bailiff
- Watercourses
- Sub-watercourses
- Down the watercourse turn
- Round the watercourse turn
- Catchment management
- Leasing management
- Public service management
- Integrated production systems
- Flood management
- Nonstructural measures of flood management
- Structural measures of flood management
- Economic effectiveness of a flood management system
- Levee district, District water board, or Water board of polder
- Groundwater storeys
- Confined-water well
- Observation well, Groundwater station, Monitor well, or Piezometer
- Depleted phreatic surface, or Depleted water table
- Cone of depression, Cone of pumping depression, Cone of influence, Cone of exhaustion, Cone of water table depression, or Cone of pressure relief
- Artesian water power
- Prospecting (groundwater)
- Dowsing, Water witching, or Divining
- Dowser, Divining rod, Dipping rod, Water witching stick, or Wiggle stick
- Percussion drilling, Rope drilling method, Cable tool method, Standard method, Solid tool method, or Churn method
- Tool string
- Pool tool, or Wood rod method
- Fishing tool
- See-saw water lift, Picotah, Picottah, Piccota, or Pikota
- Improved water wheel, Chakram
- Water ladder, Chinese dragon wheel, Rahad
- Water wheel
- Undershot water wheel
- Irrigation from groundwater
- Irrigation by flood water spreading
- Preliminary watering
- First watering
- Injected water ratio, or Driving water ratio
- Irrigation water
- Profitable crop water requirement, or Unit water requirement
- Water requirement, Net water requirement, Total water requirement
- Optimum water requirement
- Irrigation water requirement, Irrigation need
- Critical water deficit
- Possible water expenditure
- Crop water requirement
- Actual water income
- Desired water income
- Duty, or Water duty
- Designed duty of water
- Economic water duty
- Consumptive water use or Consumptive use
- Effective water use
- Water application efficiency
- Water storage efficiency
- Irrigation efficiency, Farm irrigation efficiency, Farm delivery efficiency, Water conveyance and delivery efficiency, or Overall efficiency
- Irrigation water-requirement
- Available soil water storage
- Field water balance
- Groundwater table
- Method of water delivery
- Peak period crop water requirements
- Soil water stress
- Soil water content
- Soil water tension
- Total available soil water storage
- Total soil water storage
- Crop water use efficiency or Crop water use index
- Irrigation water use efficiency
- Level of satisfaction of the water requirement of users
- Surface water
- Perched water table
- Groundwater table
- Watershed
- Artesian water
- Water bearing
- Excess water
- Field capacity, Field moisture capacity, Normal field capacity, Normal capacity, Capillary capacity, Maximum field carrying capacity, Field capillary (moisture) capacity, Effective water holding capacity
- Free water
- Phreatic water
- Soil water head
- Total head, Total hydraulic head or Total soil water potential
- Unconfined water
- Water devide
- Backwater gate
- Water gate
- Waterproof cement
- Water repellent cement
- Water-reducing agent, or Wetting agent
- Water-repelling agent
- Water-cement ratio
- Moist curing, Water curing
- Bulk density, Void content, Specific gravity, Water absorption
- Water paints
- Water coffer dam
- Churn drill, Cable-tool drill, Churn drilling, Churn method, Cable-tool drilling, Cable-tool method
- Batchers, Aggregate batcher, Water batcher, Cement batcher
- Dewatering
- Semi-automatic field water distribution system, or Partially automatic system
- Water level control system (pumps)
- Management account of farm unit
- Efficiency of the resource management
- Water resources of artificial origin
- Soil management
- Water erosion
- Headwater erosion
- Aggressive water
- Total potential (of soil water)
- Soil water pressure
- Water content
- Soil Water Characteristics Curve
- Differential water capacity
- Soil water diffusivity
- Water control
- Watershed management
- Pond management
- Pasture management
- Grassed waterways, or Sod waterways
- Water salinity
- Waste water re-use
- Earth resources technology satellite (ERTS)
- Freshwater peat
- Natural resources
- Environmental resources
- Critical resources
- Resource management
- Recoverable resources
- Water Resource
- Cold‑water fishery
- Warm‑water fishery
- Hazardous waste management
- Water pollution
- Water quality
- Waterborne diseases
- Water disturbance
- Groundwater contamination
- Industrial wastewater
- Raw water
- Reclaimed water
- Receiving waters
- Cooling water
- Wastewater
- Sanitary wastewater
- Municipal wastewater
- Domestic sewage, Domestic effluents, Domestic wastes, or Domestic wastewater
- Sullage water
- Stormwater runoff
- Stormwater overflow:
- Combined wastewater
- Compatible industrial wastewater
- Wastewater reclamation, waste water treatment
- Clarified wastewater
- Dewatering
- Decomposition of wastewater
- Coagulated wastewater
- Filtered wastewater
- Disinfected wastewater
- Oxidized wastewater
- Slow rate wastewater land treatment
- Rapid infiltration wastewater land treatment
- Overland flow wastewater land treatment
- Water quality management
- Water quality standards
- Drinking water standards
- Composite water sample
- Water quality criteria
- Waste management
- Integrated pest control, Integrated pest management(IPM)
- Water penetration
- Dystrophic water
- Drinking water supply
- Potable water
- Soft water
- Hard water
- Brackish water
- Salt water intrusion
- Surface water problem
- Water‑gathering surface
- Water neutral surface
- Water‑spreading surface
- Ground-water table control ditch
- Land management
- Disaster risk management
- Groundwater flooding
- Risk management capacity
- Watershed
- Flood mark, High watermark, or Rack mark
- Flood meter, or Water level gauge
- Highest high water
- Overflowing, or Overtopping by high water level
- Water-retaining side, Wet side, or Outer side of the dike
- Emergency management
- Floodplain management
- Flood management
- Flood risk management
- Watercourse law
- Systems analysis, Operational analysis, System engineering, Mathematical modeling, Management science
- Management model
- Management space
- Natural Resources Vector
- Project inventory, or Inventory of resources
- Water tunnel
- Refraction (of water waves)
- Diffraction (of water waves)
- Project, Scheme, Water project, or Water resources development project
- Integrated
- Integrated river basin development
- Watershed project
- Municipal water
- Industrial water
- Domestic water
- Commercial water
- Public water
- Recreational uses of water
- Agricultural water use
- Artificial groundwater recharge
- Demand management
- Groundwater system, or Groundwater basin
- Integrated river basin management
- Water conservation
- Watercourse
- Water management
- Water policy
- Water resources
- Cost Management
- Heavily modified water body
- Surface water body
- Water services
- Water resources appraisal
- Water resources survey
- Available water supply
- Phases of water resources development
- Underground water basin
- Partially developed underground water basin
- Fully developed underground water basin
- Groundwater investigations, or Geohydrological investigations
- Geochemical and geothermal water surveys
- Acceptance Management
- Aid coordination and aid management
- Catchment management
- Change Management
- Communications Management
- Tools and plant
- Issue Management
- Quality Management
- Tender Management
- Increment in land revenue, Water advantage rate, or Canal advantage rate
- Water rate, Water charge, Irrigation rate, or Irrigation assessment
- Water rental
- Minimum water rental charge
- Volumetric water rate
- Occupier`s water rate, or Crop water rate
- Agreement water rate, or Lease water rate
- Differential water rate
- Domestic, municipal and industrial water benefits
- Economic value of unit of irrigation water
- Revenue value of a unit of irrigation water
- Farmer`s family labour income, Farmer`s labour return, or Management return
- Risk Management
- Detailed integrated river basin development report, or Basin report
- Freshwater Lens
- Integrated Assessment