The Office-Bearers of ICID shall be one President and, nine VicePresidents, who shall hold office in an honorary capacity (without remuneration), and one Secretary-General.


Present Office Bearers+

Secretary General, Comitato Nazionale Italiano ICID (ITAL-ICID) Ministero dell'Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimentare e delle Foreste - Via XX Settembre, 20 - 00187 - Rome

Director of Engineering, Société du Canal de Provence (SCP) and Chairman, Eau, Agriculture et Territoires (EAT) 500 rue Jean-François Breton 34093 Montpellier, Cedex 5

Chairman, South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (SANCID)
Executive Manager: Water Utilisation in Agric Water Research Commission
Private Bag X 03, Gezina 0031
Ex-Chairman, Central Water Commission (CWC) and Ex-Chairman, Indian National Committee on Irrigation (INCID), 2nd Floor, Room No .210 (South), Sewa Bhawan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-110066

Professor, Institute of Hydrology and Water Resources Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

Head, Agency of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea for Implementation of the Aral Sea Basin and GEF Projects (Agency of IFAS) Karasu - 4 Building 11 (5th floor), Tashkent 100187

Vice President of THAICID, Thai National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (THAICID) Executive Advisor on Irrigation Engineering (Operation and Maintenance) Royal Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, 811 Samsen Road, Thanon-NakornchaiSri, Dusit Bangkok 10300

Vice President, ICID
"Association Nationale des Améliorations Foncières, de l’Irrigation, du Drainage et de l’Environnement 2, Rue Haroun Errachid, Agdal, 10 080 Rabat

Malaysian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (MANCID) c/o Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Division of Irrigation and Agriculture Drainage 2nd Floor, Galeria PJH, No. 29 Precinct 4, 62570 Putrajaya

Secretary Tajikistan National Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (TajNCID), Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, 5/1 Shamsi str., Dushanbe, 734064

Secretary General ICID, 48 Nyaya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi - 110021
Past Office Bearers+
Presidents Honoraire-

Curriculum Vitae Full | Curriculum Vitae Brief |
Opening Remarks & Report by President Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab (74th IEC Meeting) | Participation List |
Dr. Ragab obtained his BSc. in Soil and Water Sciences (1970), MSc. in Irrigation (1974), and Ph.D, in Rural Engineering from the University of Leuven, Belgium (1982). Presently, he is serving as a Fellow Principal Hydrologist and Water Resources Management Specialist at UK Centre for Hydrology, Wallingford. As an editor at the Journal of Agricultural Science, he contributes to Cambridge University Press (2013-present). He is also serving as an Adjunct Professor at Soil and Water Sciences Dept., the University of Alexandria, Egypt since 2006.
He has more than 40 years of experience in irrigation, drainage, catchments hydrology, remote sensing application in hydrology, integrated water management, climate change impact on water resources, soil-water-plant- atmosphere relations, rainfall harvesting, use of poor-quality water (saline/brackish, treated wastewater) for crop production, organic farming and urban hydrology.
Dr. Ragab is also associated with many professional organizations which include: British Society of Soil Science Society, Irrigants Europe - IE, and European Soil and Land Use Management. He has contributed over 130 peer-reviewed publications, excluding reports, and developed models like IHMS, SALTMED 2019, and HYDROMED and has also received global awards and recognitions for his commendable work in the irrigation and drainage sector, including Egypt State Recognition and Merit Award for Scientific Achievements, The Baron’s 500: Leaders for the New Century, ICID Award of Excellence (2002, 2012, 2013, 2014) and Best Paper Award 2018.
Dr. Ragab has actively contributed to the ICID activities as the Vice President of ICID from 2010-2013 and has also served as the Chairman of the British National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID-UK) (2007- 2011) and headed many ICID working groups.
Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab
2020-2023, RU
Dr Ragab titulaire de Licence (B.Sc.)) en sciences des sols et de l'eau (1970), de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en Irrigation (1974) et de Doctorat en Génie Rural de l'Université de Louvain, Belgique (1982). Actuellement, il est hydrologue principal et spécialiste de la gestion des ressources en eau au Centre de l’hydrologie, à Wallingford, au Royaume-Uni En tant que Rédacteur de la Revue de la Science agricole, il contribue à Cambridge University Press (depuis 2013 jusqu’à présent). Depuis 2006, il a retenu le poste du Professeur adjoint au département des sciences des sols et de l'eau à l'Université d'Alexandrie, en Égypte.
Il possède une expérience de plus de 40 ans dans le domaine de l’irrigation, du drainage, de l’hydrologie des bassins versants, de l'application de la télédétection en hydrologie, de la gestion intégrée de l'eau, de l'impact du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau, des relations entre sol-eau-plante-atmosphère, de la collecte des eaux de pluie, de l'utilisation de l’eau de mauvaise qualité (saline / saumâtre, eaux usées traitées) en production agricole, de l'agriculture biologique et de l'hydrologie urbaine.
Le Dr Ragab est également associé à de nombreuses organisations professionnelles, notamment: British Society of Soil Science Society, Irrigants Europe - IE et European Soil and Land Use Management. Il a contribué à 122 publications sélectionnées, sauf des rapports, et a développé des modèles tels que IHMS, SALTMED 2019 et HYDROMED. Il a également reçu des prix et des reconnaissances mondiales pour son travail louable dans le secteur de l'irrigation et du drainage, y compris la reconnaissance de l'État égyptien et le Prix de la valeur pour les réalisations scientifiques, The Baron's 500: Dirigeants pour le siècle à venir, Prix CIID pour l’Excellence (2002, 2012, 2013, 2014) et Prix pour le meilleur rapport 2018.
Il a étroitement contribué aux activités CIID en tant que Vice-président de la CIID depuis 2010 jusqu’à 2013 et a également assuré la présidence du Comité national des Irrigations et du Drainage du Royaume-Uni (CIID-UK) (2007-2011) et a dirigé de nombreux groupes de travail CIID.

Eng. Reinders has been actively involved in the establishment of the South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (SANCID) as a member of ICID in 1993. He served as the Vice Chairman of SANCID from 1993-1999 and as its Chairman for the period 2000-2003 and 2008-2014. Eng. Reinders was elected as Vice President of ICID for the period 2005-2008. He successfully chaired and organized the 51st IEC Meeting and 6th International Micro Irrigation in South Africa in October 2000. Under his chairmanship for the period 2008-2011, SANCID was adjudicated as the Best Performing National Committee of ICID.

Dr. Nairizi, born in 1946, obtained his B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from Ahwaz University, Iran in 1968, Post Graduate Diploma in Soil and Water Engineering, from Cranfield Institute of Technology, England in 1974 and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Southampton University in 1977. Dr. Nairizi started his career as Agricultural Extension Officer in 1969 and since then he has worked in several academic and managerial positions in Iran. Dr. Nairizi is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers, European Water Resources Association and many other professional societies. He has been closely associated with ICID activities as member of ST-ARAL, WT-PQW, WG-ON-FARM, EB-JOUR. He is also Chairman of WG-IADWS. He is actively involved with various activities of Iranian National Committee (IRNCID). He has published several technical papers in English and Farsi and has authored books in Farsi in the field of irrigation and drainage. Dr. Nairizi is presently Managing Director with TOSS-AB Consulting Engineers in Iran.

Dr. Zhanyi has served as Chairman (2002-2003) of ICID`s Working Group on Young Irrigation Professionals Forum (WG-YPF), and as Convenor (2002-2005) of the Committee on Congresses/ Conferences (C-CONGR). He is a member of ICID Work Team on Use of Poor-Quality Water for Irrigation (WT-PQW), since 1999. He is the winner of ICID`s WatSave Young Professionals Award (1999).
Dr. Zhanyi has authored many technical papers related to irrigation and drainage and has edited/translated and published technical documents in Chinese.

Prof. Madramootoo is presently Professor of Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering in McGill University and Director of Brace Centre for Water Resources Management in McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Mr. Peter S. Lee (UK), born in 1945, obtained his BSc (Civil Engineering) in 1966 and MSc (Engineering Hydrology) in 1973 from Imperial College, University of London. After his early professional work in Turkey and Zambia, Mr. Lee joined the internationally renowned consultancy firm Mott MacDonald in 1973 and has since been involved with their many international land and water resources and environmental activities.
Besides UK, Turkey and Zambia he has worked in Oman, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Mr. Lee`s broad international water resources and sustainable development experience has given him a deep understanding of many differing forms of public and private sector institutional structures and of the importance of national and regional cultures and characteristics. He also has wide experience of the modus operandi of international funding agencies such as the World Bank, FAO, UNDP, the European Union and DFID (UK).
Mr. Peter Lee was Vice President ICID (1997-2000), and Chair - IPTRID Consultative Group (since 2000), Permanent Finance Committee (since 2003), Special Work Team on Aral Sea Basin (1998-2002), and member ICID Journal Management Team (since 2001), ICID Management Board (since 2004). He has served as Chairman of the British National Committee (1992 - 1994). Mr. Lee has authored many technical publications including "ICID Survey on Funding of Operation, Maintenance and Management of Irrigation Projects".

Mr. Keizrul has presented papers on Irrigation, drainage, floods, rivers and water resources in conferences and seminars at national and international levels. He has been involved in the field of irrigation, drainage, river engineering, flood mitigation and water resources planning and development for the past 26 years. In the 1980`s, he was the Chief Counterpart Officer of the National Water Resources Study. He is a registered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Member of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia and Chairman of the Malaysian National Committee on the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO. Ir. Keizrul was also Director General of Irrigation and Drainage Department, Malaysia.

Prof. dr. Bart Schultz graduated from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, and obtained his PhD degree on the topic Water Management of the drained lakes in the Netherlands from the same University. His career spans over 40 years of research, advising and project implementation in the field of land and water development, drainage, irrigation and environmental engineering. From 1973 - 1994 he worked for the IJsselmeerpolders Development Authority, most of the time as head of the Water Management Division. From 1994 - 2009 he worked for the Civil Engineering Department of Rijkswaterstaat where he was responsible for environmental impact studies on major hydraulic works, as well as for advice, design and implementation of large-scale environmental engineering projects, among others. The last years he was as top advisor involved in various hydraulic engineering projects.
From 1993 - 2012 he was holding a part time appointment as Prof. in Land and Water Development at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. Here he was responsible for education and research in Land and Water Development. His guidance enabled about 200 overseas participants in obtaining a Master of Engineering degree (MEng), about 190 a Master of Science degree (MSc) and 23 a PhD degree. From September 1999 to July 2002 he was President of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).
Since his retirement in 2012 he is collecting data on the Polders in the World. The results are being published in the form of country documents on the website of the Batavialand Museum in Lelystad under the link: https://www.batavialand.nl/en/cornelis-lelycentrum/water-management-polders
He is author of more than 350 articles in the field of land reclamation, drainage, irrigation and flood protection, and editor of several proceedings of National and International Conferences. From 2002 - 2020 he was Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage of ICID. He visited more than 35 countries to apprise, evaluate, advise, on land reclamation, drainage and irrigation projects.
He is a member of the International Water Academy, Oslo, Norway and winner of the 2nd World Irrigation and Drainage Prize.

Mr. Shady has a wide experience in policy development, public administration, soil salinity control and reclamation, environmental management, institutional strengthening and capacity building and is a member of several important professional associations such as American and Canadian Societies of Agricultural Engineering, International Soil Science Society, American Society of Agronomy etc. He has organized several international conferences and has served as Office Bearer of many professional organizations including ICID and the International Water Resources Association. He has been instrumental in the setting up of the World Commission on Water of which he is also President. Presently, Mr. Shady is Senior Policy Advisor, Water, Environment and Natural Resources, CIDA, Canada

An agricultural and civil engineer, Dr. Jensen has conducted and supervised irrigation and related soil management research. He has authored more than 100 technical papers and has edited the American Society of Agricultural Engineers Monograph on Irrigation Systems published first in 1980 and revised in 1983. He is the recipient of several awards and honors and has actively been involved in foreign research programs.

Prof. Holy has been engaged in the questions of water management, irrigation, drainage and water erosion. In 1957, he founded the Czechoslovak National Committee of ICID, and under his guidance were organized the Soil Water Symposium (1957), the International Seminar on Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (1958), the Conference on Economic Quantity of Irrigation Water (1961), Symposium on Large-area Spray Irrigation (1964) and the Water Erosion Symposium (1967). Also preoccupied with the problems of human environment, he founded the Cabinet on Human Environment at the Technical University of Prague in 1969, and became President of the Scientific Council for Human Environment. He held the membership of many prestigious professional bodies including the International Water Resources Association and the International Society of Soil Science.

Mr. Evgeni Evgenievich Alekseevsky (1906-1979) was a prominent organizer of socialist agriculture, member of the CPSU Central Committee, Deputy of the USSR Supreme Soviet, the Socialist Labour Hero, USSR Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Management. He has contributed much to strengthening and developing international cooperation in land reclamation and water management. He headed the Soviet delegation to meetings of Heads of Water Economy bodies of CMEA member countries, coordinating the cooperation between the Socialist countries in the field of land reclamation and water management. He also signed the International Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area. At his initiative the Russian versions of "Irrigation and Drainage in the World - A Global Review" and "the Multilingual Technical Dictionary on Irrigation and Drainage" were published. He was honored with the title of Hero of Socialist Labour, awarded 4 Orders of Lenin, 4 Orders of Red Banner, Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky and the Order of the Badge of Honour.

A civil engineer from the Ecole du Gnie Civil, Paris, Mr. Papadopoulos did his advanced studies on irrigation engineering as trainee of USBR. He was deputed by the Greek Government for studies of Reclamation techniques and practices en many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. He has worked for 35 years in the field of reclamation with the Greek Ministry of Agriculture. He founded the Greek National Committee of ICID and it is through his initiative that Greece became a member state of ICID in 1957. He has authored more than 70 scientific and technical papers and was decorated by Greek Royal Orders apart from receiving many awards and citations for outstanding activities and service.

He was awarded the high distinction of "PADMA BHUSHAN" by the President of India in 1961 "for distinguished services of a high order".
After retirement President Honoraire Gulhati worked as Water Resources Consultant to many State Governments in India and as Consultant to IBRD (1963), as Consultant to the International Development Association (1963-1973), and as Consultant to United Nations (Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, now ESCAP) in 1969.
He has been rightly called the "Father" of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, as it was he who conceived this organization. The proposal of setting up of the Commission was mooted to the Government of India by him in 1946. The Commission was set up in the year 1950 and Mr. Gulhati was elected as its first Secretary General. He served ICID as founder Secretary General from 1950 to 1957, as Vice President from 1957 to 1960, and as President from 1960 to 1963.
Besides engineering and scientific papers contributed to the national institutes (e.g. Punjab Engineering Congress; Institution of Engineers, India) and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Mr. Gulhati had some 20 books and publications to his name.
Mr. Gulhati was always amongst the foremost supporters of ICID and did everything possible to promote the objects of ICID. He was the founder Editor of the ICID Bulletin. He was responsible for getting the land for the office building of the Central Office of the Commission in the prestigious Diplomatic Enclave. His mature leadership, dynamic personality and diplomatic and adroit handling of all matters won him universal respect and endearment with all the members of the International Executive Council.

Vice Presidents Honoraire+

Dr. Tsugihiro Watanabe (born in 1953), obtained his Doctorate in Agriculture from Kyoto University, Japan, Dr. Watanabe has research experience of about 45 years related to irrigation management, rural hydrological regime and climate change impacts on basic hydrology and agriculture. His case study areas cover both humid and arid areas, mainly in Japan, Inner-Mongolia of China, California, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Egypt. Dr. Watanabe started his career as Research Asstt (1984-89) and Associate Professor (1989-1995) of Kyoto University; Associate Professor of Osaka Prefecture University (1995-2001); Associate Professor and Professor of Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (2001-2003) and a Professor of Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University from 2013-2019.
Presently, he is Chair of ASRWG, and Member of PCTA, TF-WWF9. He also actively involved and contributed to the ICID Working Group on CLIMATE, DROUGHT, IADWS, PERF and ST-LCB. He also attended several IEC, Congresses and WIFs of ICID and held various positions in professional associations.
Prof. Dr. Tsugihiro WATANABE, Vice-Président (2021-2024), Japon
Dr. Tsugihiro Watanabe (né en 1953), titulaire du Doctorat en agriculture de l'Université de Kyoto, au Japon, possède une expérience de 45 ans dans le domaine de recherche liée à la gestion de l'irrigation, au régime hydrologique rural et aux impacts du changement climatique sur l'hydrologie de base et l'agriculture. Ses domaines d'étude de cas couvrent à la fois des régions humides et arides, principalement au Japon, en Mongolie intérieure de Chine, en Californie, au Kazakhstan, en Turquie et en Égypte. A commencé sa carrière en tant qu'Adjoint de recherche (1984-89) et Professeur associé (1989-1995) à l'Université de Kyoto; Professeur associé de l'Université de la préfecture d'Osaka (1995-2001); Professeur associé et Professeur à l'Institut de recherche pour l'humanité et la nature (2001-2003) et Professeur à l'École supérieure d'études environnementales mondiales de l'Université de Kyoto de 2013 à 2019.
Il est actuellement Président du GTRAS et membre du CPAT, EP-WWF9. Il a activement participé et contribué au Groupe de travail CIID sur le CLIMAT, la SECHERESSE, l'IADWS, la PERF et l’ES-LCB. Il a également assisté à plusieurs CEI, Congrès et WIF de la CIID et a occupé divers postes dans des associations professionnelles.

Er. Aziz Fertahi (born in 1968) has obtained his master’s degree in Rural Engineering from IAV Hassan II, Rabat. Presently, he holds four positions in various capacities, viz.
1. Director of LABOROUTES; 2. President of ANAFIDE; 3. President of Regional Branch of the Moroccan General Confederation of Entreprises (CGEM) 4. Vice President, National Association of Buildings and Vivil Engineering Laboratories and has 25 years of experience in Rural Infrastructure in irrigated and micro-irrigated zones.
He is very well acquainted with issues and challenges of modernizing irrigated agriculture, agricultural sector and rural areas. He attended various ICID events and support ANAFIDE in carrying out its activities. He is Regional President of CGEM for the Region of Meknës Ifrane, and member of various professional association.
M. Aziz FERTAHI, Vice-Président (2021-2024), Maroc
Ir. Aziz Fertahi (né en 1968), titulaire de la maîtrise en génie rural de l'IAV Hassan II, Rabat. À l'heure actuelle, il occupe quatre postes à divers titres, à savoir.
1. Directeur de LABOROUTES; 2. Président de l'ANAFIDE; 3. Président de succursale régionale de la Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc (CGEM); 4. Vice-Président, Association Nationale des Laboratoires du Bâtiment et du génie civil, et possède une expérience de 25 ans dans le domaine des Infrastructures Rurales des régions irriguées et micro-irriguées.
Il connaît très bien les préoccupations et défis de la modernisation de l'agriculture irriguée, du secteur agricole et des régions rurales. Il a assisté à divers événements CIID et a soutenu l'ANAFIDE dans la réalisation de ses activités. Il est Président Régional de la CGEM pour la Région de Meknës Ifrane, et membre de diverses associations professionnelles.

Er. Alireza Salamat (born in 1968) is M.Sc. in Irrigation and Drainage. Presently, he is Deputy for International Affairs, Ministry of Energy, Islamic Republic of Iran, is responsible for overseas projects either exporting engineering services and / or exchange up-to-date science and technology finance and investment on water projects from the targeted countries. He also acts as the Deputy Director of UNESCO Regional Centre on Urban Water Management, Tehran and he has served UNESCO for more than 15 years, mainly working in the hydrological cycle. He has authored and edited several papers and publications on integrated water resources management, drought mitigation strategies, climate change / variability and its impacts on urban water systems, groundwater management and water ethics.
Mr. Salamat has been a member of ICID family since 2003 by attending several ICID annual meetings (IEC and ICID Congresses) as the Secretary and Chair of the Young Irrigation Professional, Member of the Permanent Finance Committee as well as the Task Force on World Water Forum 9 (WWF9).
M. Ali Reza Salamat, Vice-Président (2021-2024), Iran
Ir. Alireza Salamat (né en 1968) est titulaire de M.Sc. en Irrigation et Drainage. Actuellement, Adjoint aux affaires internationales, ministère de l'Énergie de la République islamique d'Iran, il est responsable des projets à l'étranger, soit l'exportation des services d'ingénierie et/ou l'échange de financements et d'investissements scientifiques et technologiques à jour sur des projets d'eau des pays ciblés. Il agit également en tant que Directeur adjoint du Centre régional de l'UNESCO sur la gestion des eaux urbaines, à Téhéran et il a servi l'UNESCO pendant plus de 15 ans, travaillant principalement dans le cycle hydrologique. Auteur et rédacteur de plusieurs articles et publications sur la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau, les stratégies d'atténuation de la sécheresse, le changement/la variabilité climatique et ses impacts sur les systèmes d'eau urbains, la gestion des eaux souterraines et l'éthique de l'eau.
Membre de la famille CIID depuis 2003, il a participé à plusieurs réunions annuelles CIID (CEI et Congrès CIID) en tant que Secrétaire et Président du Jeune Professionnel en Irrigation, Membre du Comité Permanent des Finances ainsi que du Groupe de Travail sur le 9e Forum Mondial de l'Eau Mondiale (WWF9).

Dato’ Ir. Nor Hisham Bin Mohd. Ghazali is the Director-General of the National Institute of Water Research Malaysia (NAHRIM), Ministry of Environment and Water. He holds a B. Sc. in Civil Engineering from California State University and a Masters’ Degree in Coastal and Maritime Engineering from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Previously, he served the Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia for 34 years in operational, technical, management and policy positions and culminating as Director General.
Dato’ Nor Hisham also serves as a Member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia, Member of the Council of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia and Chairman of the Malaysian Water Partnership (MyWP). Dato’ Ir. Nor Hisham is also a Vice-President Hon. of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID). He aspires to position NAHRIM towards becoming a leading research institute for water and environment in the region.
Dato` Ir. Nor Hisham bin Mohd Ghazali
2020-2023, Malaisie
Dato‘Ir. Nor Hisham bin Mohd Ghazali (né en 1962), est titulaire de maîtrise en ingénierie (Côtière & Maritime) d'Université de Technologie, Malaisie en 2008. A présent, il est Directeur général du Département d'irrigation et de drainage, Malaisie. Possède une expérience de 24 ans dans le domaine de l'ingénierie de la gestion de l'eau et de l'irrigation. Au cours de sa carrière de deux décennies, il a dirigé plusieurs projets de la gestion de l'eau à grand budget ayant une valeur de 235 millions de dollars et a reçu 13 prix internationaux et nationaux. Son engagement auprès de la CIID a commencé il y a 14 ans en 2006 par sa contribution au comité technique de la 3ème Conférence régionale asiatique. En outre, il a également reçu la reconnaissance en tant qu'ingénieur professionnel agréé par l'ASEAN, professionnel agréé en contrôle de l'érosion et des sédiments et ingénieur professionnel agréé avec un certificat de pratique. Sur la base de sa spécialisation, il a été nommé expert en gestion côtière par le Département de l'irrigation et du drainage, Malaisie.

Eng. Rafat Nael AbdulGhani Al-Intaki (born in 1978), is a Graduate in Irrigation and Drainage Engineering from Baghdad University, College of Engineering in 2003 and Postgraduate Diploma in Geographic Information Systems Science from Technology University in 2015. Presently, he is Chief Engineer in the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources. He has a professional experience of 17 years. He has undergone several international courses, viz. Short course in irrigation and soil salinity in 2008 by Rural Solution SA/ Australia; Advanced GIS training course in 2009 by USAID / Tatweer, International Water Law in 2013 by UN Institute for Training and Research, Switzerland; Law of Transboundary Aquifers in 2014 etc. He was also a Joint Coordinator of ICID Young Professionals` e-Forum from 2016-2019.
Ing. Rafat Nael Abdul Ghani Al-Intaki
2020-2023, Irak
Ing. Rafat Nael Abdul Ghani Al-Intaki (né en 1978), titulaire de Licence en ingénierie de l'irrigation et du drainage de l'Université de Bagdad, de l’institut de l’ingénierie en 2003 et de Licence de troisième cycle en science des systèmes d'information géographique de l'Université de technologie en 2015. A présent, il est ingénieur en chef au ministère irakien des ressources en eau. Il possède une expérience professionnelle de 17 ans. Il a suivi plusieurs cours internationaux, à savoir, Cours de courte durée sur l'irrigation et la salinité des sols en 2008 par Rural Solution SA / Australie; Cours supérieur de formation en SIG en 2009 par l’USAID / Tatweer, Droit international de l'eau en 2013 par l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche, Suisse; Droit des aquifères transfrontières en 2014, etc. Il était co-coordinateur du Forum électronique des jeunes professionnels CIID de 2016 à 2019.

Dr. Choi, Jin-Yong (born in 1966), obtained Ph.D from Seoul National University in 1996. Presently, he is Professor in the Department of rural Systems Engineering, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University. He is currently President of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers. He has a speciality in irrigation and drainage engineering on agricultural water resources management. His research career has also devoted in the interdisciplinary research on ICT application, climate change, nexus etc. He also attended various events of ICID and is a member of WG-Climate and EG-Journal. He was bestowed with international and national awards.
Dr Choi, Jin-Yong (né en 1966), titulaire du doctorat de l'Université nationale de Séoul en 1996. A présent, professeur au Département d'ingénierie des systèmes ruraux, de l’institut de l'agriculture et des sciences de la vie de l’Université nationale de Séoul. A présent, Président de la Société coréenne des ingénieurs agricoles. Il se spécialise en ingénierie d'irrigation et de drainage sur la gestion des ressources en eau agricoles. Sa carrière de chercheur s'est également consacrée à la recherche interdisciplinaire sur l'application des TIC, au changement climatique, aux liens, etc. Il a également assisté à divers événements de la CIID et est membre du GT-Climat et CR-Revue. Il est lauréat des prix internationaux et nationaux.

Dr. Mochammad Amron, Indonesia, a conservation and Land Reclamation Engineer completed his masters from Reading University, UK in 1981 and obtained his doctorate degree from Texas Tech University in 1993. With more than 30 years of rich experience in the irrigation and drainage sector Dr. Mochammad has been actively involved in teaching, research, assessment, extension, project management and administration. His professional journey witnessed multifarious organizations like World Bank, Indonesian Hydraulic Engineer Association, INA Global Water Partnership, and International Commission on Large Dam- Director of Certification Board. He was the former Director General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works, and Republic of Indonesia and has worked in varying capacities with the Indonesian government from 1976 to 2012. He has been associated with ICID as an active Asian working group member and is currently serving as the Executive Director Member of Indonesian Water Partnership, Indonesian National Water Resources Council.
Dr. Mochammad Amron
2019-2022, Indonésie
M. Mochammad Amron, ingénieur de la conservation et de la remise en état du terrain, titulaire de maîtrise en 1981 à la Reading University, au Royaume-Uni, et de doctorat en 1993 à la Texas Tech University. Possède une experience de plus de 30 ans dans le domaine d’irrigation et de drainage. Il est impliqué activement dans le domaine de l’enseignement, de la recherche, de l’évaluation, du développement, de la gestion du projet et de l’administration. Son voyage professionnel a été témoin d'organisations variées telles que la Banque mondiale, l'Association indonésienne d'ingénieurs en hydraulique, le Partenariat mondial pour l'eau INA et la Commission internationale des grands barrages – Directeur du Bureau de la certification. Ancien directeur général des ressources en eau du ministère des Travaux publics et de la République d'Indonésie, il a exercé diverses fonctions auprès du gouvernement indonésien de 1976 à 2012.
Il a été associé à la CIID en tant que membre actif du Groupe de travail regional asiatique et occupe actuellement le poste du Directeur exécutif du Partenariat indonésien sur l'eau du Conseil national indonésien des ressources en eau.

Dr. Hesham Mostafa, Egypt, obtained his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage, from Colorado State University, USA. He was the Former deputy chairman of the Egyptian National Committee for Irrigation and Drainage (ENCID) and the President of ENCID from 1st April 2019. He has been very active in its activities for the last 10 years. He has attended many international conferences and workshops for ICID, WIF and WWF and he was the chairman of the regional training sector, and former director of the water management research institute of the Ministry of water resources and irrigation of Egypt Dr. Hesham Mostafa is a prolific professional in the field of Irrigation and Drainage, water management, capacity development and building in all water resources fields and large experience for Nile basin initiative.
Prof. Dr. Hesham Mostafa Mohamed Ali
2019-2022, Egypte
Dr. Hesham Mostafa, Egypte, titulaire de doctorat en génie civil, irrigation et drainage, de la Colorado State University, États-Unis. Il a assure le poste du Vice-Président du Comité national égyptien des irrigations et du drainage (ENCID) et du Président de l'ENCID à compter du 1er avril 2019. Il a entrepris des activités depuis 10 ans. Il a participé à de nombreuses conférences et ateliers internationaux de la CIID, du WIF et du WWF. Il était Président du secteur régional de la formation et ancien Directeur de l'institut de recherche sur la gestion de l'eau du ministère égyptien des Ressources en eau et de l'irrigation.
Dr. Hesham Mostafa est un professionnel prolifique dans le domaine de l’irrigation et du drainage, de la gestion de l’eau, du développement des capacités et du renforcement des capacités dans tous les domaines des ressources en eau et posseède une vaste expérience dans l’initiative du bassin du Nil.

Dr. Shavkat Khamraev
2019-2022, Ouzbekistan
M. Shavkat Khamraev (Ouzbékistan), titulaire de diplôme avec mention de l’Institut d’ingénierie de la recherche et de la mécanisation agricole de Tachkent en 1986 et de diplôme en génie hydraulique. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme, il a travaillé à l'Institut de recherche pour l'irrigation d'Asie centrale (SANIIRI), où il était engagé dans les activités scientifiques visant à développer la gestion de l'eau. Ses recherches ont porté sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité et de l'utilisation rationnelle de l'eau agricole. En 1995, il a soutenu sa thèse et fut devenu candidat aux sciences agricole. En plus des activités scientifiques, il possède une experience pratique de trente ans.
Sh. Khamrayev a continuellement animé le secteur de l'eau en République depuis plus de 14 ans. En tant que ministre de la gestion de l'eau de la République d'Ouzbékistan, il a accompli un travail considérable dans le développement de la gestion complexe de l'eau du pays et a obtenu des résultats concrets en matière de gestion et d'utilisation de l'eau, améliorant l'état des terres irriguées, construisant et modernisant canaux, stations de pompage et réservoirs d’eau, tout en introduisant les technologies d’irrigation permettant des économies d'eau etc. Il assure maintenant la présidence du Comité national de l'Ouzbékistan des irrigations et du drainage (UzNCID) depuis 2005.

Mr. Ahmed BOUARI is presently serving as Director in the Directorate of Irrigation and Agricultural Planning (DIAE) at the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development and Forests. Prior to that he was the Head of the Development Division / Directorate of Irrigation and Agricultural Land Planning from 2009-2013. Born in 1964 at Ouezzane, Morocco, Mr. BOUARI started his professional career as GR engineer in Project Coordination Unit PMH 2 financed by the World Bank. He later went on to head the office of the hydro-agricultural development works in charge of the preparation and the follow-up of rehabilitation works programs of the hydro-agricultural installations at national level. During his administrative career, he participated in several internships, trainings programmes and seminars. He steered many projects under his able guidance and was in charge of irrigation and agricultural land planning programs at the national level including: National Program on conservation of irrigation water; Irrigation Expansion Program; Public Private Partnership Program in Irrigation; National Program for Development of rangeland. Mr. BOUARI also provided technical support to enforcement agencies to conduct studies and implementation of hydro-agricultural, land and rangeland development projects. Additionally, he is the President of the Association of Rural Engineers of Morocco (AIGR) and the Moroccan Inter-professional Irrigation Network (REMIG). He is also the Member of the International Association of 'Mediterranean Exchanges for Water, Forest and Development' headquartered in Paris. Mr. BOUARI has made remarkable contributions to the success of ANAFIDE activities related to ICID domain of work and has been a vital nodal point for the development of ANAFIDE missions and its cooperation with ICID over the years.
Mr. Ahmed BOUARI
2018-2021, Maroc
M. Ahmed BOUARI est actuellement Directeur de l’Irrigation et de l’Aménagement de l’Espace Agricole (DIAE) au Ministère de l’agriculture, de la pêche, du développement rural et des forêts. Avant cela, il était chef de la division du développement / de la direction de l'irrigation et de l'aménagement du territoire agricole de 2009 à 2013. Né en 1964 à Ouezzane au Maroc, M. BOUARI a débuté sa carrière professionnelle en tant qu'ingénieur GR au sein de la Cellule de Coordination du Projet PMH 2 financé par la Banque Mondiale. Ensuite, il est devenu le chef de bureau des travaux d’aménagement hydro- agricoles chargé de la préparation et du suivi des programmes de travaux de réhabilitation des aménagements hydro-agricoles au niveau national.
Durant sa carrière administrative, il a participé à plusieurs stages, formations et séminaires. Il a dirigé plusieurs projets sous sa direction et était responsable des programmes de l’irrigation et de l’aménagement de l’espace agricole à l’échelle nationale, y compris le Programme National de l’Economie d’Eau en irrigation ; le Programme d’Extension de l’Irrigation ; le Programme de Partenariat Public Privé en Irrigation ; et le Programme National de développement des Parcours. M. BOUARI a également fourni un appui technique aux agences d’exécution en matière de conduite des études et réalisation de projets d’aménagement hydro- agricole, foncier et de parcours. En outre, il est Président de l’Association des Ingénieurs du Génie Rural du Maroc (AIGR) et le Président du Réseau Marocain Interprofessionnel de l’Irrigation (REMIG). Il est également membre de l’Association Internationale ‘Echanges Méditerranéens pour l’eau, la forêt et le développement’ dont le siège est à Paris.
M. BOUARI a apporté des contributions remarquables au succès des activités menées par l’ANAFIDE liées au domaine de travail CIID et était un point nodal essentiel pour le développement des missions ANAFIDE et sa coopération avec la CIID au fil des années.

Dr. Marco Arcieri (Italy) - 2023-2026
Dr. Marco Arcieri is presently the Secretary General of the Italian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ITAL-ICID). In his professional career spanning more than 25 years, he has contributed to various studies and research in agricultural water management, land and water resources development, irrigation and drainage, flood prevention, drought monitoring, forecasting and mitigation. With his wide expertise, he has visited around 40 countries in order to implement International research projects and to attend Advanced Professional Specialization Courses. From 1996-2002 he worked as a Researcher with the Department of Crop Yield University of Basilicata, Italy as a researcher, working on aspects connected with Crop Yield and Productivity. From 2002-2006, he attended the Department of Crop Systems, Forestry and Environmental Sciences of University, Italy, wherein he completed his Ph.D.
His activity has been focused on the study of social and economic characteristics of agriculture in irrigated areas, in order to provide technical assistance to farmers on irrigation, within the framework of Research Projects co-financed by EU, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Public Works. He has been a member of ICID since 2008 and was elected as Vice President of ITAL-ICID in 2011. He is being appointed by ICID as the Permanent Observer to UN Agencies FAO and IFAD. Since April 2017, he is the representative within the Global Framework on Water Scarcity (GFWS) now WASAG - an International initiative coordinated and fostered by UN FAO to cope with water scarcity under the threat of climate change. He is also a member of the Interim Steering Committee and Focal Point for the Working Group on Sustainable Use of Water Resources of WASAG led by ICID. Dr. Arcieri is also a member of the FAO-WWC driven initiative Water Accounting in Agriculture and Head of the Regional Node for the Mediterranean Area within the International Research Program for Irrigation and Drainage (IRPID) Program of ICID.
In addition to the above, he was Vice President of ICID for the term 2018-2021, and also served as Chair and Member of some of the ICID Working Groups, to name a few, viz. Permanent Finance Committee, Chair of European Regional Working Group, Working Group on Water Food Energy Nexus (WG-WFE-N), Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST), TF-GPP, TF-ILMDM etc.
Dr. Marco Arcieri (Italie) - 2023-2026
Dr. Marco Arcieri assure maintenant le poste du Secrétaire général du Comité national italien des irrigations et du drainage (ITAL-ICID). Au cours de sa carrière professionnelle de plus de 25 ans, il a contribué à diverses études et recherches menées dans le domaine de la gestion des eaux agricoles, du développement des ressources en terres et en eau, de l’irrigation et du drainage, de la prévention des inondations, de la surveillance, de la prévision et de l’atténuation des sécheresses. Grâce à sa vaste expertise, il a visité une quarantaine de pays pour mettre en œuvre des projets de recherche internationaux et suivre des cours de spécialisation professionnelle avancée. Depuis 1996 à 2002, il a travaillé avec le Département de la production agricole de l’Université de Basilicate (Italie) en tant que chercheur, travaillant sur les aspects liés au rendement et à la productivité agricole. Depuis 2002 à 2006, il a fréquenté le Département des systèmes agricoles, des forêts et des sciences de l’environnement de l’Université d’Italie, où il a obtenu son doctorat.
Il a mis l’accent sur l'étude des caractéristiques économiques et sociales de l'agriculture dans les zones irriguées, afin de fournir une assistance technique aux agriculteurs en matière d'irrigation, dans le cadre de projets de recherche cofinancés par l'UE, le ministère italien de l'agriculture et le ministère des travaux publics. Membre de la CIID depuis 2008, il fut élu vice-président de l’ITAL-ICID en 2011. Il est nommé par la CIID comme Observateur permanent auprès des agences des Nations Unies FAO et FIDA. Depuis avril 2017, il représente le «Le Cadre mondial contre la pénurie d’eau dans l’agriculture (GFWS) maintenant appelé WASAG - une initiative internationale coordonnée et encouragée par la FAO pour faire face à la pénurie d'eau liée à la menace du changement climatique. Il est également membre du Comité directeur intérimaire et le point focal du Groupe de travail sur «l'utilisation durable des ressources en eau» du WASAG dirigé par la CIID. Le Dr. Arcieri est également membre de l’initiative FAO-WWC sur la «Comptabilisation de l’eau en agriculture» et chef du nœud régional pour la région méditerranéenne dans le cadre du programme international de recherche pour l’irrigation et le drainage (IRPID) de la CIID.
En plus de ce qui précède, il a été Vice-Président de la CIID pour la période 2018-2021, Président et Membre de certains groupes de travail CIID, notamment le Comité Permanent des Finances, Président du Groupe de Travail Régional Européen, Groupe de Travail sur les liens entre l’Eau l’Alimentation l’Energie (GT-WFE-N), Groupe de Travail sur l'Histoire de l'Irrigation, du Drainage et de la Lutte contre les Inondations (GT-HIST), EP-GPP, EP-ILMDM, etc.

Er. Hayashidas contribution to ICID activities dates back to 2002 during the 18th Congress and 58th IEC held in Montreal, Canada. He participated in various ICID Meetings (2014-2016, 2002 and 1998) and served as the President of the Japanese Association of ICID since 2014. He served as Secretary General of JNC-ICID from 2002 to 2004. In addition, Er. Hayashida actively served as a member of ASRWG and PFC of ICID since 2014. Born in 1953, Er. Hayashida completed his Bachelors in Agriculture from Kyoto University, Japan and M.Sc. from University of California Davis, C.A U.S.A. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Japanese Society of Rural Development Engineers and as Vice-President of the Japanese Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Engineering, which is the largest academic organization for irrigation and drainage in Japan.

Dr. Wahlin has been an active member of USCID for several years, having made technical presentations during the USCID conferences, and has also chaired an USCID conference. He was an active participant during the 2nd World Irrigation Forum and a panel expert during the 23rd ICID Congress held in Mexico City in October 2017. He is currently the President of the U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (USCID) and Vice-President of WEST Consultants, Inc. managing their WEST's Tempe, Arizona office.

Dr. Reddy is the Director of Water and Land Management Training and Research Institute (WALAMTARI), Hyderabad since 2012. He did his Masters (1984) and Ph.D (2002) from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. Dr. Reddy has rich experience of above 30 years in teaching, research, extension, project management and administration. Under his supervision, he successfully guided the Norwegian funded "ClimaAdapt Project implemented in Nagarjuna Sagar project area during 2012-17. Dr. Reddy has established collaboration with the international centre of excellence in water resources management (ICEWaRM), Adelaide, Australia and organized 15 Australia Award fellowships during 2016. He has organized various national and international events successfully.
He has been actively involved in ICID activities since 2008. Dr. Reddy has successfully organized two side events, during the 22nd ICID Congress held in Gwangju, South Korea in 2014 and the 2nd World Irrigation Forum held in Chiang Mai, Thailand 2016, involving WALAMTARI, FAO, Norwegian Institute of Bio-Economy and other international partners. He was also the recipient of ICID WatSave Technology Award in 2008. Since 2010, he is the Secretary of I CID's WG-Water & Crop Workbody and actively contributing to the mandate. He has contributed to a number of scientific papers, articles and technical reports.

Dr. Bondarik has contributed more than 150 scientific papers, articles and technical reports on land reclamation; reclaimed agro landscapes etc. in Russian language with more than 15 in English. She has been conferred with Honorary Employee of the Agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation and Commemorative Medal for 50 years on The Large-Scale Programme for Land Reclamation in Russia in 2016.
Currently Dr. Bondarik is a Leading Researcher of the Department on Ecosystem Water Management and Economy of the All-Russian Scientific Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Land Reclamation and Secretary General of the National Committee of the Russian Federation on Irrigation and Drainage (RUCID) (since 1998).

Presently, Mr. Nazir is the Country Manager (Pakistan) and Regional Director (South Asia) of the Mott MacDonald Group and is responsible for overall business development and management of Group's affairs in Pakistan and policies within the region. Mr. Nazir is also the Managing Director, MM Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd., a local multidisciplinary company providing consultancy services to client in the field of engineering, management and community participation projects.

Mr. Madhav Belbase, born in 1963, obtained his M. Engg. (Water Resources Management) from Lueneburg University, Germany in the year 1996. Mr. Belbase has been conferred with DAAD Prize for his outstanding performance in the thesis submitted as the partial fulfilment of the M.Engg in 1996. He has over 28 years of working experience in various levels in the Government of Nepal. He has represented his country in several bilateral meetings on water resources with India.
Mr. Belbase has contributed many articles in irrigation journals of Nepal. He is a member of the Working Group on Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Irrigation / Drainage System Management (WG-IOA).
Presently, Mr. Belbase is the Joint Secretary in Water and Energy Commission Secretariat, Nepal and President, Nepal National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (NENCID).

Prof. Dr. Charlotte de Fraiture (born 1962) obtained her Ph.D in Civil Engineering with specialisation in Water Resources Management from University of Colorado, USA. Besides she also holds two master degrees, one in Economics from University of Colorado and the other in Tropical Land and Water Management (Irrigation Engineering) from Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands. Presently, she is Professor in Hydraulic Engineering for Land and Water Development, Department of Water Science Engineering, UNESCO -IHE Delft, The Netherlands.
Prof. Charlotte has more than 25 years of experience in research in agricultural water management, global water supply and demand, water economics, water pricing, irrigation management, irrigation performance, project leader of research projects, design, quality control and supervision of construction and rehabilitation works of village irrigation schemes etc. She has peer reviewed more than 100 publications of which some are for Google Scholar and journal papers. At present, Prof. Charlotte is involved in the ICID Vision 2030 process.

Mr. Makin has more than four decades of experience in water resources management and has widened his management skills from specialized research project management to a competency in multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural management and organizational development through a series of challenging appointments and personal training. He has authored and co-authored over 60 journals which includes articles, reports and book chapters etc.

Dr. Mohamed Wahba is the vice president honorary of the international commission on irrigation and drainage (ICID)has an integrated and diverse experiences in the fields of Irrigation, Drainage, Integrated water resources management, drought and floods management, conventional and non-conventional water resources, rainwater harvesting, advance micro irrigation technologies, agribusiness technologies, Sustainable Development Goal’s, strategies, climate smart agricultural, climate change mitigation and adaptation, “water, food, energy nexus”, supervision of the implementation of irrigation and drainage projects, field studies, evaluation of the use of advanced agricultural drainage technologies and the use of drainage water for irrigation, as well as savings in irrigation water, advanced drip irrigation technologies, development and management of water resources. In addition to design and implementation of policies and strategies for water and food security, follow-up implementation of large projects, planning and implementation of coastal protection projects, preparing of training strategy of Ministries, designing and implementing various training programs in all fields related to water resources, irrigation and drainage, drought management, training needs assessment, capacity building for all different functions at the ministry level, coordination of international conference, workshop, events, forums jointly with international organizations and donors.
Dr. Wahba has gained extensive experience in the field of strategy development and follow-up of the implementation of projects between 2007 and 2015, where he worked in the technical office of the Deputy Minister and then as General Director of the technical Office of the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in Egypt, and led various teams of professionals. During this period, it has been proven that his managerial ability and technical leadership in relevant work environments; demonstrated the ability to take initiatives, analyze complex issues quickly and accurately evaluate and make recommendations for decision-making, good governance in decision-making and performance management, and showed the impact on strategic decisions.
Dr. Wahba, was representative the Egyptian government in several international and regional forums, including the International Commission on Irrigation, Drainage and the United Nations, where he was elected as Vice-President of ICID and Chairman of the African regional Working Group of ICID, Chairman of Capacity Development, Training and Education Working Group of ICID, was a representative of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the ESCWA Water Committee for more than 6 years, was the coordinator of cooperation between the Ministry and similar ministries in China and Iraq, he is the Former chairman of ENCID and now he is an international visiting scientist to chines academy of science. During his career, Dr. Wahba has very strong networks and cooperation with many international scientists, experts organizations, biggest companies with state of arts in the fields of agribusiness, solar power energy for irrigation, water resources management, advanced irrigation, drainage technologies, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment and reuse and use of non-conventional water resources and climate smart agriculture.

Dr. Ding has actively participated in ICID activities and serving as member since 2012 of the ICID Working Group on Poor Water Quality Irrigation (WG-PWQ), serving as Core Member of scoping document preparation for new WG on irrigation management transfer of ICID (2014), and attended many IECs and Congresses.

Er. Ashwin B. Pandya (born in 1955), an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, he did his M.Tech in Structural Engineering (1983). Er. Pandya has over 40 years of professional experience in water resources and irrigation planning, design, implementation, and financing. He has a sound knowledge of various aspects of irrigation and drainage engineering with a strong competence of leveraging technologies in core areas, especially Information Technology. He specialises in the dam design and related activities. He has over twenty technical publications in his credit.
Er. Pandya began his career with the Central Water Commission (CWC) in 1977 as Assistant Director and later served as its Chairman. In his professional career, he occupied top positions in various Government of India (GoI) offices under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), including Director General, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) and Chairman & Managing Director, National Projects Construction Corporation (NPCC). He also served as the Vice President of ICID for the period 2014-16 and made active contribution to the various activities of the Commission.
An avid proponent of irrigation and hydropower projects, he has been a key figure behind the establishment of International flagship event ‘India Water Week’ for MoWR, which is presently in its fifth edition and also established the ‘National Conference on Dam Safety’, an annual event with assistance from World Bank funded Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP). Formerly, Chairman, Central Water Commission (an apex body under Government of India) in New Delhi, India.

Mr. Laurie Tollefson obtained his M.Sc. (Soil Physics) from University of Saskatchewan in 1985. At present he is working as National Science Manager, Agricultural Water, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. He is the Secretary - Treasurer, Canadian National Committee, ICID (CANCID) and Canadian Executive Member (CANCID Secretariat) since 1992. Mr. Tollefson has served the Canadian Government and the profession of irrigation and drainage in Canada and other countries (Egypt, China, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Chile, Cuba and Iran) for more than 30 years. He is also associated with various professional societies which include, Canadian Water Resources Association; Canadian Committee on Irrigation and Drainage; Agriculture Institute of Canada, Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, American Society of Agronomy etc. Mr. Tollefson was bestowed the Distinguished Agrologist Award Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists in 2009. CANCID recognized his outstanding contribution to the sustainability of land resources under irrigation and drainage in 2002. Mr. Tollefson is also associated with various voluntary activities.
In ICID, Mr. Tollefson is the Chairman of the Task Force on Water for Bio-energy and Food (TF-BIOENERGY) since 2010 and Vice Chairman of WG-Poverty, and Member of WG-CROP since 1992. He has also been member of many committees on various occasions for ICID work. Mr. Tollefson has authored / presented more than 20 papers in various publications / fora.

Dr. Hüseyin GŰNDOĞDU (born in 1965) obtained his M.Sc. (Agricultural) from Thrace University, Department of Agriculture Structure and Irrigation in 1988 and Ph.D (Agricultural) from Aegean University, Dept. of Agriculture Structure and Irrigation in 2002.
Dr. GŰNDOĞDU has a thirty year-experiences by working on Irrigation and Drainage during his employment at DSı (The General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works of Turkey and GDRS (General Directorate of Rural Servicesof Turkey) and as a private consultant in Azerbaijan. He was the Thematic Coordinator at World Water Forum 5 in Istanbul.He was actively involved in publishing Turkey Witer Report 2009 for WWF-5. His specializations include: Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation and Drainage Systems (with specialization in preparing O&M manual for Water User Association, Irrigation groups and Water Suppliers) and preparing water delivery plan for the main system based on crop water requirements using computer programmes. He worked as a consultant for a World Bank project in Azerbajan. Dr. GŰNDOĞDU is also a Member of Chamber of Agricultural Engineers and has authored / presented numerous papers in various publications / fora.

Mr. François Brelle (born in 1951) obtained his Postgraduate degree from Centre des Hautes Etudes de la Construction, 1974. Presently, Mr. Brelle is Director, Engineering Division, Société du Canal de Provence, France. This division is in charge of the design in the fields of hydraulic developments, the environment and rural development. Mr. Brelle is the Vice Chairman of the TF-WWF6 and Member of WG-MIS, PCTA, and PFC. He is president of the French National Committee of ICID (AFEID) since 2008.
He has more than 37 years of professional experience, essentially in projects related to water storage, conveyance, pumping and distribution: irrigation, pumping stations, canals, feeder pipe line, reservoirs, treatment plants, urban drainage.
Mr. François Brelle worked on numerous irrigation and multipurpose hydraulic projects to be rehabilitated with a view to evaluating and improving the Operation & Maintenance conditions and associated training requirements in Morocco, Haiti, France, Mauritania and Sri Lanka. He also has expertise in management of water, operation and maintenance of infrastructure and the hydraulic networks.

He is also associated with various professional societies which include: Member Governing Body of Pakistan Engineering Council, Member Executive Council Institute of Engineers Pakistan, Member, Governing Body Government Engineering Academy, Punjab, Elected Vice President, Britannia Alumni Association of Pakistan (BAAP) and life Member of Old UETians Association. Engr. Ahmad has the honour of also getting elected as President Pakistani Students Society and National Union of Students, UK Engr. Ahmad is the ever-youngest President of Pakistan Engineering Congress in its 94 years of history. Presently, he is Director General in Senate of Pakistan.

He has forty-five years of experience broadly span from design to land classification surveys and operation and maintenance of irrigation projects. Mr. Prechawit was also the project manager of three large irrigation improvement projects in Northeast Thailand financed by the World Bank and KfW of the Federal Republic of Germany. He retired as Chief Inspector General of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and actively involved as Honorary Advisor to Royal Irrigation Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Mr. Prechawit is also associated with various professional societies which include: The Engineering Institute of Thailand and Thai Hydrologist Association etc. He actively participated in several events of ICID including IECs and Congresses.

Curriculum Vitae Full | Curriculum Vitae Brief |
Opening Remarks & Report by President Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab (74th IEC Meeting) | Participation List |
Dr. Ragab obtained his BSc. in Soil and Water Sciences (1970), MSc. in Irrigation (1974), and Ph.D, in Rural Engineering from the University of Leuven, Belgium (1982). Presently, he is serving as a Fellow Principal Hydrologist and Water Resources Management Specialist at UK Centre for Hydrology, Wallingford. As an editor at the Journal of Agricultural Science, he contributes to Cambridge University Press (2013-present). He is also serving as an Adjunct Professor at Soil and Water Sciences Dept., the University of Alexandria, Egypt since 2006.
He has more than 40 years of experience in irrigation, drainage, catchments hydrology, remote sensing application in hydrology, integrated water management, climate change impact on water resources, soil-water-plant- atmosphere relations, rainfall harvesting, use of poor-quality water (saline/brackish, treated wastewater) for crop production, organic farming and urban hydrology.
Dr. Ragab is also associated with many professional organizations which include: British Society of Soil Science Society, Irrigants Europe - IE, and European Soil and Land Use Management. He has contributed over 130 peer-reviewed publications, excluding reports, and developed models like IHMS, SALTMED 2019, and HYDROMED and has also received global awards and recognitions for his commendable work in the irrigation and drainage sector, including Egypt State Recognition and Merit Award for Scientific Achievements, The Baron’s 500: Leaders for the New Century, ICID Award of Excellence (2002, 2012, 2013, 2014) and Best Paper Award 2018.
Dr. Ragab has actively contributed to the ICID activities as the Vice President of ICID from 2010-2013 and has also served as the Chairman of the British National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID-UK) (2007- 2011) and headed many ICID working groups.
Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab
2020-2023, RU
Dr Ragab titulaire de Licence (B.Sc.)) en sciences des sols et de l'eau (1970), de maîtrise (M.Sc.) en Irrigation (1974) et de Doctorat en Génie Rural de l'Université de Louvain, Belgique (1982). Actuellement, il est hydrologue principal et spécialiste de la gestion des ressources en eau au Centre de l’hydrologie, à Wallingford, au Royaume-Uni En tant que Rédacteur de la Revue de la Science agricole, il contribue à Cambridge University Press (depuis 2013 jusqu’à présent). Depuis 2006, il a retenu le poste du Professeur adjoint au département des sciences des sols et de l'eau à l'Université d'Alexandrie, en Égypte.
Il possède une expérience de plus de 40 ans dans le domaine de l’irrigation, du drainage, de l’hydrologie des bassins versants, de l'application de la télédétection en hydrologie, de la gestion intégrée de l'eau, de l'impact du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau, des relations entre sol-eau-plante-atmosphère, de la collecte des eaux de pluie, de l'utilisation de l’eau de mauvaise qualité (saline / saumâtre, eaux usées traitées) en production agricole, de l'agriculture biologique et de l'hydrologie urbaine.
Le Dr Ragab est également associé à de nombreuses organisations professionnelles, notamment: British Society of Soil Science Society, Irrigants Europe - IE et European Soil and Land Use Management. Il a contribué à 122 publications sélectionnées, sauf des rapports, et a développé des modèles tels que IHMS, SALTMED 2019 et HYDROMED. Il a également reçu des prix et des reconnaissances mondiales pour son travail louable dans le secteur de l'irrigation et du drainage, y compris la reconnaissance de l'État égyptien et le Prix de la valeur pour les réalisations scientifiques, The Baron's 500: Dirigeants pour le siècle à venir, Prix CIID pour l’Excellence (2002, 2012, 2013, 2014) et Prix pour le meilleur rapport 2018.
Il a étroitement contribué aux activités CIID en tant que Vice-président de la CIID depuis 2010 jusqu’à 2013 et a également assuré la présidence du Comité national des Irrigations et du Drainage du Royaume-Uni (CIID-UK) (2007-2011) et a dirigé de nombreux groupes de travail CIID.
Dr. Willem F. Vlotman (born in 1952) obtained B.Sc. Civil Engineering (1975), M.Sc. Agricultural Engineering (1982), Ph.D Irrigation and Agricultural Engineering (1985), and MBA, Agribusiness (2004).
Willem was born in the Netherlands and completed his BSc in the Netherlands in 1975. Then as part of his work and further studies travelled the world: Jamaica, USA (where he completed both his MSc and PhD in 1982 and 1985), Sri Lankan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Egypt, The Netherlands, and Australia (since 2004). In all those years he has been active in ICID and was Chairman of the Working Group on Drainage from 2001 – 2013. He is co-author of a book on Modern Land Drainage (2004, 2nd edition 2020). In Australia he was heavily involved in flood modelling at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. Since November 2017 he is happily retired and busier than ever.
Dr. Laszlo G. Hayde, Hungary (b. in 1958) obtained Doctorate in Fluid Mechanics from Technical University of Budapest (1995), M.Sc. in Civil Engineering with Specialization in Hydraulic Engineering (1982).
Presently, Dr. Hayde is working as Programme Manager of the Master Programmes and Senior Lecturer in Irrigation Engineering, IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands.
Dr. Hayde has been associated with ICID since 1998. He has been Secretary General of the Hungarian National Commiittee, HUCID (2000-2004) and was elected as Vice President of HUCID in 2008.
Dr. Hayde has been Vice President of ICID, elected for the period 2009-2012, was Secretary of European Regional Working Group, ERWG (2005-2010) and Chaiman of ERWG (2010-2015), member of Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST) since 2001, has been member of the Permanent Finance Committee, PFC (2004-2011) and Vice Chairman of PFC (2009-2011). He is Associate Editor of the ICID Journal - Irrigation and Drainage since 2015, and was chief editor of the ICID Publication Danube Valley, History of Irrigation and Flood Control (2004).
Dr. Hayde has more than 42 years experience in consulting, education and research in water and environmental planning and management, hydraulic engineering, fluid mechanics, EU Water Framework Directive, environmentally sound solutions in hydraulic engineering, environmental impacts and assessment, history of Hydraulic engineering and water management; 36 years experience in education management, organizations and management of education programmes, at faculty, university and institute level, management of accreditation processes, curricula development. He is also associated with various professional societies.

Mr. Bajaj retired as the Chairman, Central Water Commission (CWC) and Ex-officio Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Water Resources. He is also a member of Permanent Committee for Technical Activities (PCTA), Permanent Finance Committee (PFC) and ICID Staff Committee (SC).
Mr. Bajaj has more than 35 years of experience in Planning, design and conceptualization of Water resources of the country at macro level, appraisal of major and medium multipurpose water resources projects, undertaking flood management activities on an annual basis and advising the Central Government. He holds membership of various professional societies.

Dr. Samia El-Guindy obtained her Ph.D in Land Reclamation from Martin Luther University, Germany (1976). Currently, Dr. El-Guindy is an Emeritus Professor in the National Water Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt and Director of the Egyptian Dutch Advisory Panel Project on Water Management / APP. She participated in various events of ICID and also served as member of workbodies. She received the prestigious Egyptian National Award in Agriculture Science (Soil and Water Science) in the year1986 and Certificate of Honour from H.E. President Hosny Mobarak in 1990. Dr. El-Guindy has published over 200 reports, which includes journal articles and scientific researches in the different fields of water management. She holds membership in the Egyptian and Global Water Partnership as well as many other national professional organizations and scientific associations.

At present, he is working as Chairman of the German National Committee of ICID (GECID) and Head of Division of Water Management Issues in Rural Areas, Coastal Protection, Transport, Post and Telecommunication at Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection in Germany. He has attended numerous ICID IECs and Congresses. He is a member of WG-ENV since 1997, and Chairman of ERWG since 2002. He organized ICID 21st European Regional Conference (2005) in Germany and Poland.
Previously, he was Assessor for Civil Service, Federal State Govt., Northshire. He worked on water resources and waste management issues for Regional Govt., Cologne. Since 1980 he was working in the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, where he is now heading the division of Water Management Issues in Rural Areas.
Protection, Transport, Post and Telecommunication. In this capacity, he is also the chairman or member of several Working Groups at national and international level, mainly dealing with inland and coastal flood protection, drinking and wastewater management, surface and ground water quality management and agricultural water management. He has worked for the World Bank in Greece and Poland and in Russia for the EU.

At present, he is working as Project Manager / Coordinator of Sustainable Development of Aras Border River Project, YEKOM Consulting Engineering, Iran. Dr. Shiati is a member of ICID Workbodies ASRWG and WG-PQW.
His work experience includes - (1) Director of Water Resources Department (1991-till date); (2) Project Manager/Coordinator of Central Consultant for Irrigation Improvement Project (1993-2001); (3) Project Manager of Diversion Dams and Irrigation and Drainage Networks for Jereh, Khesht and Dulaki Plains, Phase II studies (1984-1987); (4) Senior Water Resources Engineer in Ministry of Agricultural Jihad & Japan International Corporation Agency (1984); and (5) Water Resources Engineer (1977-1983).

At present, he is working as Director in Irrigation and Agricultural Drainage Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industries in Malaysia and is responsible for Irrigation and Agricultural Drainage Development of the country. He is also involved in the field of irrigation, drainage, river engineering, flood mitigation and water resources at various positions and capacities within the Department of Irrigation and Drainage (DID).
Ir. Ghazalli is involved in ICID activities since 1996 and has attended every ICID conference since then. At present, he is working in three ICID workbodies viz. ASRWG, WG-SDTA and C-CONGR. His contributions to ICID include organizing workshops, seminars, talks, discussions, papers and projects on irrigation and drainage at local, regional and international level. He is currently Chairman of MANCID.

Dr. Svendsen has worked in USAID/Washington, managing irrigation assistance projects in the Asian region, in irrigation and water policy research with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and in the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). For the past 11 years he has worked as an independent consultant to governments and international lenders in the field of water resource planning and management. Dr.Svendsen has work experience in more than 25 countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. He has authored/co-authored more than 100 journal articles, book chapters, and professional papers and organized and facilitated more than 20 professional workshops and conferences. He is an Associated Editor of the journal Irrigation and Drainage Systems and a member of the International Water Resources Association (IWRA).

Dr. Zhanyi has served as Chairman (2002-2003) of ICID`s Working Group on Young Irrigation Professionals Forum (WG-YPF), and as Convenor (2002-2005) of the Committee on Congresses/ Conferences (C-CONGR). He is a member of ICID Work Team on Use of Poor-Quality Water for Irrigation (WT-PQW), since 1999. He is the winner of ICID`s WatSave Young Professionals Award (1999).
Dr. Zhanyi has authored many technical papers related to irrigation and drainage and has edited/translated and published technical documents in Chinese.

Eng. Reinders has been actively involved in the establishment of the South African National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (SANCID) as a member of ICID in 1993. He served as the Vice Chairman of SANCID from 1993-1999 and as its Chairman for the period 2000-2003 and 2008-2014. Eng. Reinders was elected as Vice President of ICID for the period 2005-2008. He successfully chaired and organized the 51st IEC Meeting and 6th International Micro Irrigation in South Africa in October 2000. Under his chairmanship for the period 2008-2011, SANCID was adjudicated as the Best Performing National Committee of ICID.

Dr. YooMan HUH, born October 1944, obtained Ph.D. Degree in Agricultural/Civil Engineering from Korea. He started his career as Engineer in United Nations Korea Upland Development and Watershed Management Project, UNDP/Korea (1971-1974); Lecturer, College of Agriculture, Seoul National University (1978-1979); Engineer in Farmland Development and Reclamation Division and Special Area Development Division, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1974-1987); Deputy Director, Rural Community Development Planning and Policy Making, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1987-1995); Director, Farmland Rearrangement Division, Agricultural Policy Office, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1995-1997); Director, Rural Water Resources Division, Rural Development Bureau, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (1997-1999); and Director General, Rural Research Institute, Korea Agricultural and Rural Infrastructure Corporation (KARICO) (2000-2003).
Dr. HUH is presently Honorary Chairman of Korean National Committee of ICID; Member of Steering Committee for Frontier Research Project, Ministry of Science and Technology; Vice President of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers; Vice President of Korean Society of Rural Development Planning; Member of Korean Society for Biological Production Facilities and Environmental Control; and Member, Saemangeum Environmental Committee, Office of Prime Minister.
Dr. HUH has been actively involved in ICID actives since 1992 and has participated in numerous activities of ICID and other bodies, both internationally and nationally. He has published several papers, has been a co-author and author of more than 10 publications in the field of agricultural engineering.

Dr. El-Atfy is associated with several professional committees, such as Syndicate of Engineers, Irrigation Society of Egypt, Steering Committee for Water and Land Policies, Steering Committee for Water Boards Project, etc. Dr. El-Atfy is involved with several ICID workbodies and is Chairman of WT-WATS since 2001. He has published more than 30 papers in different journals and proceedings and authored the Book of "Land Drainage in Egypt".At present Dr. El-Atfy is Sector Head, Minister`s Technical Office, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Egypt and Secretary of Egyptian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (ENCID).

Dr. Guluyk is involved with several ICID workbodies and actively participated in numerous activities, both internationally and nationally. He is the guiding force behind the Russian version of the Multilingual Technical Dictionary. He has published more than 15 papers and has organized international conferences.
Dr. Guluyk is a member of Editorial Board of Bimonthly Russian Journal "Land Reclamation and Water Management, and Full Member of the Academy of Water Management Sciences. He is presently Head of the Department of Land Reclamation and Water Management of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation; Chairman of Russian National Committee of ICID; and Deputy Chairman of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation.

Mr. Jeyaseelan joined the Central Water Commission in December 1969 as Assistant Director and has held various positions in the department and handled several prestigious project responsibilities. Apart from his responsibilities at various levels in CWC, he has held the post of Director, Central Water and Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune, on additional charge, for over a year and the additional charge of Executive Member, Narmada Control Authority (NCA), Indore for eighteen months. He has also worked with the Water and Power Consultancy Services (India) Limited (WAPCOS) for about seven years on consultancy assignments in India and abroad. Mr. Jeyaseelan has wide experience in the field of Water Resources Development, Planning, Design, Monitoring and related research. His fields of specializations are; Planning and Design of Hydro-power Schemes, Hydrological Observations, Flood forecasting and Monitoring of Projects.
Mr. Jeyaseelan has travelled widely including United Kingdom, United States of America, Columbia, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Mozambique, Oman, Japan, Norway, China and France under various programmes.
Mr. Jeyaseelan has participated in a number of National and International seminars and Symposia and has contributed over a dozen of technical papers. He is also member of several professional bodies.

Mr. Musa has worked as Assistant General Manager, General Manager, and Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer - Niger Basin Development Authority. Member of Governing Council of Yaba College of Technology (1986-1990); Member of Board of Directors of Chad Basin Development Authority (1993-1995); Member of the Joint Committee on the Review of Commercialisation of River Basin Development Authorities (1995-1996); Member of the Joint Committee on the Optimisation of Resources of River Basin and Rural Development Authorities (1997); Member of West African Sub-Regional Expert Consultation on Water and Food and Rural Development, 1999; and Member of Board of Directors Upper Niger River Basin and Rural Development Authority, Minna (2000 to date). He is a Fellow of Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNSE) since 1999. Presently Engr. Musa is Federal Director of Irrigation and Drainage, Nigeria.

Prof. Cai has been actively involved in ICID activities since 1986, worked as Executive Secretary of Chinese National Committee of ICID (CNCID) for more than 10 years and is now Vice Chairman of CNCID. In July 2002 he was elected as Vice President of ICID for a term of three years, authored/co-authored more than 60 papers and several books in the field of water and soil management for agriculture.

Prof. Musy is a Member of IASS; CIGR, ICID, EURAGENG; ORSTOM (France); CEMAGREF (France); AIH (USA); ASAE; IAH (India); Member of the Consulting Editorial Board of Journal of Irrigation and Drainage System, Journal of Water Science and International Electronic Journal of Agriucltural. He is Chairman, Swiss National Committee of ICID since 1988. At present Prof. Musy is Director, Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Switzerland and Professor in Agricultural Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Dr. Taniyama is presently Advisor of the Japanese Association of Rural Sewerage Cooperation and also President of the Japanese Association of ICID.

Ing. Contijoch is presently General Director of FIRCO (Trust Fund for Share Risk) acting as a Technical Agent of the Agricultural, Livestock and Rural Development Ministry, Mexico. He is also President of the Mexican National Committee of ICID (MXCID).

Dr. Nairizi, born in 1946, obtained his B.Sc. degree in Agricultural Engineering from Ahwaz University, Iran in 1968, Post Graduate Diploma in Soil and Water Engineering, from Cranfield Institute of Technology, England in 1974 and Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Southampton University in 1977. Dr. Nairizi started his career as Agricultural Extension Officer in 1969 and since then he has worked in several academic and managerial positions in Iran. Dr. Nairizi is a member of American Society of Civil Engineers, European Water Resources Association and many other professional societies. He has been closely associated with ICID activities as member of ST-ARAL, WT-PQW, WG-ON-FARM, EB-JOUR. He is also Chairman of WG-IADWS. He is actively involved with various activities of Iranian National Committee (IRNCID). He has published several technical papers in English and Farsi and has authored books in Farsi in the field of irrigation and drainage. Dr. Nairizi is presently Managing Director with TOSS-AB Consulting Engineers in Iran.

Prof. Kwun is presently Professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture, Life Sciences, Seoul National University from 1980.

Presently, Dr. Malano is Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental and Director of International Technology Centre, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Prof. Madramootoo is presently Professor of Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering in McGill University and Director of Brace Centre for Water Resources Management in McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Mr. Keizrul has presented papers on Irrigation, drainage, floods, rivers and water resources in conferences and seminars at national and international levels. He has been involved in the field of irrigation, drainage, river engineering, flood mitigation and water resources planning and development for the past 26 years. In the 1980`s, he was the Chief Counterpart Officer of the National Water Resources Study. He is a registered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Member of the Board of Engineers, Malaysia and Chairman of the Malaysian National Committee on the International Hydrological Programme (IHP) of UNESCO. Ir. Keizrul was also Director General of Irrigation and Drainage Department, Malaysia.

Mr. Dimick obtained his B.E.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah (USA). He has over 56 years of experience in water, land and power management which includes areas of water service contracts; operation and maintenance of water and power projects; water conservation practices, and designing and installing on-farm drainage systems. He worked with USBR for 30 years and retired as its Assistant Regional Director, Sacramento, CA. During his USBR service he was responsible for various operations at Coulee Dam, Washington; Provo, Utah; Carson City, Nevada; Washington D.C.; Sacramento, California; etc. Mr. Dimick has professional affiliations with American Society of Civil Engineers, US Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Nevada Water Resources Association, etc. He is Vice President of ICID from 1998-2001.

Mr. van der Merwe has attended several ICID International Congresses and was instrumental in South Africa becoming a member of ICID. He is also the Chairman of the South African National Committee of ICID and a member of ICID Permanent Committee for Technical Activities, Vice Chairman of Africa Focus Group and Chairman of Working Group on Impacts of Drought on Irrigated Agriculture. He is also ICID Strategy Theme Leader on the subject: Systems. Currently Mr. van der Merwe is Deputy Executive Director of WRC since 1981. He is Vice President of ICID from 1997-2000..

Mr. Peter S. Lee (UK), born in 1945, obtained his BSc (Civil Engineering) in 1966 and MSc (Engineering Hydrology) in 1973 from Imperial College, University of London. After his early professional work in Turkey and Zambia, Mr. Lee joined the internationally renowned consultancy firm Mott MacDonald in 1973 and has since been involved with their many international land and water resources and environmental activities.
Besides UK, Turkey and Zambia he has worked in Oman, Sudan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Mr. Lee`s broad international water resources and sustainable development experience has given him a deep understanding of many differing forms of public and private sector institutional structures and of the importance of national and regional cultures and characteristics. He also has wide experience of the modus operandi of international funding agencies such as the World Bank, FAO, UNDP, the European Union and DFID (UK).
Mr. Peter Lee was Vice President ICID (1997-2000), and Chair - IPTRID Consultative Group (since 2000), Permanent Finance Committee (since 2003), Special Work Team on Aral Sea Basin (1998-2002), and member ICID Journal Management Team (since 2001), ICID Management Board (since 2004). He has served as Chairman of the British National Committee (1992 - 1994). Mr. Lee has authored many technical publications including "ICID Survey on Funding of Operation, Maintenance and Management of Irrigation Projects".

Dr. Farhoudi was Chairman of the Working Group on Irrigated Agriculture under Drought and Water Scarcity (WG-IADWS) until 2000.

He is a valued and active participant in ICID activities and is Vice President Hon. of ICID, in-charge of one of the strategic themes Basin (earlier Policy), and worked as President of the French National Committee of ICID (AFEID). He was the lead person for formulating the ICID Position Paper on Irrigation and Drainage Services -Some Principles and Issues Towards Sustainability jointly with ICID and the Task Force 3.
He has several publications to his credit in the field of Water Management, Hydraulics, Economics and Institutional Aspects. He has also been involved in the organization of international seminars and workshops.

Mr. Yu, Kuen-Hak, born 1935, graduated in Agricultural Engineering from the Seoul National University (1960) and obtained a Diploma from Australia (1965). He has worked in the Rural Development Bureau (RDB) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and was Director, Special Area Development Division (1978-1980, 1983-1988, 1990), and Vice Director General (1990-1992) in the Bureau. He is the Vice President of Korean National Committee, ICID; President Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers; and Member, Korean Professional Engineers Association. Director General of RDB, MAFF, Korea. He was Vice President of ICID from 1993-1996.

Prof. dr. Bart Schultz graduated from the Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, and obtained his PhD degree on the topic Water Management of the drained lakes in the Netherlands from the same University. His career spans over 40 years of research, advising and project implementation in the field of land and water development, drainage, irrigation and environmental engineering. From 1973 - 1994 he worked for the IJsselmeerpolders Development Authority, most of the time as head of the Water Management Division. From 1994 - 2009 he worked for the Civil Engineering Department of Rijkswaterstaat where he was responsible for environmental impact studies on major hydraulic works, as well as for advice, design and implementation of large-scale environmental engineering projects, among others. The last years he was as top advisor involved in various hydraulic engineering projects.
From 1993 - 2012 he was holding a part time appointment as Prof. in Land and Water Development at the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education. Here he was responsible for education and research in Land and Water Development. His guidance enabled about 200 overseas participants in obtaining a Master of Engineering degree (MEng), about 190 a Master of Science degree (MSc) and 23 a PhD degree. From September 1999 to July 2002 he was President of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID).
Since his retirement in 2012 he is collecting data on the Polders in the World. The results are being published in the form of country documents on the website of the Batavialand Museum in Lelystad under the link: https://www.batavialand.nl/en/cornelis-lelycentrum/water-management-polders
He is author of more than 350 articles in the field of land reclamation, drainage, irrigation and flood protection, and editor of several proceedings of National and International Conferences. From 2002 - 2020 he was Chairman of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Irrigation and Drainage of ICID. He visited more than 35 countries to apprise, evaluate, advise, on land reclamation, drainage and irrigation projects.
He is a member of the International Water Academy, Oslo, Norway and winner of the 2nd World Irrigation and Drainage Prize.

Mr. Shady has a wide experience in policy development, public administration, soil salinity control and reclamation, environmental management, institutional strengthening and capacity building and is a member of several important professional associations such as American and Canadian Societies of Agricultural Engineering, International Soil Science Society, American Society of Agronomy etc. He has organized several international conferences and has served as Office Bearer of many professional organizations including ICID and the International Water Resources Association. He has been instrumental in the setting up of the World Commission on Water of which he is also President. Presently, Mr. Shady is Senior Policy Advisor, Water, Environment and Natural Resources, CIDA, Canada

Mr. Larry D. Stephens, B.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering) and M.B.A. , is a General Engineer with the US Bureau of Reclamation since 1960. He joined the US National Committee of ICID in 1966, was appointed its Executive Secretary in 1971 and its Executive Vice President in 1984. He has attended all IECs since 1971, and was responsible for the successful planning and operations of the 12th Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Fort Collins, 1984. He is the First Executive Vice President of the American Water Foundation established in 1984, Executive Director of the US National Committee of ICOLD since 1986, and a member of several professional societies. He was Vice President of ICID from 1989-1992.

Prof. Pereira was born on 13 August, 1942 in Elvas, Portugal; received a doctoral degree in Hydrology from Zurich (1977) and a post-doctoral degree in irrigation and drainage from Lisbon (1980); was Professor since 1970 and Head since 1983. Agricultural Engineering, Technical University, Lisbon; He was Director General, Hydraulics and Agriculture Engineering, Ministry of Agriuculture 1977-1980; member of the Research Centre, Scientific Board and several specialised committees; responsible since 1985 for research coordination orientation in irrigation and drainage at National Institute of Agriculture Research, etc. He was Vice President of ICID from 1987-1990.
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Agronomy, University of Lisbon (luis.santospereira@gmail.com). Invited Professor at CIHEAM/IAM-Bari, Italy, University of Porto and University of Azores, Portugal. Research adviser at Universities in China and Brazil. Doctor honoris causa, University of Rousse, Bulgaria. Hon. President of CIGR, and Hon. Vice-President of the ICID. Member, Portuguese Academy of Engineering, the “Accademia dei Georgofili”, Italy, the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, the Académie d’Agriculture de France and the Int. Academy of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. Fellow, Portuguese Association of Engineers. Recipient of numerous awards conferred by ICID, CIGR and European Water Resources Association, various national and foreign institutions from Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Equator, India, Italy, Japan, Libia, Mexico, and USA. Consultant to FAO, UNDP and UNESCO.
Former leader of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Research Centre, and of the thematic area of Climate Change and Water Scarcity at LEAF, ISA-ULisboa. Former coordinator of research projects on irrigation water management on the North China Plain, the Yellow River Basin, the Aral Sea Basin and a network on Irrigation of Latin-American countries. Benchmark contributions/achievements refer to crop evapotranspiration (co-author of FAO56 Crop Evapotranspiration. Guidelines for Computing Crop Water Requirements), modelling the soil water balance (leader for developing of the ISAREG and SIMDualKc models) with applications to irrigation management in various countries, and water scarcity and droughts (author of Coping with Water Scarcity. Addressing the Challenges, a Springer book) and directing drought-related studies in various countries and regions. Author or co-author of a large number of papers in journals, book chapters, and conference speeches and papers. Editor/co-editor of several books and special issues of Journals, namely the special issue of Agric. Water Manage. on Updates and Advances to the FAO56 Crop Water Requirements Method, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2020.106697.

Dr. Jose Maria Martin Mendiluce was born on 31 January, 1925. Graduating as Civil Engineer in 1950. He worked at the Tajo Hydrographic Confederation upto 1957, and then moved to the studies section of the General Directorate of Hydraulic Works. In 1963 he was appointed Head of the Division of Techniques and Hydraulic Structures at the General Directorate of Hydraulic Works, since 1968, he is Director, Hydrographic Studies Centre, Ministry of Works and Urbanism, Government of Spain. He has been actively associated with numerous studies of irrigation and water supply projects in Spain, Ecuador, Venezuela and Dominican Republic. Special mention may be made of the Madrid water supply project (Western Solution) and the projects of Tajo-Segura Transfer and Ebro-Eastern Pyrennees Treansfer, all in Spain. He was President of Spanish National Committee, ICID and Vice President of ICID from 1983-1986.

Mr. Barrett has a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Denver and is a registered professional engineer. In September 1981, Mr. Barrett was appointed Regional Director of the Upper Colorado Region, Bureau of Reclamation. Prior to this assignment he had been Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation since August 1976. He began his career with the Bureau of Reclamation in 1956 as an engineer in the Denver Office of Design and Construction after graduation from the University of Denver in 1954 and a 2 years tour of duty with the US Army. In 1958, he was assigned to the Concrete Dams Branch in Denver and, in 1959, transferred to Sacramento as a hydraulic engineer. He also served on the Board of Directors of the United States National Committee of the World Energy Conference. He was granted the Department of the Interior`s Meritorious Service Award. He was Vice President of ICID from 1981-1984.

Mr. Walter G. Schulz is a consulting water and land engineer in Sacramento, California, USA. He has a BS degree in civil engineering from the University of California. From 1938 until 1960 he was employed by the State of California in its water resources agencies and attained the position of Assistant State Engineer and Chief Engineer from Design and Construction. Since April 1977 he has been an individual consultant in water and land resources and a Senior Consultant to Leeds, Hill and Jewett, Inc. He is a Fellow of the ASCE and is a member of the US Committee of ICID, US Committee on Large Dams, AGU, AAAS, ASA, SSSA, AICE, Consulting Engineers Councili, Chi Epilson and Tau Beta pi. He served as Chairman of the US National Committee of ICID from 1975-1977, and Vice President of ICID from 1978-1981.

Dr. Shtepa was born in 1922, graduated from the Azerbaijan Agricultural Institute and got sthe speciality of the Hydraulic Engineer. In 1971 he was the USSR Deputy Minister of Land Reclamation and Water Management. He is the author and co-sordinator of large scale development in the integrated use of land and water resources in the Volga. He offered a number of ingenious engineering decisions for canal protection against thaw and storm water. He is the author of 110 books and articles among them being Land Improvement in the USSR, Land Reclamation and Water Management in Bulgaria, Land Irrigation and Drainage in Iraq, Water Management in Kuwait, Land Reclamation and Water Management in the USA and many others. Beginning from 1973 he was the Chairman of USSR National Committee, ICID. He was Vice President of ICID from 1977-1980.

Mr. Tome Kuzmanovski,, Dipl. Engineer in agriculture and Master of Science in Agriculture-Irrigation was born in 1926 in Macedonia, distinctly arid and region of Yugoslavia where irrigation is most developed. He completed his studies at the Faculty of Agriculture and the 3rd degree in meliorations.He was president of Yugoslav Society on Drainage and Irrigation, Yugoslav National Committee of ICID. He participated in all expert manifestation (seminars, symposia, consultations, congress) in Yugoslavia dealing with land improvement problems. Mr. Kuzmanovski, being an Assistant Federal Minister to the Government of Yugoslavia is responsible for the management and development of water resources in the country. He is author of a large number of works in water resources management which have appeared in leading Yugoslav publications. He was Vice President of ICID from 1977-1980.

Mr. Kantor was born on 15 January, 1925 in Poland. Diploma in Enginer, Technion - Israel Institution of Technology, 1949. He is specialized in Civil Engineering, Water Supply and Sanitation. He was head of advisory mission to the Government of Nepal, 1961; Director, ITCC, 1967; Vice President ICID 1972-1974; Consultant to the IBRD(World Bank) on Rural Water Supply and Sanitation, 1974; Advisor to the Government of Salvador and Nicaragua on project planning (short assignment), 1975; Member of the various advisory committees in Israel. Took part in ICID activities. Has delivered lectures on water supply, as guest lecturer, in the University of KARLSRUHE in Germany, 1970. Author of many articles.

Mr. Moreno was born on February 10, 1905 at Cje;es (Badajoz) , he studied at the Badajoz Institute, at the Civil Engineering College and the Central University of Madrid where, in 1926 and 1928 respectively, he obtained the Degrees of Civil Engineer and Lawyer. Apart from many other post-graduate studies, he also studied Sanitary Engineering, Economics and Administrative Law at the Central University. In 1932, he was Secretary of the Badajoz Hydraulic Works Board which proposed an Irrigation Plan, covering an erea of 3000,000 hectares, according with which, were authorized the works affecting the Cijara Dam (1933). Project and works manager for the Entrepefias Reservoir on the river Tagus. Also, manager of the Estremera Canal. President of the Irrigation Commission of the I and II Development Plans, which involved the instalation of irrigation works covering an area of more than 450,000 hectares (1962-1969). Head of Technical Advisory Staff of the Ministry of Agriculture (1965-1969). Director of the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation (1963-1971) which was mainly responsible for the Banadajoz Plan (140,000 hectares). Vice President of the ICID frpm 1969-1972. Secretary of the Spanish National Committee (1955-1974) and President of the same (1974-1976). President of the Public Works Council "Consejo de Obras Publicas". Member of the ASCE in New York, ASAE in Michigan and AIRH in Arhem.

Prof. Holy has been engaged in the questions of water management, irrigation, drainage and water erosion. In 1957, he founded the Czechoslovak National Committee of ICID, and under his guidance were organized the Soil Water Symposium (1957), the International Seminar on Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (1958), the Conference on Economic Quantity of Irrigation Water (1961), Symposium on Large-area Spray Irrigation (1964) and the Water Erosion Symposium (1967). Also preoccupied with the problems of human environment, he founded the Cabinet on Human Environment at the Technical University of Prague in 1969, and became President of the Scientific Council for Human Environment. He held the membership of many prestigious professional bodies including the International Water Resources Association and the International Society of Soil Science.

Mr. K.K. Shubladze, born on August 17, 1907, a Hydraulic engineer, Assistant Professor and graduate of Agricultural Sciences, Honoured Irrigator of the Uzbek SSR, with a wide experience of work in water management organizations. He worked in the Uzbek SSR as Superintendant of the Water Project Construction, Deputy Chief of the Big Ferghana Canal Construction, Deputy Chief of the Big Ferghana Canal Construction, Leader of Mechanization Department of the Central Asia Irrigation Research Institute, Assistant Profesor of the Tashkent Institute for Irrigation and Mechanical Engineers, Minister of the Uzbek SSR Water Management, then as Chief of the Main Board for Water Management of the USSR Ministry of Agriciulture, Editor-in-Chief of "Guidrotechnika I Melioracla" Journal, First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management of the USSR. From 1965, Mr. Shubladze held the post of the First Deputy Minister for Reclamation and Water Management of the USSR. Side by side with his wide practical and administrative activities Mr. Shubladze took an active part in social work. He was Vice President of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage from 1966-1969, a member of Editorial Boards of "Guidrotechnika I melioracia" Journal and "Encyclopedia of Agriculture". He has 39 published scientific works devoted to Land Reclamation in the USSR and Water Projects Construction Status abroad, he is a member of USSR National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID and a member of the "Afghanistan - USSR" Society.

Mr. Van Der Bom was born on 8 October 1902 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Studied at University of Technology, Delft 1924 obtaining a degree in Civil Engineering. During 1925-1967 remained in Government`s service, Ministry of Waterstaat (Public Works Department), respectively as Engineer, Senior Engineer, and from 1961 - as director of Zuiderzeewerken (In charge with planning and execution of the Zuiderzee Reclamation Scheme). 1952-1955 Secretary, 1961-1967 Chairman of the Netherlands Committee, ICID. 1966-1969 Vice President ICID. Since 1947 from time to time worked as Consultant/Advisor for hydraulic and related problems in several countries.

A civil engineer from the Ecole du Gnie Civil, Paris, Mr. Papadopoulos did his advanced studies on irrigation engineering as trainee of USBR. He was deputed by the Greek Government for studies of Reclamation techniques and practices en many countries of Europe, Asia, Africa and America. He has worked for 35 years in the field of reclamation with the Greek Ministry of Agriculture. He founded the Greek National Committee of ICID and it is through his initiative that Greece became a member state of ICID in 1957. He has authored more than 70 scientific and technical papers and was decorated by Greek Royal Orders apart from receiving many awards and citations for outstanding activities and service.

Prof. Ascochensky was born in 1898 and graduated in 1925 in Hydro-technique from the Leningrad Institution of Railways. After graduation he worked in Central Asia as a Hydro-technical Engineer up to 1950. He was connected with research planning, design and construction of irrigation canals, irrigation works and hydro-electric stations. Simulteneously with these duties he also worked as Prof. In Tashkent Research Institute. He was elected as member of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences in 1943 and was Vice President of the Academy in 1947. Prof. Ascochensky joined the Ministry of Agriculture in 1950 in Moscow and worked there as Deputy Minister upto 1957. As Deputy Minister of Agriculture, he was overall incharge of irrigation and drainage development in the whole of Soviet Union. In 1956 he was elected a member of the Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In 1957, he left Ministry of Agriculture and joined the Academy of Agricultural Sciences as head of the department of irrigation and drainage, where he worked for a long time. He was also elected as a member of the Presidium of the Agriculture Sciences. Prof. Ascochensky remained President of the USSR National Committee of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, and Vice President of IEC.

CV not available.

He was awarded the high distinction of "PADMA BHUSHAN" by the President of India in 1961 "for distinguished services of a high order".
After retirement President Honoraire Gulhati worked as Water Resources Consultant to many State Governments in India and as Consultant to IBRD (1963), as Consultant to the International Development Association (1963-1973), and as Consultant to United Nations (Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, now ESCAP) in 1969.
He has been rightly called the "Father" of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, as it was he who conceived this organization. The proposal of setting up of the Commission was mooted to the Government of India by him in 1946. The Commission was set up in the year 1950 and Mr. Gulhati was elected as its first Secretary General. He served ICID as founder Secretary General from 1950 to 1957, as Vice President from 1957 to 1960, and as President from 1960 to 1963.
Besides engineering and scientific papers contributed to the national institutes (e.g. Punjab Engineering Congress; Institution of Engineers, India) and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Mr. Gulhati had some 20 books and publications to his name.
Mr. Gulhati was always amongst the foremost supporters of ICID and did everything possible to promote the objects of ICID. He was the founder Editor of the ICID Bulletin. He was responsible for getting the land for the office building of the Central Office of the Commission in the prestigious Diplomatic Enclave. His mature leadership, dynamic personality and diplomatic and adroit handling of all matters won him universal respect and endearment with all the members of the International Executive Council.

Photo and CV Not available.

Secretary General Honoraire +

Er. Ashwin B. Pandya (born in 1955), an alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, he did his M.Tech in Structural Engineering (1983). Er. Pandya has over 40 years of professional experience in water resources and irrigation planning, design, implementation, and financing. He has a sound knowledge of various aspects of irrigation and drainage engineering with a strong competence of leveraging technologies in core areas, especially Information Technology. He specialises in the dam design and related activities. He has over twenty technical publications in his credit.
Er. Pandya began his career with the Central Water Commission (CWC) in 1977 as Assistant Director and later served as its Chairman. In his professional career, he occupied top positions in various Government of India (GoI) offices under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR), including Director General, National Water Development Agency (NWDA) and Chairman & Managing Director, National Projects Construction Corporation (NPCC). He also served as the Vice President of ICID for the period 2014-16 and made active contribution to the various activities of the Commission.
An avid proponent of irrigation and hydropower projects, he has been a key figure behind the establishment of International flagship event ‘India Water Week’ for MoWR, which is presently in its fifth edition and also established the ‘National Conference on Dam Safety’, an annual event with assistance from World Bank funded Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP). Formerly, Chairman, Central Water Commission (an apex body under Government of India) in New Delhi, India.

Er. Tyagi was the Director of the Climate and Water Department of the World Meteorological Organization, a specialized UN Agency, and is responsible for providing support to the countries in the field of water resources management including flood management and adaptations to climate change particularly in the water and agriculture sectors.
Er. Tyagi has been involved in the investigations, planning and design of irrigation and flood management projects, development of the National Water Policy (2002), and operation and management of one of the major inter-state multi-purpose projects. He was closely associated with the formulation of the Andhra Pradesh Participatory Irrigation Management Act 1997, and was instrumental in initiating Benchmarking of Irrigation Systems in India.
Worked at the World Meteorological Organizations, for nine years he has developed professional network, working closely with various UN agencies; with International Institutions such as World Bank, African Development Bank, European Commission, and African Union; regional institutions such as Nile Basin Authority, Niger Basin Authority, Lake Chad Basin Authority, Zambezi River Commission; non-governmental organizations such as GWP, WWC, IAHS, IAHR etc and has proactively collaborated with the various international programs on water and climate change issues. He is presently the coordinator of UN-Water Thematic Priority Area on Water and Climate Change.
At WMO, he was spearheaded a major initiative on climate change with a vision to establish a Global Framework for Climate Services to support various development sectors, including the water and agriculture sector in climate risk management; established an international program on flood management developing the concept of Integrated Flood Management; and is presently developing another international program on Integrated Drought Management in close collaboration with various international partners.
Er. Tyagi has been associated with activities of ICID in the past as an observer in its Working Groups on flood management and climate change and strived for closer relationship between ICID and WMO.

Er. M. Gopalakrishnan (born 28.1.1943) holds Master of Engineering (Honours) in Water Resources Development from University of Roorkee (now, IIT-R). His remarkable academic performance yielded him both Khosla Gold Medal and University Gold Medal for the top position in both P.G.Dip (Hons) and M.E levels with record breaking scores. He entered the Central Water Engineering Services as the topper of his batch (1966) in the then Central Water & Power Commission. He retired on 31 January 2003 as a Member, Central Water Commission (CWC). Er. Gopalakrishnan served as the Coordinator of Government of India`s multi-disciplinary High Level Task Force on Interlinking of Rivers in 2003 and helped formulating two Action Plans on Interlinking of Rivers that were submitted as per the ToR set for the Task Force by the Government of India. With over four and a half decades of rich experience in the field of Water Resources Development and Management in India and abroad Er. Gopalakrishnan continues to serve his profession in many forms.
Er. Gopalakrishnan served as one of the Governors of the World Water Council during 2003-06. He is a member of Technical Advisory Committee of UNESCO which brings out World Water Development Reports once in three years, with the last one WWDR 3, released in March 2009 during the World Water Forum 5. Er. Gopalakrishnan serves as a member of the Committee constituted by the Indian Ministry of Water Resources on "National Mission on Water" and is also a member in the sub committee on surface water under the main committee.
Er. Gopalakrishnan holds several distinguished honorary positions like the President, Indian Water Resources Society (since 2004), President of the New Delhi Associate Centre of World Water Council (since 2006), Co-Chairman of the Institution of Engineers (India)`s Special Committee on Interlinking of Indian Rivers (since 2005). He is a Life Member of several leading Indian Professional Bodies like IWRS, IAH, ISET, IGS. Er. Gopalakrishnan was also inducted as a fellow in the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE) acknowledging his significant contribution to the profession.
A member of several Expert Committees constituted to advise on hydro projects in Himalayas by developers, both public and private, (he was the Chairman of the Group in three cases) he guides Water Sector in India remarkably. Er. Gopalakrishnan is the Chairman of the Dams and Seismicity Committee of Indian National Committee on Large Dams for over a decade and represents the country in the ICOLD Committee on the subject.
Er. Gopalakrishnan has been associated with Global Water Partnership (GWP) bridging the interests of ICID and GWP. He had also been closely associated with World Water Council as one of the Governors (2004-06) by contributing on legal and financial matters.
He has published about hundred papers (or other contributions) touching upon many water related issues, design aspects and policies, in Seminars, Workshops, Congresses, journals and other publications.

Dr. Chandrakant Damodar Thatte joined the Commission on 01 September 1997 for a smooth transition in taking over the heavy responsibility of Secretary General,
Born in September 1935, Dr. C.D. Thatte graduated in Civil Engineering from Pune University in 1956. He has done Post Graduate Courses in the subject of Soil Mechanics. Foundation Engineering, Ground Water Hydrology & others, and Ph.D. in Hydraulic Modelling. From the beginning of his career with the Government, he has held several posts such as Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer, Director and Chief Engineer in the State of Gujarat and then joined the Central Water Commission, the apex water organisation of the Government of India as Member (Design and Research). After three years, he became the Chairman of the Commission and later took over as Secretary to the Government of India in the Ministry of Water Resources, from where he retired in September 1993 from the government service.
Dr. Thatte was thereafter conferred the position of Scientist Emeritus of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research to work for the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, Nagpur and other water resources related National Institutions. He served on various Government of India Expert Committees viz. landslides, land and water systems analysis, Himalayan glaciers etc. He is working as Task Leader for Evaluation of Irrigation through Indira Gandhi Nehar Project Stage 1 studies which cover environmental concerns besides problem of O&M, settlement, waterlogging and economic analysis. He also worked as an expert for UNDP and UNEP on certain issues relating to international river water sharing and Global Freshwater Programme. He has been closely associated with several NGOs in the country.
Dr. Thatte has published more than 125 technical papers in India and abroad. He is a recipient of several awards such as CBIP's Anand Award, Cash Your Ideas Award, Nehru Centenary Award, Certificates of Merit for the Technical Papers etc. He has also been honoured by several Indian Professional Societies.

Dr. Chitale was Chairman of Indian National Committee on Large Dams (1986-1987), Indian National Committee of ICID (1986-1987), and Indian National Committee on Hydrology (1985-1988), President, Indian Water Resources Society (1989-1990), and a Vice President, International Water Resources Association (1989-1991). He is member of the United Nations Environmental Program`s Water Advisory Committee (since 1989) and Vice President of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (1992-1993). He was honoured with the degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) by the Jawahar Lal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad in 1989. Member of the United Nations Environment Program`s Water Advisory Committee (1989-92). Member of the Scientific and Programme Committee of the International Lake Environment Foundation (ILEC) since May 1995. Member of the Interim Foundation Committee for World Water Council since April 1995 and then Member of the Interim Board of Governors of WWC since March 1996 and of the Executive Committee of WWC since June 1996. Chairman, Maharashtra State (2nd) Irrigation Commission since January 1996. Dr. Chitale was awarded Stockholm Water Prize in 1993 for his contribution to the conservation of the worlds water resources and public education programmes.

He was awarded the high distinction of "PADMA BHUSHAN" by the President of India in 1961 "for distinguished services of a high order".
After retirement President Honoraire Gulhati worked as Water Resources Consultant to many State Governments in India and as Consultant to IBRD (1963), as Consultant to the International Development Association (1963-1973), and as Consultant to United Nations (Economic Commission for Asia and Far East, now ESCAP) in 1969.
He has been rightly called the "Father" of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, as it was he who conceived this organization. The proposal of setting up of the Commission was mooted to the Government of India by him in 1946. The Commission was set up in the year 1950 and Mr. Gulhati was elected as its first Secretary General. He served ICID as founder Secretary General from 1950 to 1957, as Vice President from 1957 to 1960, and as President from 1960 to 1963.
Besides engineering and scientific papers contributed to the national institutes (e.g. Punjab Engineering Congress; Institution of Engineers, India) and the American Society of Civil Engineers, Mr. Gulhati had some 20 books and publications to his name.
Mr. Gulhati was always amongst the foremost supporters of ICID and did everything possible to promote the objects of ICID. He was the founder Editor of the ICID Bulletin. He was responsible for getting the land for the office building of the Central Office of the Commission in the prestigious Diplomatic Enclave. His mature leadership, dynamic personality and diplomatic and adroit handling of all matters won him universal respect and endearment with all the members of the International Executive Council.