ICID presents the Best Performing Workbody Award (BPWA) triennially at the time of every ICID Congress, based on the performance and various other facets demonstrated by the Workbody in between two Congresses. Since the 18th ICID Congress held in Montreal, Canada in July 2002, BPWA has acknowledged the contributions of the well-performing workbodies that are not adequately recognized. Such awards in BPWA series have been presented to the Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST), ICID Journal Editorial Board (EB-JOUR), Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA), and Working Group on On-Farm Irrigation Systems (WG-ON-FARM) in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014, respectively for their excellent performance, impressive achievements, and outstanding contributions.
The Award comprises a Citation / Certificate / Plaque to active members of the workbody. The award is adjudicated by a panel of judges. For more details, please see Scheme and Nomination form attached below. The nominations are invited at the beginning of every Congress year. The completed nomination form along with relevant material has to be submitted and sent to ICID Central Office, New Delhi by 30th June of the respective year.
Best Performing Workbody Award (BPWA) - SCHEME |
Best Performing Workbody Award (BPWA) - NOMINATION FORM |
BPWA-6 will be presented during the 25th ICID International Congress and 74th IEC Meeting to be held from 1-8 November 2023, Vizag, Andhra Pradesh, India. The Chairs of ICID Work bodies are requested to submit the candidature of their work bodies. They may submit the nomination of their work body by providing the information supported by relevant documents to ICID Central Office by 30th June 2023.
Previous Best Performing Workbody Award+
Year | Country | Winner | Description |
2022 | Egypt |
Dr. Eng. Mohamed A. Shehata Wahba |
The 5th BPWA was presented to the African Regional Working Group (AFRWG) by President Prof. Dr. Ragab Ragab on the occasion of the 73rd IEC Meeting and 24th ICID Congress held at Adelaide, Australia, October 2022. The performance of a workbody is adjudged based upon a set of criteria and its contribution towards the mandate and mission of ICID. The Award was presented to Vice President Hon. Dr. Eng. Mohamed A. Shehata Wahba (Egypt), Chairman, AFRWG. |
2014 | South Africa |
Working Group on On-Farm Irrigation Systems (WG-ON-FARM) |
The 4th BPWA was presented to the Working Group on On-Farm Irrigation Systems (WG-ON-FARM) by the President Dr. Gao Zhanyi on the occasion of the 65th IEC and 22nd ICID Congress held at Gwangju, Republic of Korea, September 2014. The performance of a workbody is adjudged based upon a set of criteria and its contribution towards the mandate and mission of ICID. The Award was presented to Vice President Hon. Felix B. Reinders (South Africa), Chairman, WG-ON-FARM. |
2011 | South Korea |
Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA) |
The 3rd BPWA was presented to the Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA) by the President Chandra Madramootoo on the occasion of the 62nd IEC and 21st ICID Congress held at Tehran, Iran, October 2011. The performance of a workbody is adjudged based upon a set of criteria and its contribution towards the mandate and mission of ICID. The Award was presented to Dr. Park Sang Hyun (Korea), Chairman, WG-SDTA. |
2008 | India |
ICID Journal Editorial Board (EB-JOUR) |
The 2nd BPWA 2008 was presented to the ICID Journal Editorial Board (EB-JOUR) by the Governor of Punjab on 17 October 2008 on the occasion of the 59th IEC and 20th ICID Congress held at Lahore, Pakistan. ICID Journal acts as a mouthpiece to communicate to the international water community ICID's sixty years of experience in the promotion and transfer of water and land management technology and related issues. ICID Journal was granted Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) starting with Vol.49, Issue No.1 of 2000 which was the first issue of the quarterly Journal printed and distributed under ISSN 0971-7412. ICID Journal was also selected for coverage in Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Sciences (CC/AB&ES). The Award was presented to President Hon. Prof. Dr. Bart Schultz, Chairman, EB-JOUR. |
2004 | India |
Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST) |
The 1st BPWA was presented to the Working Group on History of Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (WG-HIST) by President Prof. dr. Bart Schultz at Montreal, Canada. The WG-HIST was established in 1980. The Group has published more than 30 volumes of Water History related documents and books, including Historical Dams (ICID 2001), The Danube Valley (ICID 2004), The Indus Basin (ICID 2004), "A History of Water Issues" (UNU 2005), and History of Irrigation and Drainage of various member countries. The Award was received by Chairman and Members of the WG-HIST. |