COSTEA2 RESTITUTION SEMINAR - COSTEA (Scientific and Technical Committee for Agricultural Water), was created in 2013 by AFD (Agence Française pour le Développement), the project funder, and AFEID (Association Française pour l'Eau, l'Irrigation et le Drainage), the project owner, to support the growing demand from States of the Global South in their reinvestment in irrigation.
COSTEA2 RESTITUTION SEMINAR - COSTEA (Scientific and Technical Committee for Agricultural Water), was created in 2013 by AFD (Agence Française pour le Développement), the project funder, and AFEID (Association Française pour l'Eau, l'Irrigation et le Drainage), the project owner, to support the growing demand from States of the Global South in their reinvestment in irrigation.
Theme - Roundtable: Contextualization of the COSTEA device in the framework of the four challenges of irrigated agriculture
Participatory workshops: The climatic impact of the irrigated agriculture; Territorial Approches; Economic Analysis of irrigation projects; Groundwater management; Innovation of Future
Parallel Sessions: West African Irrigation Development and Management Agencies - WAIDMA - Reuse of treated wastewater - REUSE; Agroecological transitions in irrigated systems and services to irrigators Irrigation and Land tenure; Agroecological transitions in irrigated systems and services to irrigators Irrigation and Land tenure; Developing and managing floodplains in a context of global change Development and management of valley bottoms and small flood plains in West Africa;
NC Contact : Dr. Sami Bouarfa, General Secretary, Eau, Agriculture et Territoires (EAT), 361 rue Jean-Fran'ois Breton, BP 5095, F - 34196 -- MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 04 63 16
Website :
Resources : Brochure ;
Theme - Roundtable: Contextualization of the COSTEA device in the framework of the four challenges of irrigated agriculture
Participatory workshops: The climatic impact of the irrigated agriculture; Territorial Approches; Economic Analysis of irrigation projects; Groundwater management; Innovation of Future
Parallel Sessions: West African Irrigation Development and Management Agencies - WAIDMA - Reuse of treated wastewater - REUSE; Agroecological transitions in irrigated systems and services to irrigators Irrigation and Land tenure; Agroecological transitions in irrigated systems and services to irrigators Irrigation and Land tenure; Developing and managing floodplains in a context of global change Development and management of valley bottoms and small flood plains in West Africa;
NC Contact : Dr. Sami Bouarfa, General Secretary, Eau, Agriculture et Territoires (EAT), 361 rue Jean-Fran'ois Breton, BP 5095, F - 34196 -- MONTPELLIER CEDEX 5
Tel. : +33 (0)4 67 04 63 16
Website :
Resources : Brochure ;
Date : Nov 21, 2022 - Nov 25, 2022