22nd European Regional Conference Sep 02, 2007 - Sep 06, 2007, Pavia, Italy
Italy is located in Southern Europe, at the very heart of the Mediterranean. The country is characterized by a predominantly hilly territory (41.6% of the total area), followed by the mountainous area (35,2%) and plains (23.2%) (ISTAT, 2019). The total area amounts to 302,073 Sq.Km. and the average altitude of the territory is 337 m. Placed in the middle between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans, the country is bordered by France in the North West, by Switzerland and Austria in the North and by Slovenia in the North East. It has a high latitudinal extension, being linked to central Europe in the north through the Alps Mountains, and to the African continent in the South, through Sicily island, laying in front of the Tunisian coast.
Population and land use
Italy is a densely inhabited country, representing the fourth European nation by population with 60.244,639 inhabitants ...Read more