6th European Regional Conference May 14, 1968 - May 16, 1968, Wurzburg, Germany
The Federal Republic of Germany in Central Europe has its borders with the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland and Denmark. The total area of Germany is 356,970 km² including 7,940 km² (i.e. 2.2 %) of inland waters. The total agricultural land is 54.1 % or 19,314,000 ha roughly subdivided in; arable land (11,832,000 ha); grassland (5,268,000 ha); vineyards, orchards and nursery plants (210,000 ha); fens, heather; gardens (2,004,000 ha).
The total cultivated agricultural land is 17,310,000 ha (1997). In addition to this, forests occupy 29.4 % or 10,491,000 ha of the German territory without any deforestation tendency. Topographical ...Read more