Improvement in Efficiency of Irrigation Projects through Technology Upgradation and Better Operation and Maintenance.
Improvement in Efficiency of Irrigation Projects through Technology Upgradation and Better Operation and Maintenance.
Under Construction
Under Construction
Under Construction
Under Construction
Under Construction
<p>Located in the northern hemisphere, India is a south-Asian country with a total area of about 3.3 MSqKm making it the largest peninsula and the seventh-largest country in the world. India shares her border with Pakistan in the northwest; China, Nepal, and Bhutan in the north; and, Myanmar and Bangladesh in the northeast. The geographical coordinates of India are between 8&deg;4&rsquo; and 37&deg;6&rsquo; latitudes north of the Equator, and 68&deg; 7&rsquo;and 97&deg; 25&rsquo; longitudes east of standard meridian. India can be divided into four regions: the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the Indus, the desert region, and the southern peninsula.</p>
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<strong>Population and land use</strong></p>
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