<p>The Republic of Korea is a peninsula located between the People&rsquo;s Republic of China and Japan. It lies between the latitudes 33&deg; 6&rsquo; N and 38&deg; 31&rsquo; N and has many islands along the west and south coastlines. The total territorial area of Korea is 99,373 Km<sup>2</sup>. Korea is a mountainous country and high mountains are located along the eastern part of the peninsula. Most plains and hilly areas are scattered in the western and southern parts of the country. The eastern coast of the Korean Peninsula has steep slopes, simple shorelines and deep-water depth. But there are many islands and irregular shorelines in the western and southern coasts. Tidal range of the western coast is very high and tidal flats are well developed. Many tidal land reclamation works were implemented in the past ...Read more