Theme: Contribution of rainfed and irrigated agriculture to poverty alleviation through increased productivity in Africa.
Theme: Contribution of rainfed and irrigated agriculture to poverty alleviation through increased productivity in Africa.
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South Africa
<p><strong>Geography</strong><br />
Located on the southern tip of Africa, the Republic of South Africa stretches between the longitudes of 17&ordm; to 33&ordm;E and latitudes of 22&ordm; to 35&ordm;S. Namibia bounds the country on the north-west side, while Botswana and Zimbabwe are located to the North, Mozambique and Swaziland are on the north-east. Lesotho, a landlocked country, forms an enclave within the Republic of South Africa. On the other three sides, South Africa is surrounded by oceans. The Republic has nine provinces - Northern Province, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape Province, Western Cape Province, North Cape Province, North West Province, Gauteng and Free State. The total land area of the Republic of South Africa is 122 341 Sq.Km. Topographically South Africa may be divided into four zones, the Plateau, the Escarpment, the folded Mountains and the Coastal Plain.<br / ...Read more