Partnership and cooperation for inclusive water development and management
Under Construction
Under Construction
Under Construction
Sub-Theme 1: Collaboration and Cooperation for Water Security Sub-Theme 2: Integrated Water Resources Development & Management Sub-Theme 3: Challenges in Water Sector Infrastructure Sub-Theme 4: Risk and New Approaches to Climate Resilience
Under Construction
<p>Located in the northern hemisphere, India is a south-Asian country with a total area of about 3.3 MSqKm making it the largest peninsula and the seventh-largest country in the world. India shares her border with Pakistan in the northwest; China, Nepal, and Bhutan in the north; and, Myanmar and Bangladesh in the northeast. The geographical coordinates of India are between 8&deg;4&rsquo; and 37&deg;6&rsquo; latitudes north of the Equator, and 68&deg; 7&rsquo;and 97&deg; 25&rsquo; longitudes east of standard meridian. India can be divided into four regions: the great mountain zone, plains of the Ganga and the Indus, the desert region, and the southern peninsula.</p>
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<strong>Population and land use</strong></p>
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