5th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage May 14, 1963 - May 21, 1963, Tokyo, Japan
Japan is an archipelago in East Asia comprising 6,852 islands, with an area of 377,975 Sq.Km. Out of these, four major islands - Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku - form a bow-shaped curve that extends for about 1,900 Km of the total coastline of 3,000 Km. About 70% of these islands are mountainous. Japan is divided into 47 prefectures and into eight regions. The latitude of Japan is 36.2048° N, and the country’s longitude is 138.2529°E.
Population and land use
The population of Japan was 126 Million in mid-2019 as per Population Reference Bureau. Japan has the 11th highest population in the world, making up 1.7% of the total world population. The population density is 341 persons per Sq.Km. The total area of the country is 37.79 Mha, out of which the land area is 36.45 Mha. The area under agriculture is 4.5 Mha and 24.96 Mha is under forest cover.