International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage


WIF_Inauguration WIF1 Inaugural


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The ICID’s mega event, the First World Irrigation Forum (WIF1), together with 64th International Executive Council (IEC) meeting was successfully held from 29 September to 05 October 2013 at Mardin, Turkey. WIF1 was organized and hosted by Turkish National Committee of ICID (TUCID) in cooperation with an impressive number of International Partners such as FAO, IWMI, GWP, WMO, WB to name a few. About 750 participants from 61 countries and 12 International Organisations attended the Forum. Within the context of the main theme, more than 186 papers, short communications and posters were presented and discussed under three Sub-themes: (1) Policy, Science and Society Interactions; (2) Challenges and Developments in Financing Irrigation and Drainage Sector; (3) Integrated Water Management Approaches for Sustainable Food Production. In addition to the thematic sessions there were three workshops two Roundtables: two Panel discussions: 23 Side events; and an Exhibition.

Inaugural Ceremony




The Inaugural Ceremony, at Artuklu University, commenced with an Inter Religious Multi Sound Music Show conducted by the Choir of the Mardin Trainers. The inaugural addresses were delivered by (i) Mr. Akif OZKALDI, Director General of DSI and President of TUCID; (ii) Dr. Gao Zhanyi, President, ICID; (iii) Prof. Dr. Dogan Altinbilek, Vice President, WWC; (iv) H.E. Hamit BAKIRCI, Minister of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; (v) H.E. Muammer Guler, Turk-ish Minister of Interior; and (vi) H.E. Prof. Dr. Veysel EROGLU, Turkish Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs.


Prof. Dukhovny receives the 1st World Irrigation and Drainage Prize

Dr. Dukhovny


During the inaugural ceremony of the 1st World Irrigation Forum, H.E. Prof. Dr. Veysel EROGLU, Turkish Minister of Forestry and Water Affairs presented the first World Irrigation and Drainage Prize 2013 to Prof. Victor A. Dukhovny (Uzbekistan) for his outstanding contributions to the development of agriculture water management for over 57 years. The WID prize comprised of a cash award of US$ 10,000 and magnificent trophy. The award winning journey of Prof Dukovny can be accessed at




Plenary Sessions

The parallel plenary sessions were held for each subtheme following the inaugural function. Each sub theme was opened with a plenary session in which a keynote and thematic background papers were presented. On sub-theme-1, Prof. Roberto Lenton delivered his key note on “Irrigation in the 21st Century: Reflections on Science, Policy and Society” and VP Laurie C. Tollefson (CANCID) presented the background paper on “Policy, science and Society interaction“. Ms Uma Lele (GWP) delivered her keynote on “Financing for Irrigation and Drainage“. The honor of delivering the keynote for Sub-theme-3 went to
Dr. Thiery Facon on behalf of Olcay Unver (FAO), who spoke about “Integrated Water Management Approaches for Sustainable Food Production” while the background paper was presented by Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture (UNESCO-IHE). All these keynotes and background papers can be accessed at Further, the best paper/short communication in each subtheme together with more select papers (9) and short communications (9) were presented in four parallel sessions thereafter.

Presentations of outcome of main theme and sub-themes were made in the Plenary Session, which concluded by a panel discussion to arrive at final conclusions and outcomes. Finally the First World Irrigation Forum Statement was presented in the thematic wrap-up session and can be accessed in the Box

Round Tables, Panel Discussions and Workshops

A Round Table was chaired by Mr. Jeremy Bird, Director General, IWMI and dealt with policy issues. Two panel discussions on ‘Farmers’, chaired by Mr. Rudolph Cleveringa (IFAD), and on ‘Industry’ was chaired by President Hon. Peter S. Lee were organized.

Three International Workshops, namely (i) Water Wisdom and Sustainability (emerging from WG-HIST), (ii) Developing Management Strategies for Coping with Drought and Water Scarcity (emerging from WG-DROUGHT), and (iii) Management of Water, Crops and Soils under Climate Change (emerging from WG-CROP/CLIMATE) were held. Dr. Kamran Emami, Mr. Mohammad S. Jafari and VPH Dr. Ragab Ragab Chaired the workshops, respectively.

Side events and Exhibition

"Side Events" on a variety of related topics presented a spectrum of views and was one of the suc-cessful segments of the WIF. In all 23 side events were held, which basically covered the wide can-vas of irrigation, drainage and flood management. Side events showcased Turkish institutions cover-ing subjects from water civilisation, to piped irrigation, to water powered pumps, to ground water, to GAP - regional development project, to management and up to sustainable irrigation as well as Inter-national organizations. The JNC-ICID gave the future vision of participatory irrigation management. IWMI focused on remote sensing and GIS tools. FAO promoted investment in agriculture water man-agement in Africa. IFAD focused on intergenerational knowledge transfer in the agricultural water management and brought together youth from African countries engaged in irrigation management. WMO and GWP presented different perspectives and the globally coordinated activities related to Integrated Drought Management.

The exhibition area was quite large and dominated by Turkish exhibitors. It was the place to be when you were saturated with knowledge, but still wants to keep your eyes open to receive more knowl-edge. Kudos to Turkish organisers for bringing in all these exhibitors in such a large number to show-case their technology and products


Short video clips of various events can be viewed on ICID YouTube channel <>


Outcomes of First World Irrigation Forum


As a result of the presentations and discussions at the World Irrigation Forum, the following statements were agreed:


(i) Development of civilization over the past 5,000 years is closely adjoined with water management problems that have shaped societies and their structures. In the course of the centuries, systems and methods worked out under the various conditions have conclusively demonstrated their pertinent sustainability. Today, the knowledge and structural remains of these methods are not only interesting archaeologically, ecologically and historically, but can also help to solve current problems. The Mardin area shows us an impressive proof of this.

(ii) As water is becoming an increasingly valuable and vulnerable resource, it needs to be acknowledged that generally water will need to be managed in a better way. This may require revision of water related policies at all levels. Regional water scarcities and environmental requirements need to be considered in developing such policies. Therefore, effective cooperation among the various stakeholders: government authorities, research institutions, managers of irrigation systems, civil societies, local communities, NGO’s, businesses etc. needs to be promoted. This will speed up the development and implementation of effective and sustainable water solutions. Water can be an element of cooperation between riparian countries and needs to be treated as such.

(iii) Irrigation water delivery is a service to users. High quality and reliable service is a condition for adoption of advanced farm practices by the farmers. Irrigation and drainage face many challenges, but also provide the foundation to maintain global food security. Modernization and improvement of irrigation is occurring worldwide at varying rates and degrees. Much is being accomplished through innovation and technical advances. However, technology alone will not resolve the issues of water and food security. Informed policies, financial management, reorientation of institutions, awareness of local communities and transparent governance require innovation and advances to respond to the challenges.

(iv) Government institutions have central roles to facilitate interaction among the stakeholders in the sector and in providing the framework for agricultural water management activities. They should assess the needs and roles of different actors, especially of the new generation professionals. If necessary, adjust legislation accordingly and arrange to collect relevant data.

(v) In the planning and design of water management systems adequate attention needs to be given as to how water management activities can most effectively be integrated with farming practices, recognizing the multiple uses to which such infrastructure is put and the broad spectrum of services that agricultural water management systems support. This recognition may also provide new opportunities for financing agricultural water management.

(vi) The agricultural sector is the principal water user. Therefore, use of equipment and techniques that enable effective use of water in agriculture need to be among the primary targets for ensuring food security of an increasing worlds' population. As presented in the short communications, side events and in the exhibition it is not only innovative modern technologies, but also proven traditional technologies that will play an important role in obtaining optimal benefit of the limited water resources. Information on these options needs to be made publicly available through effective extension services. Capacity building components at various levels need to be included in agricultural water management programmes.

(vii) Financial institutions need to give priority to countries/stakeholders which need agricultural water management schemes, and to support national and regional development with suita-ble financing mechanisms. A range of financing models have already been developed and tested for the agricultural water management sector. Some of these models have proven to be successful whereas failures have occurred in other cases. It is recommended that suita-ble models will be selected, further tested and evaluated for different local conditions.

(viii) The concept of sustainability cost as described in the position paper of ICID on Irrigation and Drainage Services: Some principles and Issues towards sustainability (Tardieu, 2005) deserves wider application in practice.

(ix) The impact climate change may have on water resources, food and feed production is widely recognised. The change in rainfall patterns and increase in temperature may decrease river flows and reservoir storage, increase evapotranspiration and subsequently increasing water demand for agriculture. Risk analysis and vulnerability assessments on the occurrence of extreme events are needed to enable better management of water demand and supply. Adaptation to climate change by proactive approaches, including better prediction and early warning, reduction of water losses, application of highly efficient irrigation systems, cultivation of drought tolerant varieties, (re)use of low quality and waste water, improved land management and methods of cultivation, appropriate policies for water supply and demand management during extreme events, and concerted efforts to raise farmers awareness of the climate change impacts and the provision of guidelines for farmers on how to cope with changing climate conditions.

(x) It is important that the Forum results are also made available to farmers, who are the managers of water in the lower distribution system and on-farm.



The First World Irrigation Forum was closed on 01 October 2013 during a thematic wrap-up session after presenting the First World Irrigation Forum Statement. Mr. Akif Okzaldi, DG, DSI and the Governor Mr. Ahmet Cengiz of Mardin profusely thanked ICID for giving opportunity to TUCID and Turkey to host the very First World Irrigation Forum of ICID together with the 64th International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting and its pre-Council meetings at Mardin. In turn, the President of ICID Dr. Gao Zhanyi and Secretary General Mr Avinash Tyagi thanked and expressed their sincere gratitude to Mr Akif Okzaldi, VP Dr. Hüseyin G?NDO?DU and all the committee members of all the organizing committees for their untiring efforts in making the ICID’s First World Irrigation Forum, a successful event.



64th International Executive Council and its pre-council meetings


The World Irrigation Forum was followed by the 64th International Executive Council (IEC) Meeting and its pre-Council meetings held from 01-05 October 2013. It was the occasion for all the ICID workbody members and office bearers to come together and discuss the agenda and attempt to bring out the valuable ICID publications to fulfil the knowledge gap that exists between lab to farm. During the period, 23 Workbody and 4 Task Force meetings were held.


Newly Elected Office Bearers (2013-2016)


Dr. Ir. Basuki

Mr. Kadhim M. Ahmed

Er. A.B. Pandya

Dr. Ir. Basuki Hadimoeljono 

Mr. Kadhim Mohsin Ahmed 

Er. A.B. Pandya



Winners of WatSave Award 2013


WatSave Award 2013


This year only two out of the four WatSave Awards; the Technology Award to Prof. Yi Yongqing (China) for “Thin and Exposed Irrigation for Paddy Rice” and Innovative Water Management Award to Mr. Zhang Xuehui (China) for “Innovations and Reforms for Modern Irrigation Management in Large Irrigation Schemes”, were awarded during the plenary session of IEC on 1st October 2013. More details about the work that won them these WatSave awards can be accessed at <>. Heartiest congratulations!


Technology: Prof. Yi Yongqing (China)

Innovative Water Management: Mr. Zhang Xuehui (China)


Best Paper Award 2013

Best Paper 2013


Instituted by ICID in 2006, the ‘Best Paper Award’ is given to the paper published in the issues of the ICID Journal in the preceding year. The Wiley-Blackwell 2013 Best Paper Award was awarded to P.J.G.J. Hellegers, H.C. Jansen and W.G.M. Bastiaanssen (The Netherlands) for their paper titled “An Interactive Water Indicator Assessment Tool to Support Land Use Planning”, published in issue 61.2 of Irrigation and Drainage – the Journal of ICID.


The award was given during 64th IEC meeting on 5 October 2013 at Mardin, Turkey and was received by Mrs. Prof. Charlotte de Fraiture, Chairperson, Netherlands National ICID Committee (NETHCID) on behalf of the authors. The award consists of a citation plaque and either US$ 500, or US$800-worth of Wiley books from M/s. Wiley-Blackwell (UK), the publisher of ICID Journal. Heartiest congratulations to the award winners! The paper can be accessed at


Important Decisions taken at the 64th IEC meeting, 2013

1. To admit six persons, institutions and companies as accorded by the Direct Membership Administering Sub-Committee be admitted as members of ICID for the periods for which they have paid subscription.

2. To reduce the contribution of the host National Committees towards ICID Budget from 50 to 35 per cent of the total registration proceeds in case of Congress; to fix the contribution at 35 percent for the NCs hosting World Irrigation Forum and continue with a contribution of 15 per cent in case of ordinary IEC,

3. To approve the appointment of M/s Abhyankar and Company, as the Statutory Auditors of ICID, for a period of three years starting with the financial year 2012-13; approve the revised budget for 2012-2013 and accordingly approve the audited accounts of ICID for the financial year 2012-13 as presented by the statutory auditors and approve the Revised Budget of ICID for the financial year 2013-14.

4. To rename the strategy theme “Systems” as “Schemes” and the proposal to shift the TF- BIO-ENERGY from Strategy Theme “Schemes“ to Strategy theme “Basin“ renaming it as WG-BIO-ENERGY and TF-VE from Strategy Theme “Basin” to Strategy Theme “Knowledge”.

5. To establish five new WGs (under the tentative heading of (1) Water Management in Irrigation; (2) Water Management in Drainage; (3) Irrigation Water Loss Control; (4) Irrigation Re-vitalization/Modernization; (5) Irrigation Development and Management) under the strategy theme “Schemes”, in principal. The scoping documents for the establishing these WGs, to be prepared in consultation with potential WG members and partners should be completed and submitted by 65th IEC. The new mandate of WG-DRG is accepted

6. To approve the closure of TF-FIN, WG-DRG, and WG-WATS and to extend the tenure of WG-POVERTY, WG-DROUGHT and TF-BIO-ENERGY by one year i.e., up to 2014. WG-WATS is recommended to reformulate a new mandate to address the two newly proposed Working Groups for Irrigation Water Loss Control as mentioned above.

7. To constitute a Sub-Committee under PCTA to deliberate upon the Themes, Topics and Workplans of the various future ICID events including Congresses and World Irrigation Forums; a Task Team to review the procedure for proposing and adjudication of WatSave Awards based on the earlier decisions on the subject and to set up a Task Team to workout details for establishing WID Prize Trust Fund.

8. Adopt the amendments to the ICID Constitution and the amendments to the ICID By-laws; and to adopt the concept of “Handbook of Procedures” as part of ICID books of rules; and ask the Spe-cial Committee under PH Peter Lee to have a relook at the Article 7.2 of the Constitution and the by-law 2 “Election of Office Bearers” and come with suitable amendments, where deemed fit.

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