International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Webinar on Adaptive Flood Management: Inundation Forecast and Mitigation

1 July 2024 (Monday), 15:30-17:30 (India Standard Time)

As part of the Working Group on Adaptive Flood Management (WG-AFM) Activities

Given the increasing global concern over the intensifying frequency and severity of flood events due to climate change, the webinar "Adaptive Flood Management: Inundation Forecast and Mitigation" will delve into advanced methods and strategies for forecasting and mitigating flooding in rural areas and farmland. The need for adaptive approaches that can respond to evolving climatic conditions and unpredictable weather patterns is more pressing than ever. Traditional flood management techniques are proving inadequate in the face of these new challenges, underscoring the need for innovative solutions. This session will explore the science of inundation forecasting, the latest technological advancements in flood prediction, and practical mitigation measures that can be implemented at local, regional, and global levels. By bringing together experts from various fields, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of adaptive flood management and provide actionable insights to enhance resilience against future flood risks.



  1. Challenges of Extreme Convective Rainfall Events: Example of Mediterranean cases by Prof. Philippe GOURBESVILLE (France)
  2. Operational Rainfall-Runoff Modelling System with Application of Satellite based Rainfall for the Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand by Prof. Piyatida Ruangrassamee (Thailand)
  3. Basin Level Flood Mitigation Measures by Using Paddy Fields and Irrigation Systems by Prof. Keigo NODA (Japan)


Prof. Philippe Gourbesville, Université Côte d'Azur, France

Philippe is Professor of Hydro informatics at Polytech Nice Sophia, the graduate school of engineering of Université Côte d’Azur, France, since 1997. He graduated from Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France in 1993 and started his career as hydraulic engineer in a French consulting company and was involved in projects in Europe, Africa, and Asia. After joining University Côte d’Azur in 2006, he managed a wide range of research projects on hydro-environmental modelling. In 2012, Philippe initiated the Tianjin International Engineering Institute at Tianjin University, China and served as French director of the school. He regularly advices international institutions, public bodies and consulting companies on water related projects and serves as legal expert for several major flood events. In 2015, Philippe was one of the founders of the Asian Water Council (AWC) promoting innovative solutions for water issues in Asia and is currently serving as Vice President. He is the president of International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR) Council since 2023. He is also actively engaged at the national level with the French Hydrotechnic Society as a management board member, division chair and initiator of the Sim Hydro biannual conferences since 2010. Philippe is currently serving as associate editor for the Journal of Hydro informatics, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, River, and as co-editor in chief for La Houille Blanche / Hydroscience Journal. He has published extensively in the field of water engineering, crisis management and resilience assessment.

Dr. Piyatida Ruangrassamee, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Dr. Piyatida Ruangrassamee has been a faculty in the Department of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University since 2011. She is a committee of the THAICID academic working group and an observer of ICID Working Group on Water Food Energy Nexus. Her research includes water security assessment, applications of satellite-based rainfall for flood simulations, reservoir operations and optimization, applications of remote sensing data for riverbank erosion monitoring in Mekong River Basin, water-related ecosystem, and impacts of climate change to hydrological system. Her research team has collaborated with Hydro-Informatics Institute (Public Organization) (HII), Thailand and the International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHARM), Japan to develop Rainfall-Runoff Modelling System for operational flood simulations and forecasting.

Dr. Bing-Chen Jhong, NSYSU, Taiwan

Dr. Bing-Chen Jhong is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine Environment and Engineering at National Sun Yat-sen University. His research interests include real-time forecasting of water-related disasters, artificial intelligence and machine learning, optimization algorithms and applications, climate risk assessment and adaptation, and spatial informatics. Over the past many years, he has proposed a physics-informed inundation forecasting model that integrates artificial intelligence and multi-objective optimization analysis to analyze key factors and effectively improve the accuracy of the forecasting model. He has also applied this model to a variety of research topics, such as groundwater level forecasting and suspended sediment concentration forecasting. His past research has also focused on spatial assessment of climate risk and adaptation strategies under climate change. He has proposed and applied a method that integrates climate adaptation algorithms and hydrological statistical analysis to case studies in Taiwan and Japan. In recent years, his research has focused on real-time dynamic risk assessment of flood damage to crops during typhoons. He has integrated real-time inundation forecasting information, spatial distribution of crops, and vulnerability analysis to further quantify real-time dynamic risk and explore corresponding adaptation strategies.

Topic: Real-Time Risk Assessment Based on Typhoon-Induced Inundation Forecasts: A Case Study of Paddy Fields


Prof. Ming-Che HU, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Dr. Ming-Che HU is Professor of Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. He earned his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University, USA, in 2008. After joining National Taiwan University in 2010, he managed a wide range of research projects on water resources management, hydrological data analysis, energy system modelling, and policy simulation. He developed optimization, risk analysis, machine learning, and economic analysis models and software for water & energy system analysis and environmental planning. He is currently serving as reviewers, guest editors, and editor members for several peer-reviewed Journals. He has published extensively in the field of water resources, energy systems, disaster management and environmental data analysis. He is a member of the WG-AFM, WG-MWSCD, and WG-WFE-N in The ICID.

Dr. Keigo Noda, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Dr. Keigo Noda is an associate professor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Japan, since 2023. He has more than 10 years’ experience in irrigation and drainage, ecosystem services, and water resource and environment management. Since 2020, he has served as a vice chair of the Working Group on Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Irrigation/ Drainage System Management in The International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage.


Topic: Paddy Field Dam: a Flood Mitigation in Paddy Field in Japan


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