International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Constitution and By-Laws

ICID is a Technical and Voluntary Not-for-profit Non-Governmental International Organization (NGO), dedicated, inter alia, to enhance the worldwide supply of food and fibre for all people by improving water and land management, and the productivity of irrigated and drained lands.

The Constitution and By-laws of the ICID guides in its operations and activities and, accordingly, are intended primarily for the Commission’s benefit and use. The Constitution contains the fundamental principles and structure of the Commission, and the By-laws outline the basic rules of the procedure outlined by the Commission.

The ICID By-laws have been enacted its International Executive Council for the due implementation of the provisions of the Constitution of the Commission.

ICID Constitution ]   [ Status CIID ]  ||  [ ICID By-laws ]  [ Règlements Intérieurs CIID ]


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