Political boundaries shown may not be accurate
Comitato Nazionale Italiano ICID (ITAL-ICID)
Population (M): 60.3
Geo. Area (Km2): 302,073
Irrigated Area (Mha): 2.42
Drained Area (Mha): 5.3
Sprinkler Irrigation (Ha): 958,535
Micro Irrigation (Ha): 422,534 Major River Basins (Km2): Po River Basin
Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma
National Committee Directory+
Joint Editor : EB-JOUR
Member : WG-IWM&D
Country Profile-
Italy is located in Southern Europe, at the very heart of the Mediterranean. The country is characterized by a predominantly hilly territory (41.6% of the total area), followed by the mountainous area (35,2%) and plains (23.2%) (ISTAT, 2019). The total area amounts to 302,073 Sq.Km. and the average altitude of the territory is 337 m. Placed in the middle between the Iberian Peninsula and the Balkans, the country is bordered by France in the North West, by Switzerland and Austria in the North and by Slovenia in the North East. It has a high latitudinal extension, being linked to central Europe in the north through the Alps Mountains, and to the African continent in the South, through Sicily island, laying in front of the Tunisian coast.
Population and land use
Italy is a densely inhabited country, representing the fourth European nation by population with 60.244,639 inhabitants (ISTAT 2019), mostly located in the coastal areas and the plains of the country. More than two thirds (67.9%) of Italian municipalities fall into the low urbanization class, predominantly rural areas, equal to 72.5% of the overall total and where 24.3% of the population is living in. On the other hand, 32.1% of the Italian population is presently living in highly urbanized municipalities, which represent only 3.3% of the national total and with a total land area of 4.8% over the total. The remaining 42.4% of the total population is concentrated in the residual 28.7% of the municipalities, presenting an average degree of urbanization, over a territorial extension of 22.7% of the total. The Capital city, Rome, is the largest and most populated city situated in the central part of the country, accounting for 2,837,332 inhabitants.
Climate and rainfall
The climate widely diverges among different Italian regions, characterised by extremely variable conditions across the more than 10 degrees of latitude existing between the Alps and the Mediterranean Sea. Rainfall is extremely variable in the Country, both spatially and temporally. There is a semi-arid Southern area (precipitation ranging over 450-600 mm/year and average temperature of 18oC); a sub-humid conditions area (500-800 mm/year and 15oC) in the Northern plain; and a humid condition area (800-1,530 mm/year and 13oC) on the Alps and Apennine mountains. Rainfall regime greatly depends on the orography and latitude, ranging from more than 1,000 mm/year well distributed over the year, as recorded in the northern plain - and up to 3,000 mm/year on the Alps, where snow is present for most of the year - to less than 500 mm/year, mainly concentrated in the autumn-winter periods, as recorded in Southern regions.
Food and agriculture
Italy represents the third most important European agricultural Country, after France and Germany. The agricultural area ranges around thirteen million hectares, whilst added value on average amounts to € 33.1 billion, or 2.3% of GDP. According to data reported in the last survey on Agriculture carried out by Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), more than half (56,5%) of the total area of Italy is farmland (17.1 Mha) and 75.3% of this (12.9 Mha) is used for agricultural purposes; the total agricultural land area has decreased about 7.9 Mha (-31.8%) since 1970, whilst Useful Agricultural Area (SAU) has been facing a decrease of about 4,6 Mha (-26.4%) since then. As of today (ISTAT, 2017) there are almost 2 M (1,621,000) of agricultural and livestock farms actively operating in the country, with a decrease of 1.9 million (-55.1%) since 1970. Almost 1/4 of them are managed by women, the average size of a farm is 8.4 ha.
Irrigation and drainage
Italy is the second most important country in Europe in terms of irrigated area, with more than 2.4 Mha of irrigated land (about 15 % of total agricultural land) after Spain (3 Mha), annually deploying on average 20 billion m3 of water for agriculture and food production and overall moving more than 700,000 farmers. In more than half of the irrigated area (1,3 Mha out of the total 2,4 Million), irrigation is collectively managed by Land reclamation and Irrigation consortia. The main source of irrigation water is surface water coming from rivers (67%), followed by reservoirs (6%) and groundwater (27%). In terms of distribution, more than half (55,7%) of the Italian farms are served by canals and pressurized aqueducts, with water provided either on a round basis or always available. Furthermore, 25.5% of water is resulting from underground water, withdrawn from within or near the farms; 5.1% is derived by surface water resources included within the farm perimeter or area (internal sources), such as small embankments, artificial or natural basins and so on; 9,9% comes from sources located outside the farm, such as lakes, dams, rivers or great waterways; and 3.7% is of other nature.
Water resources management
Italy is undoubtedly a country rich in water. Considering, the widespread network of water storage structures existing in Italy (dams, reservoirs, barrages etc.), potential water availability is of 110 billion m³, but however the volume of exploitable water resources in Italy can be reasonably quantified as ranging around 40 x 109 m3 per year, where 30 x 109 m3 refer to the large regional aquifers, and the remaining 10 x 109 m3 contribute to local aquifers balance; about 30% of the latter are related to spring outflow. Another 12 billion m³ derives from groundwater exploitation, making for a total of 52 billion m³ yearly nationwide.
Water policies
In 1944, the ANBI (National Associations for reclamation, irrigation and rural development) was established. ANBI grouped Consortia for the reclamation, Consortia and agencies for the rural development and Consortia for water management, mainly farmers’ associations who rule the irrigated areas by means of autonomous acts; they have specifically conceived governing bodies.
The Government has been financing in time structural works for the reclamation of marsh and ponds, for reforestation, for the control of mountain streams, for strengthening slopes and dunes, for flood control and structures required for rural development. Land owners are obliged to belong to Consortia and are called in to bear the costs of the services provided by Consortia according to the benefits received.
ICID and National Committee
Italy is one of the eleven Founding Members of ICID, joined in 1950. The Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID) was created on behalf and under the initiative of Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ITAL-ICID has been hosting several important international meetings in the past, such as the 9th and 46th IEC Meetings, held in Rome in 1964 and 1995, respectively; the 3rd European Regional Conference (ERC) held in Rome in 1965, the 11th ERC at Rome in 1977, and the 22nd ERC held in Pavia in 2007. ITAL-ICID had the honor of having six Vice Presidents; Mr. F. Curato (1955-58), Prof. M. Bottalico (1969-72), Dr. Pier Luigi Romita (1984-87), Prof. C. Fassò (1993-96) and Prof. Lucio Ubertini (2007-10),
Dr. Marco ARCIERI is the currently Vice President for the term 2018–21 and he is also currently the Secretary General of ITAL-ICID. Prof. Eng. Piergiorgio Manciola is the President of ITAL-ICID and can be contacted at info@italicid.it
Prepared by:VP Dr. Marco Arcieri, and Secretary General, ITAL-ICID.
Date | Details | Location/Country |
Sep 02, 2007 - Sep 06, 2007 | 22nd European Regional Conference Theme - Water Resources Management and Irrigation and Drainage Systems Development in the European Environment NC Contact : Dr. Gabriella Zanferrari, Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID), Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma |
Pavia, Italy |
Sep 01, 1995 - Sep 06, 1995 | 46th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) NC Contact : Dr. Gabriella Zanferrari, Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID), Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma |
Rome, Italy, Italy |
May 14, 1977 - May 16, 1977 | 11th European Regional Conference Theme - Small watershed management, with emphasis on small reservoirs development NC Contact : Dr. Gabriella Zanferrari, Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID), Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma |
Rome, Italy |
May 14, 1965 - May 16, 1965 | 3rd European Regional Conference Theme - (i) Determination of the cost of water for collective irrigation, only for operation, maintenance and amortization of plants from the moment water is delivered to the supply canal serving a district.; (ii) Problems concerning seepage loses in channels, defects in management of the network, inefficient utilization of water on the ground, etc. NC Contact : Dr. Gabriella Zanferrari, Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID), Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma |
Rome, Italy |
Sep 01, 1958 - Sep 06, 1958 | 9th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) NC Contact : Dr. Gabriella Zanferrari, Italian National Committee, ICID (ITAL-ICID), Ministero per le Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali Via XX Settembre - 00187 Roma |
Rome, Italy, Italy |
# | Category | Title | Description | Winner(s) | Year |
1 | Technology | IRRISAT - A satellite Based Irrigation Advisory Service |
IRRISAT is a satellite-based irrigation advisory service developed in Italy and operational since 2007 in the Campania region (Southern Italy); nowadays it has been used in Australia (with name COALA). The service aims at providing farms and managers of water resources with real time information on crop water needs. Irrigation needs are estimated using high resolution data from Earth observation satellites and meteorological gridded data (including 5-days forecast) by using the FAO 56 “direct” calculation method. Data are aggregated at various spatial scales (from field or irrigation unit to district or river basin scale) and temporal scales (real time, historical series). Information is distributed in near-real time to the users (farmers and/or water agencies) by using ICTs, namely web- mapping applications. Several water user associations in Italy are using IRRISAT for supporting their everyday management of irrigation distribution, as well as for detecting non-authorized water withdrawals.
At the farm scale, farmers have been slowly by slowly integrating their knowledge and experience with the site- specific evaluation of irrigation volumes given by IRRISAT; as a result, the applied volumes have been progressively reduced of about 20o/ compared to the previous values. This corresponds roughly to about 1000 mc/ha/year, over a total surface (referred to Southern Italy and Australia) of 150 000 ha; the resulting estimated water saved is at least 150 Millions of cubic meters per year.
The IRRISAT method has also the following advantages
Prof. Guido D’URSO & Mr. CARLO DE MICHELE | 2023 |
Recognized World Heritage Irrigation Structures+
# | Structure | Built | State | River Basin | Irrigation area | Recognised at |
1 | Panperduto Dam | 1884 | Milano | Ticino River Ticino River Basin | 35265 Ha | 70th IEC Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 2019 |
2 | Migliaro Water Diversion Gate | 1868 | Ferrara | Po River Po river/ Po do Volano | 2750 Ha | 70th IEC Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 2019 |
3 | Berra Irrigation Plant | 1921 | Ferrara | Distretto Irriguo Berrra Contuga | 46000 Ha | 70th IEC Meeting, Bali, Indonesia, 2019 |
4 | Aqua Augusta and Piscina Mirabilis | 33 and 12 BC | Campania region | Serino river | 12,000 m3 | 69th IEC Meeting, Saskatoon, Canada, 2018 |
Workbody Representation+
# | Abbreviation | Workbody |
1 | PCTA | Permanent Committee for Technical Activities
Prof. Michele Pernoila (Member), |
2 | WG-WHMWS | Working Group on Water Harvesting for Managing Water Scarcity
Prof. (Ms.) Elena Bresci (Member), |
3 | AFRWG | African Regional Working Group
Mr. Jean Syroganis Camara (Observer), Mr. A. de Vito (Observer), |
4 | ERWG | European Regional Working Group
Dr. Marco Arcieri (Chair), |
5 | WG-CLIMATE | Working Group on Climate Change and Agricultural Water Management (WG-CLIMATE)
Prof. Anna Dalla Marta (Member), |
6 | EB-JOUR | ICID Journal Editorial Board
Dr. Graziano Ghinassi (Joint Editor), Prof. Daniele de Wrachien (Associate Editor), Prof. Anna Dalla Marta (Associate Editor), |
7 | WG-WFE-N | WG on Water Food Energy Nexus
Prof. Daniele de Wrachien (Permanent Observer), Mr. Herbert H. Van Lier, CIGR (Permanent Observer), Dr. Marco Arcieri (Member), |
8 | MB | Management Board
Dr. Marco Arcieri (Chair), |
9 | TF-WWF11 | TF to Guide ICID Inputs to 10th World Water Forum
Dr. Marco Arcieri (Member), |
10 | WG-IWM&D | Working Group on Irrigation Water Management and Development
Dr. Graziano Ghinassi (Member), Prof. Michele Pernoila (Member), |
11 | WG-NWREP | Working Group on Non-Conventional Water Resources and Environment Protection
Dr. Giulio Castelli (Member), Dr. Sasha Koo-Oshima (FAO) (Permanent Observer), Dr. (Ms.) Anna Tadeschi (Member), |