Political boundaries shown may not be accurate
Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID)
Population (M): 25
Geo. Area (Km2): 7,692,024
Irrigated Area (Mha): 2.15
Drained Area (Mha): 2.17
Sprinkler Irrigation (Ha): 820,000
Micro Irrigation (Ha): 217,000 Major River Basins (Km2): Murrumbidgee, Murray, Wakool, Edward, Lachlan
Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170
National Committee Directory+
Provisional Member : WG-WFE-N
Member : WG-IWM&D
Member : WG-NWREP
Member : TF-WEWM
Country Profile-
Australia has a land area of about 7.7 million Sq.Km. Although this is just five per cent of the world’s land mass, Australia is the planet’s sixth largest country after Russia, Canada, China, the United States of America and Brazil. It is also the only one of the largest six nations that is completely surrounded by water. Australia is the smallest of the world’s continents. It is also the lowest, the flattest and (apart from Antarctica) the driest. The highest point on the Australian mainland is Mount Kosciuszko, at 2228 metres above sea level. The lowest point is the dry bed of Lake Eyre, South Australia, which is 15 metres below sea level.
Population and land use
The population of Australia is about 25 million (2019) people with 85% of these living within 50 Km of the coasts. Population density ranges from above 10,000 people per Sk.Km to less than 0.2 persons per Sk.Km in the arid centre. Human habitation of the Australian continent is estimated to have begun around 65,000 to 70,000 years ago, with the migration of people by land bridges and short sea-crossings from what is now Southeast Asia. Aboriginal Australian culture is one of the oldest continual civilizations on earth.
Climate and rainfall
Climatic zones range from tropical rainforests, deserts, cool temperate forests and also snow covered mountains. Australia is the driest inhabited continent in the world; rainfall is extremely variable, and droughts are common. Australia is a relatively arid continent, with 80% of the land receiving less than 600 millimetres of rainfall per year, and 50% receiving less than 300 millimetres of rainfall per year.
Food and agriculture
Agricultural businesses operate across about half of Australia’s total land area. 87% of the land farmed is used for grazing and 31 Mha are cropped. The gross value of Australian agriculture was $60.8 billion in 2016-17 with crops accounting for $32 billion In 2016-17 the dominant crops etc., by weight, were sugarcane, wheat, barley, oats and canola. Australia irrigates about 2 Mha of land for cotton, rice, tree crops, grapevines, pastures and vegetables. This varies dependent on rainfall for water supply from reservoirs. The main irrigation area is the Murray-Darling Basin (covering parts of the states of South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland and Victoria). Water required for irrigation is stored in reservoirs in the upper reaches of the main streams and rivers and is released to downstream irrigators and environmental purposes.
Water resources management
Total consumptive use of water in 2016-17 was 16,287 gigalitres. Of this amount, 10,233 gigalitres was consumed by agriculture; 1,483 gigalitres was consumed by the water supply services industry; a further 2,662 gigalitres by all other industries; and 1,909 gigalitres by households. Australia’s average water consumption is 432 litres per capita per day.
Irrigation and drainage
The formative years of irrigation in Australia were in the late 19th century and the major irrigation developments occurred initially in the Murray-Darling Basin. In New South Wales, 500,000 ha of pastures, and 200,000 ha of rice and cotton are surface irrigated. In Victoria, 500,000 ha of pastures are surface irrigated. Major channel systems divert water from the river systems to the irrigation districts. In the south eastern Australian states of South Australia, Victoria and New South Wales, over 100,000 ha of high value horticultural crops (citrus, grapes, stone fruit, almonds, and vegetables) are sprinkler or drip irrigated. South Australia also irrigates 60,000 ha of pastures. In other states, a similar range of crops are produced. Queensland also irrigates 140,000 ha of sugarcane. Many areas of inland Australia have been populated through irrigation development. Access to irrigation water is controlled by the government with the amount available to any irrigator, or the area that may be irrigated, regulated. Significant private irrigation regions do exist, but most regional water supply infrastructure is owned, constructed, maintained and operated by government agencies or privatised government organisations. Irrigation technology continues to evolve both at the system and farm level and to keep up to date significant investment by governments (principally via Sustainable Rural Water Use and Infrastructure Program - SRWUIP) has seen dramatic improvements in water use efficiency in systems by reducing conveyance losses (operational, seepage and evaporation) and on-farm by adoption of ‘state of the art’ micro, spray and surface irrigation systems. The more extensive irrigation infrastructure operators have made use of SRWUIP funding to modernise their irrigation infrastructure. Under this modernisation, old manually operated structures have been replaced with automated gates, leaky channels have been replaced by lined channels and pipelines and old-style Dethridge outlets have been replaced with modern accurate farm outlets. Many of these automated systems are so controlled that farmers are able to order water and see it being delivered to their farm offtake via computer.
Water governance
Before the 1970s, property rights to irrigation water resided largely with state governments. Since the 1970s, there has been a transfer of property rights from state governments to either individual irrigators or to collectives of irrigators that have taken over ownership and management of the distribution infrastructure. Water governance in Australia is now operating under the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) water reform framework, it requires the development of a comprehensive system of water allocations (including water sharing plans) and entitlements. This second wave of reforms were commenced in 1994 and enhanced in 1995 when NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Queensland agreed to implement a cap on diversions as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Agreement, based on 1993-94 levels of utilisation. In 2003, COAG agreed to refresh its 1994 water reform agenda by developing a new National Water Initiative. Among other things, the Initiative set out reforms for best practice pricing and institutional arrangements. This included: Promoting the economically efficient and sustainable use of water; Giving effect to the principles of user-pays; Achieving pricing transparency; and facilitating the efficient functioning of water markets. The Water Act 2007 was passed in 2007-2008 and Murray–Darling Basin Authority was created as a result of the National Plan for Water Security.
ICID and National Committee
Australia joined the ICID in the year 1952 and has since then taken active part in its activities. The Irrigation Australia’s Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID) has organized the following events in Australia: (1) The 10th IEC Meeting, March 1959 at Canberra; (2) The 34th IEC Meeting, September 1983 at Melbourne; (3) The 4th Micro-irrigation Congress in 1988 at Albury-Woodonga; (4) The 2nd Asian Regional Conference (ARC), March 2004 at Echuca Moama (5) The 63rd meeting of IEC and 7th ARC in June 2012 at Adelaide and (6) The 73rd IEC Meeting and 24th ICID Congress will be held in March 2022 at Adelaide, Australia. The IACID has provided the following five Vice President Honoraire (VPH) to ICID: Mr. L.R. East (1959-1962); Mr. J.S. Abbott (1982-1985); Prof. D.J. Constable (1987-1990); Dr. H. Malano (2000-2003); and Dr. Willem F. Vlotman (2009-2012). Mr. Momir Vranes is the current Chairman of the Irrigation Australia’s Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID). The IACID can be contacted at: info@irrigation.org.au>
Date | Details | Location/Country |
Sep 01, 2024 - Sep 07, 2024 | 75th International Executive Council Meeting NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Email : naomi.carragher@irrigation.org.au; dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au, Fax : +61 (07) 3517 4010 Tel. : +61 (07) 3517 4000 Website : https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/ Resources : Highlights: 75th International Executive Council Meeting and 9th Asian Regional Conference (AsRC), 1-7 September 2024, Sydney, Australia; |
Sydney, Australia |
Sep 01, 2024 - Sep 07, 2024 | 9th Asian Regional Conference (AsRC) Theme - Irrigation’s role in delivering economically viable food security and sustainable urban spaces in an increasingly unpredictable climate NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Contact : Mr. David Cameron; Chief Executive Officer, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave., Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Email : dave.cameron@irrigation.org.au, Fax : (07) 3517 4010 Tel. : +61 (07) 3517 4000 Website : https://irrigationconference2024.com.au/ Resources : Call for Abstracts ; |
Sydney, Australia |
Oct 03, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022 | 24th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage Theme - Innovation and research in agriculture water management to achieve sustainable development goals Question 62: What Role Can Information And Communication Technology Play In Travelling The Last Mile ? Question 63: What Role Is Played By Multi-Disciplinary Dialogue To Achieve Sustainable Development Goals ? Special Session - Developing the future tools for managing uncertainty in irrigation water supply Symposium - Integrated Approaches to Irrigation Management in Future NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Contact : Irrigation Australia Ltd Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee onIrrigation and Drainage (IACID) 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Email : icid2022@irrigation.org.au, Fax : (07) 3517 4010 Tel. : (07) 3517 4000, (07) 3517 4002 Mob : 0417 304 347 Website : https://www.icid2022.com.au/icid-home/ Resources : Report of the 24th ICID Congress; Highlights of the Event; 24th International Congress Abstract Volume; General Report Question 62; General Report Question 63; 11th N.D. Gulhati Memorial Lecture 2022; International Workshops:- AFM; WG-WFE-N; WG-IOA; M&R; WG-MWSCD; WG-SDTA; Australian Country Paper: Integrated Approaches to Irrigation Management in the Future; |
Adelaide Convention Center, Adelaide, Australia |
Oct 03, 2022 - Oct 10, 2022 | 73rd International Executive Council Meeting NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Contact : Irrigation Australia Ltd Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee onIrrigation and Drainage (IACID) 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Email : icid2022@irrigation.org.au, Fax : (07) 3517 4010 Tel. : (07) 3517 4000, (07) 3517 4002 Mob : 0417 304 347 Website : https://www.icid2022.com.au/icid-home/ Resources : Highlights: 24th ICID International Congress and 73rd International Executive Council Meeting, October 2022, Australia; |
Adelaide Convention Center, Adelaide, Australia |
Jun 26, 2012 - Jun 28, 2012 | 7th Asian Regional Conference NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Adelaide, Australia |
Jun 24, 2012 - Jun 30, 2012 | 63rd International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 Resources : AGENDA ; AGENDA (French) ; MINUTES ; MINUTES (French) ; Highlights of 63rd IEC Meeting and 7th Asian Regional Conference, Adelaide, June 2012 |
Adelaide, Australia, Australia |
Mar 14, 2004 - Mar 17, 2004 | 2nd Asian Regional Conference Theme - Theme: Irrigation in the total catchment management NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Echuca, Australia |
Aug 25, 1995 - Sep 05, 1995 | 5th Afro-Asian Regional Conference Theme - Planning and management of water for agriculture in the tropics. NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Townsville, Australia |
Oct 23, 1988 - Oct 28, 1988 | 4th International Micro Irrigation Conference NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Albury - Wodonga, Australia |
Sep 01, 1983 - Sep 06, 1983 | 34th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Melbourne, Australia, Australia |
Sep 01, 1959 - Sep 06, 1959 | 10th International Executive Council Meeting (IEC) NC Contact : Ms. Naomi Carragher, Business Administration Manager, Irrigation Australia Ltd, Secretariat, Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID), 11/58 Metroplex Ave.,Murarrie, QLD 4172, PO Box 13, Cannon Hill, 4170 |
Canberra, Australia, Australia |
# | Category | Title | Description | Winner(s) | Year |
1 | Technology | Leveraging Canal Automation Technology To Improve Karnataka’s Precious Water Resources |
The Water Resources Institute has categorised India as being the 13th most water stressed country in the world. Agriculture is India’s largest consumer of fresh water, accounting for 80% of all fresh water resources.
Sumith Choy, Varun Ravi, N Srinivas Reddy, and Satya N Jaddu | 2022 |
2 | Young Professional | Automated Site-Specific Irrigation Optimisation Using 'VARIwise' |
This innovation is software 'VARIwise' that combines sensing, modelling, optimisation and actuation to determine site-specific irrigation requirements to maximise yield and crop productivity for broad-acre crops. The innovation focuses on identifying irrigation timing and spatially variable depths across fields to best achieve maximum forecasted yield using models. This contrasts with existing commercial automated site-specific irrigation control strategies that are either time-based or are based on variability maps that may not necessarily relate to actual irrigation requirements. In addition, typical strategies developed in other research apply irrigation when the plant has reached a specific stress point if using canopy temperature sensors or soil-water deficit if using soil moisture sensors. These systems do not consider water availability and target seasonal performance objectives (e.g., maximise yield or water productivity). Therefore, they cannot adapt to different weather conditions or limited water situations. In particular, some crops (e.g., cotton) require stress in early growth stages to produce maximum yield, and simply managing irrigation according to soil moisture deficit does not target optimal yield. VARIwise has been evaluated on cotton and dairy pasture crops to determine site-specific irrigation requirements with surface and centre pivot irrigation. The system developed involves a novel combination of the following components:
- Industry-standard crop biophysical models that are automatically parameterised from online and infield data sources of weather, soil properties, and irrigation management information - Machine vision cameras to automatically detect growth rates from infield cameras and parameterise the crop biophysical model - Optimisation algorithms that iteratively run the parameterised crop model to identify which irrigation day/volume will optimise yield and water productivity VARIwise produces the best irrigation day in the next three days (if any) and the required irrigation depths. For centre pivot and lateral move irrigation machines with variable-rate irrigation capability, VARIwise automatically generates prescription maps in formats compatible with commercially available panels. The maps can then be approved by the grower, uploaded, and enabled.
Water Saving through the Innovation This innovation improves water productivity by applying irrigation where it is needed, at the right time, specific to the crop's water requirements. For example, Water is saved by the model on cotton crops by recognising the impact of Water on potential yield at all growth stages. This has led to strategies that reduce irrigation depth and apply stress to the plant earlier in the season to encourage root development and flower production, and later in the season, full irrigation occurs to maximise yield. Implementation of this system has led to yield improvements of 4 to 11% and water savings of 12 to 22% for cotton. Water is saved by the model on dairy pasture when updated with the daily growth status from the machine vision system. For dairy pastures, infield cameras and machine vision algorithms have been developed to sense grazing status from pasture growth rates automatically. By updating the grazing status within the crop biophysical model, the resultant strategies reduce irrigation depths immediately after grazing and increase irrigation depth as pasture growth progresses. In contrast, grazing information is typically manually recorded and is not sensed as part of existing soil moisture or satellite monitoring systems. Trials on dairy pasture are currently being conducted to compare the performance of soil moisture sensor-based irrigation against optimisation strategies from VARIwise.
The performance of VARIwise irrigation strategies relies on the ability to predict yield accurately. Trials have been conducted to evaluate the yield prediction performance across 17 cotton sites with varying levels of fruit removal, hail damage, and heat stress. The overall yield prediction accuracies were: 81.2 to 89.8% at a date three months before the harvest; 91.1to 95.1% two months before the harvest; and 90.5 to 97.5% one month before harvest.
Implementation of the Innovation VARIwise will be introduced to the industry through commercialisation opportunities with manufacturers of irrigation hardware or precision agriculture software. This will involve selecting commercial partners and sharing the intellectual property for implementation. Planning for commercialisation has commenced with the project's funders. An expression of interest process for commercial partners was released in 2020, and the applicant is currently providing support for commercialisation with the respondent. The software would initially be used for centre pivot and lateral move irrigation in the cotton and/or dairy industries. In the Australian cotton industry, there is 61,030 ha of land irrigated by centre pivot or lateral move irrigation machines, and around 287,2000 ha of land developed for surface irrigation, irrigated by about 1,000 irrigation systems that could each utilise one of these units. Australian cotton has an annual export value in New South Wales and Queensland of $1.3 billion and $670 million. These two industries will be targeted initially, as they have provided funding for this innovative development and field evaluation (Cotton Research and Development Corporation and Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment as part of its Rural R&D for Profit program). It is expected that the commercial partner would make the VARIwise system available as an add-on to existing variable-rate irrigation hardware. The integration of VARIwise prescription map development capability within the commercial partner existing systems may be phased, with implementation through the following steps: (a) generate VRI map compatible with commercial variable-rate irrigation systems; (b) supply data from on-site weather stations in a required format for VARIwise runs; (c) import variability maps from satellite, soil, or elevation maps; (d) read in data from cameras/grazing sensors; and, (€) purchase a commercial license for the crop biophysical model to link available data to the generation of prescription maps.
Scope for Further Expansion of the Innovation There is potential for the VARIwise technology to be expanded across a range of crops and irrigation systems. The software could be transferred to any crop where the biophysical soil- plant-atmosphere relationships are available in a model that can be parameterised and can predict yield. Potential crops for technology transfer include vegetables and fruit, contributing $2.9 billion and $2.3 billion to the Australian economy, respectively. There is also potential for the control system to be implemented in the grains industry, particularly in the USA, where the irrigable area is 22 million ha. Over half of this area is irrigated with centre pivots and lateral moves that could each utilise one of these systems. In particular, the USA is the world's largest corn producer, with an annual irrigated crop value of $13 billion and irrigated corn area of ~5,500,000 ha. The software could also be expanded to plan irrigation between multiple fields. For example, this would involve focussing available irrigation to fields with higher yield potential and then separately implementing optimisation within these fields. There is also potential for sub-components of this innovation to be adopted separately. This will enable phased adoption of irrigation automation technologies. These individual sub-components include the yield prediction software, the machine vision system to detect and record grazing events for pasture automatically, and the automated prescription map development process. |
Dr. Alison McCarthy | 2021 |
3 | Innovative Water Management | Trangie-Nevertire Renewal : An Irrigation Infrastructure Modernisation Success Story |
Trangie-Nevertire Co-operative Ltd (TNCL), a member-owned irrigation scheme, pumps water out of the Macquarie River in the central west of New South Wales-Australia (NSW) that had reached its use-by-date in the middle of the Millennium Drought. The combined impact of high conveyance losses, a series of low or zero water allocation years, the threat of losing water, and the possibility of government’s buying back the saved water from the members and ever-increasing costs, led to the general realization that it is high time to modernize the water use system. To apply for the government funding, a strategic plan from a cooperative membership base, which quantified the issues, was developed for a modernization feasibility study, comprising of the following 5 major elements:
The water savings in the modernization project came from 4 main areas:
As a result of this project, channel conveyance losses have been reduced and on-farm productivity improved from greater water availability and promoted the installation of “state of the art” farm irrigation systems. Previous off-farm and on-farm irrigation losses are now being used for environmental benefit. Given the system’s success, Narromine Irrigation Board of Management applied EPDM to a substantial length of their channel system using the TNCL developed laying system as part of their modernization plan. There is substantial scope for this channel lining system to be adopted across Australia and worldwide wherever seepage losses in open channels are a significant problem. |
Mr. James Winter and Mr. Tony Quigley | 2019 |
4 | Technology |
A proper irrigation scheduling method adjusted to the actual crop water requirements is crucial to use available water resources better. Following this approach, an app called IrriSAT was developed in Australia to manage daily crop water use based on weather data.
IrriSAT is weather-based irrigation management and benchmarking technology app that uses remote sensing to provide site-specific crop water management information across large spatial scales at acceptable resolution. It calculates crop coefficients (KC) from relationships with freely available satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. Daily crop water use (ETc) is determined by multiplying KC and daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) observations from nearby weather stations or nationally provided gridded ETo data.
IrriSAT is moving weather-based scheduling into the future. It automates satellite processing from both the Landsat NASA satellite platforms and the Sentinel ESA satellite platforms. Developed using the Google Earth Engine, it deliveries crop water use information to assist in irrigation scheduling and crop productivity benchmarking. It provides daily crop water use as well as a 7-day crop water use forecast. The app provides users with an estimate of crop water information that can be used for assisting with irrigation scheduling, ordering water, and also benchmarking the performance of crops within and between fields and regions. Daily, it shows historical and current crop water use for a selected field or region as well as cumulative crop water from the planting date.
Users can also enter applied irrigations, and the tool undertakes a water balance for the selected field or region, showing irrigation deficit information. IrriSAT also undertakes a 7-day crop water use forecast and provides an estimate of the following irrigation period based on the user-selected irrigation deficit.
IrriSAT was introduced to irrigators through a range of mediums, including direct meetings and presentations to irrigators and irrigation consultants at farmer field events throughout the Australian cotton and grain growing areas. The users reported water savings from using the tool in many ways, some of which are listed below:
Currently, the app has full functionality across the entire Australian Continent and the USA. It allows users in these areas to get site-specific crop water use information historically. The app is useful across the globe to get seven-day crop water use forecasts. However, this scientific innovation needs the experience of irrigation scheduling and also access to and availability of gridded ET0 data. |
Mr. John Hornbuckle, Mr. Jamie Vleeshouwer and Ms. Janelle Montgomery | 2018 | |
5 | Technology |
In 2009, the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority (GB CMA) and other Victorian and regional groups formed a consortium to develop the Farm Water Program (FWP). Developed under FWP, the water-saving calculator built on 20 years of agricultural data (Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID), is an innovative way of determining water savings in real-time. The water-savings calculator was first used in 2010 to determine water-savings for the first few FWP projects. This followed further improvements and some work with FWP consortium partners to ensure that the calculations were correct and accepted. Several irrigators and irrigation specialists reviewed some examples of water-savings calculations and provided feedback on their accuracy and use. Essentially the water-savings calculator gives an irrigator the confidence to adopt a new more water-efficient irrigation technology by estimating the expected annual water-savings if that irrigation technology were to be adopted on a predetermined area of land. It does this by taking into account both the existing and future irrigation methods, the soil type, and the crop type. Eligible irrigators work with FWP staff to develop a project using a previously prepared property farm plan which provides details of the proposed changes to the farm irrigation system. Using the whole farm plan, irrigators are then able to nominate all or parts of their property to be improved through an FWP project with a detailed change plan. The upgrades to the public delivery system included the renovation of sections of channels to minimise leakage and seepage with the use of clay or plastic lining together with the installation of remote-controlled, automated channel regulators and delivery gates to properties. Some sections of channels were replaced with pipelines while others were removed where no longer required. These changes resulted in a higher level of delivery service for irrigation farmers with more consistent and larger flows of water available which allowed for higher speed irrigations and improved water use efficiency. Irrigators were able to utilize the internet to plan and order the delivery of water onto their properties to suit their needs FWP projects contain technologies and work for three types of irrigation systems: Surface irrigation with activities including:
Micro and drip irrigation including:
Overhead sprinkler irrigation including: Installation and upgrades of centre pivot, lateral move, and fixed sprinkler systems. Water-savings Calculator: The water-savings calculator uses three crop types comprising
To calculate the amount of water saved, three groupings of soil types were used with the lightest textured soils, the sands, and sandy loams grouped as Light Soils, the loam soil types were grouped as Medium Soils and the clays grouped as Heavy Soils. In a typical example with crops requiring 3 ML/ha/year, water-saving was as follows
The water-savings calculator has now been used across 622 FWP projects, covering more than 37,000 ha with an expected 82,000 ML of the saved water. The improved irrigation systems provided irrigators with additional benefits of reduced labour requirement and ease of operating a more flexible irrigation system. Other irrigators have kept identical crops with the new upgraded system and experienced both a reduction in water use (ML/ha) and an increase in production (ton/ha and ton/ML). The water-saving calculator was developed for a specific region using land use, crop type, irrigation activity in the form of drip or sprinkler, on-farm development and activity, improvement in the irrigation application tools, and so on. Thus, it is region-specific but can be developed for other regions as well. Besides GMID, the calculator has wider use in providing water use efficiency information for irrigators as they plan changes to their farm irrigation systems. It can be used as a decision support tool for irrigators to compare water use efficiency merits of technologies and practices they may consider adopting. |
Mr. Chris Norman and Mr. Carl Walters | 2017 | |
6 | Innovative Water Management | Integrated water recovery provides regional growth for Northern Victoria, Australia |
Northern Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project (NVIRP) delivered a large?scale irrigation modernization project in the Goulburn Murray Irrigation District (GMID), a region that is responsible for approximately 25% of the state’s agricultural production and contributes around AUD 1.45 billion per year in dairy and agricultural industries. NVIRP provided an irrigation system that improved customer service levels, leveraged farm efficiencies, and increased productivity and profitability. Some of the features are presented below: The 6,300 km irrigation channel network in operation for a century encountered inefficiencies due to record low rainfalls and long?term drought. NVIRP improvised the system to provide water at irrigator’s near?on?demand with higher and consistent flow rates facilitating increased opportunities and optimized water use efficiency and productivity. The project led to the installation of over 2,716 Rubicon gates and major control structures, as well as 117 km of channel lining with over 1,000 metered outlets decommissioned. Full automation of the system reduced the carbon footprint of the scheme as the multiple daily manual adjustments of regulator gates and meters were no longer required. This significantly reduced the vehicle travel requirements too. Removing largely redundant assets reduced system water losses, increased operational efficiency, and reduced ongoing operations and maintenance costs – increasing the overall affordability of the scheme for current and future generations of irrigators. Channels with high seepage and/or leakage rates were identified through a range of techniques such as soil maps, sandy soils, prior streams, aerial maps, leakage history (system operator), geophysics, field walks, and the operator’s knowledge. These were controlled with automated mechanisms. Improved metering to customers allowed better water management and reduced losses occurring at customer outlets. Irrigation modernization project under the ten-year program reduced system water losses and generated savings which benefited both the environment and consumptive water users. NVIRP works closely with partner agencies such as the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority to support other water-savings projects such as on?farm efficiency programs which leverage off the benefits of a modernized distribution system. The lessons learned and implemented water-saving technology over the four years of the project were further used in catchment areas and irrigation regions throughout Australia and more broadly around the world. The Murray Darling Basin Authority has indicated that there is a need to improve the management practices. It is well established that infrastructural improvements targeted at savings will also enable new investments in agriculture and other industries across the basin. |
Mr. Peter McCamish | 2012 |
7 | Best Paper Award | An Overview of Irrigation Mosaics, Volume 60.4 |
Keywords: Irrigation mosaics; mosaics; irrigation impact; irrigation patches Presented at: 63rd IEC Meeting 2012, Adelaide, Australia |
Zahra Paydar; Freeman Cook; Emmanuel Xevi; Keith Bristow | 2012 |
8 | Young Professional | Development and application of innovative and advanced simulation tools for the evaluation and optimization of surface irrigation systems |
Dr. Malcolm Gillies | 2009 |
9 | Young Professional | Development and application of innovative and advanced simulation tools for the evaluation and optimization of surface irrigation systems
Traditionally, the evaluation of surface irrigation water requirements for system improvement was based on data from a limited sample of furrows. Substantial spatial variability in soil infiltration characteristics and irrigation performance between furrows were completely ignored creating an erroneous evaluation of water requirements. Therefore, advanced simulation tools were developed for the evaluation and optimization of surface irrigation systems. A model called SISCO solved the full hydrodynamic equation to simulate the hydraulics of multiple irrigation furrows and determined the optimum flow rate and time to give optimum performance for the whole field or a set of furrows. It had two components:
An additional feature of this model was the graphical presentation of the interaction of the main performance measures and the user-specified objective function. SISCO, a new generation simulation model employed a solution of the full hydrodynamic equations. It was unique and unlike old simulation models, it could be applied to all surface irrigation methods, furrows, bays, level basins and drain back basins and performed the required calibration functions (inverse solution of the hydraulic resistance and infiltration parameters from the measured advance, recession, and runoff), simulation, and optimization in a single model. This calibration was also possible with limited data and accommodated user preferences in the selection of the optimum or preferred irrigation. The model worked on an inverse solution from the measured irrigation and other data to give the infiltration and surface resistance parameters prevailing during the measured irrigation. It conducted ‘what if’ simulations to determine the preferred flow rate and irrigation time. It used a simulation of the measured irrigation as a means of calibrating and calculating the performance parameters for the measured irrigation. These improved evaluation tools can promote the uptake of the evaluation process among surface irrigators. The SISCO model could identify the surface resistance parameter as well as the infiltration characteristic and can use a wider range of measured data, for example, advance, recession, flow depths, and/or runoff. This improved the quality of the parameter estimates, the subsequent simulations, and hence the recommendations stemming from those simulations. It also allowed evaluations such as basin irrigation and irrigated bay pasture which were eliminated earlier. Even greater performance can be obtained if these systems can adapt to the different conditions prevailing at each irrigation. Efficiency: With the new model, performance measurements across the main surface irrigated crops (cotton, grains, sugar, and pasture) showed application efficiencies ranging from 20 to 90% on average. Selection of more appropriate flow rates and irrigation times better suited to the specific soils achieved average efficiencies above 70%. Expansion: Surface irrigation (furrow, bay, and basin) is a dominant irrigation method in Australia, used in 70% of the total area irrigated (1,000,000 ha and 4,000,000 ML). At the time, it was predicted that performance gains (water-savings) above 20% could easily be achieved in surface irrigation systems through the process of evaluation and practice change. |
10 | Young Professional |
All around the world, including in Australia, communities are facing water-related issues such as reduced water availability, conflicting water uses, and water-related environmental problems. Water shortage and deteriorating water quality are contributing to a growing water crisis in many countries. Integrated water management in irrigated agricultural areas is the best strategy to optimize the use of available water resources in the face of reduced water availability, conflicting water uses, and other water-related environmental problems. In the same light, a study was conducted on the Murrumbidgee River system to understand the viability of underground water banking as the new water storage and also a means of water-saving. This research investigated ‘water banking’ i.e., storing water in an aquifer (an underground layer of gravel or porous stone that yields water), by creating a 50 m or deeper underground water bank. Water banking refers to delivering water earlier than it is used and storing it into groundwater so it is available to be pumped when required. In other words, redirecting surface water to subsurface water until it is utilized with zero evaporation losses. It is a unique water management technique with the ability to test and assess the impact of the allocation of limited water resources between agricultural production and the environment. Water banking is defined as the use, storage, and management of all surface and groundwater water resources available as one single resource (by using an aquifer as a storage system). Water banking can better manage biophysical demand, and enhance instream flows that are biologically and ecologically significant. Benefits of Water bank included: i) adding flexibility in conjunctive water management, ii) enhancing in-stream flows that are biologically and ecologically significant, iii) reducing water use in over appropriate areas, iv) reducing the impact of water pumping on to stream, and v) facilitating the legal transfer and market exchange of various types of surfaces, groundwater and storage entitlements. By combining system dynamics and multi-objective optimization with spatial and modeling data, an integrated hydrological-economic-environmental model was developed which helped land and water managers make decisions based on an evaluation of trade-offs between environmental, social, and economic factors. Farm, system, and catchment managers were able to collectively optimize water resource management and distribution at both the short-term tactical and long-term strategic levels. This technique along with an aquifer downstream of Murrumbidgee resulted in reducing system losses estimated at 200 GL, ranging from 12 to 14% river loss and 12 to 20% channel loss in Coleambally and Murrumbidgee Irrigation areas. Deep groundwater pressures declined by 10 and 20 m over most of the area. With each year an improved scientific understanding of the hydrologic system was developed, however, the role and capabilities of the water bank leave scope for future research. Using the aquifer improved the efficiency of the water distribution system, as well as the natural seasonal flow of the river, by releasing water from the head dams during the winter or wet months and storing it for recovery during dry months, the high demand period (Figure 4.4). This in turn improved the health of the river by freeing more water to the environment and mimicking the river’s natural flow. Water trading has been tested underwater banking to facilitate water movement between irrigation areas or water banks. Two artificial recharge methods were considered in this study with a changing crop mix option. The analysis indicated a clear trade-off between agricultural income and environmental performance to improve the seasonality of flows (Figure 4.5). Water banking (storage and recovery water system underground scenario) by using infiltration and injection artificial recharge methods with changing crop mix improved agricultural income by 3 to 10% with potential water savings between 76 to 80 GL. By using this technique, groundwater use could be reduced by 4 and 8%. The infiltration recharge method was more cost-effective than the injection where the river and aquifer system are connected. This integrated modeling framework is a useful policy and planning tool for catchment managers, water supply irrigation authorities, policy, decision-makers, and irrigators. It is a tool that has the potential to help stakeholders simulate and optimize the system, by evaluating and analyzing key decision variables. It can also provide a basis for examining the impact of physical changes to the system and for interactions with agricultural productivity, economics, and livelihoods to be predicted. For future expansion, the potential for artificial recharge sites using infiltration basins should be explored in detail to provide knowledge of evaporation-free, secure underground water dams. Additional economic water analysis needs to determine the water value under each use, such as environment, agriculture, and industry. Adding rainwater and water absorbed in soil moisture can add new dimensions to integrated catchment management with new degrees of freedom for water use to support both direct and indirect water needs. These could be facilitated by using a water banking approach to capture and manage different water resources with zero evaporation losses. |
Dr. Amgad Elmahdi | 2008 | |
11 | Technology | Wetting Front Detector: A New Tool to Help Farmers Save Water [ Winner of the People's Choice Award for the best presentation at Irrigation Australia Conference ] |
Dr. Richard John Stirzaker | 2003 |
Recognized World Heritage Irrigation Structures+
# | Structure | Built | State | River Basin | Irrigation area | Recognised at |
1 | Dethridge Outlet/Wheel | 1910 | Victoria | Through Australia and various other countries Through Australia and various other countries | In excess of 2 million ha | 73rd IEC Meeting, Adelaide, Australia, 2022 |
2 | Goulburn Weir | 1891 | Nagambie, Central Victoria | Goulburn River | 1,130 ha | 68th IEC Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017 |
3 | Bleasdale Vineyards Flood Gate | 1900 | Langhorne Creek SA 5255 | Murray-Darling Basin (Bremer River) | 7,011 ha | 68th IEC Meeting, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017 |
Workbody Representation+
# | Abbreviation | Workbody |
1 | TT-TWM-AWM | Task Team on Transboundary Water Management and Effect on Agriculture Water Management (TT-TWM-AWM)
Ms. Karlene Maywald (Member), |
2 | PFC | Permanent Finance Committee
Mr. David Cameron (Member), |
3 | WG-IDSST | WG on Irrig. and Drain. in the States under Socio-Eco. Trans.
Mr. Momir Vranes (Chair), |
4 | ASRWG | Asian Regional Working Group
Mr. Momir Vranes (Member), Mr. David Cameron (Member), |
5 | WG-WFE-N | WG on Water Food Energy Nexus
Mr. Carl Walters (Provisional Member), Ir. Felipe Dantas (Provisional Member), Mr. John William O’Connor (Provisional Member), |
6 | WG-LDRG | Working Group on Land Drainage
Dr. Willem F. Vlotman (Chair), Dr. Evan Wilfred Christen (Member), |
7 | WG-CDTE | WG on Capacity Development, Training and Education
Mr. Jeff Camkin (Member), Dr. Evan Wilfred Christen (Member), |
8 | EB-JOUR | ICID Journal Editorial Board
Dr. Biju George (Associate Editor), Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswas (Associate Editor), |
9 | TF-MTD | TF for Updating and Mainten. of Multiling. Tech. Dict.
Dr. Willem F. Vlotman (Member), |
10 | TF-WEWM | Task Force on Women Empowerment in Water Management
Ms. Karlene Maywald (Member), |
11 | WG-IWM&D | Working Group on Irrigation Water Management and Development
Mr. Carl Walters (Member), Ir. Felipe Dantas (Member), Dr. Amgad Elmahdi (Member), |
12 | WG-NWREP | Working Group on Non-Conventional Water Resources and Environment Protection
Mr. Carl Walters (Member), Prof. Tapas Kumar Biswas (Vice Chair), |
13 | WG-CLIMATE | Working Group on Climate Change and Agricultural Water Management (WG-CLIMATE)
Mr. V.C. Ballard (Member), |
14 | WG-SCER | Working Group on Sustainable Coastal Environment Regeneration
Dr. Amgad Elmahdi (Member), |
15 | WG-I&OMVE | Working Group on Institutional and Organizational Aspects of Modernization of Irrigation Development and Management Supported by Value Engineering
Dr. Amgad Elmahdi (Member), Mr. Mani Manivasakan (Secretary), |
16 | C-EVENTS | Committee on Events
Mr. Momir Vranes (Representative), |
17 | WG-WHMWS | Working Group on Water Harvesting for Managing Water Scarcity
Mr. V.C. Ballard (Member), |
# | Name | Author(s) | Year | Abstract |
1 | Irrigation Australia Journal | Irrigation Australia | 2022 | The Journal is distributed in digital format to Irrigation Australia members in all sectors of the irrigation industry, i.e. resellers, water users, rural water supply companies, agencies, manufacturers, academic institutions, local councils, turf and golf course irrigation managers, and consultants ( a reach extending over 5,000). The publication is also shared with state and university libraries; Ministers of Resources and Environment; selected environmental groups; overseas affiliated organisations; allied learned societies; industry associations; selected government agencies; media and trade agencies. |
2 | Australian Country Paper: Integrated Approaches to Irrigation Management in the Future | Irrigation Australia's Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (IACID) | 2022 | Australia is the driest inhabited continent. Our use of water in irrigation has reaped great rewards in terms of the development of rural industries, the growth of the economy and the modernisation of Australia. Water resource policies since European Settlement were, like those relating to other resources, focused on promoting economic and population growth, and creating jobs. The formative years of irrigation in Australia were in the 19th Century and the major irrigation developments occurred initially in the Murray-Darling Basin, where the conditions were the most conducive to such development. The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw a dramatic increase in irrigation development both in the Murray Darling Basin and elsewhere as governments attempted to overcome a natural water scarcity. Drought was always of concern. Australia has now moved well away from the economic/social development thinking, attitudes and actions which underpinned Australia’s use of water since European settlement. It has become clear that this previous approach did not serve Australia well from a sustainability perspective. Over the past 25+ years there has been a dramatic change in the way water is managed, both as a resource and in irrigation. Perhaps the most dramatic of these changes was the 1995 Cap on Diversions in the Murray Darling Basin. Climate Change is also impacting water management policy and use through reduced water availability, greater variability of rainfall and increased periods of drought. The recognition that the environment is entitled to primary access to water, together with other structural reforms such as the unlinking of water licenses from specific land holdings and the related capacity to trade, has dramatically changed the way water is valued and used in Australia. Government action to redress over-allocation of the water resource, particularly for irrigation, is an important component of Australia's commitment to water reform, the National Water Initiative (NWI). This Paper provides a brief overview of integration and innovation of irrigation (and water) management in contemporary Australia |
Direct Members+
Companies | Institutions | Indiviuals | Irrigation Australia Ltd. |