Dr. Vijay Labhsetwar
Position | Category | Period |
Observer | C-CONGR | 2024-2027 |
Member | WG-SCER | 2024-2029 |
Observer | C-EVENTS | 2024-2029 |
Member | EB-JOUR | 0-0 |
Vice Chair | ASRWG | 0-0 |
Member | WG-SDTA | 0-0 |
Vice Chair | WG-CDTE | 0-0 |
Previously Contributed | ||
Member | TF-FIN | 2007-2013 |
Personal Information-
Former Director at ICID, New Delhi, 110-021, India (2001 - 2018); Former Professor at Water and Land Management Institute (WALMI), Auranagabad, MS, India (1985 - 2001)
470, Pocket-2, Sector-9, Dwarka, New Delhi 110 -077, India , India
Dr. Vijay K Labhsetwar was Director at International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), New Delhi, India from 2001 to 2018. He was engaged with ICID as a ‘Consultant’ till 2020. Prior to this, he has worked as Professor at Water and Land Management Institute, Aurangabad, India; Research Fellow at Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark; Research Associate at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. He has 34 years of experience in research, training and administration. His specialization includes Soil-plant-water relationships; Crop water requirement; irrigation scheduling; soil and water engineering; water and fertiliser; and soil science/agronomy as it relates with agricultural water management. Dr. Labhsetwar has presented papers at numerous national and international meetings and also served as expert reviewer for conferences and journals. Currently, he is a member of the Editorial Board of ICID Journal “Irrigation and Drainage” since 2006. He is also Vice Chair of ASRWG and WG-CBTE. He has published numerous papers/ reports/ training material at national and international level. His degrees are: PhD (1984) from Colorado State University, USA; M.S. (1979) from Asian Institute Technology, Thailand; BSc (1978) from JN Agricultural University, India.
Dr. Labhsetwar is highly interested in the activities of ICID. He desires to broad base the National Committees, increase the country membership (currently declining), improve the functioning of the working groups and make ICID as a repository of data on Irrigation and Drainage, bring out quality publications and much more. He has brought out 5 Congress Transactions, 3 proceedings of WIFs and numerous other technical reports and publications. He has organized, participated and/or presented papers in numerous ICID events such as: 11 IEC Meetings, 5 ICID Congresses, 4 Asian Regional Conferences, 2 World Irrigation Forums and 2 Micro-irrigation Congresses over a period of 20 years with ICID. Contact: mobile: +91-9868878069; E-mail: vijaylabh@gmail.com
- Edwards, Sinchumpsak, Labhsetwar, Quana. 1980. Fish cultivation in sewage stabilization pond effluent. International Development Center. AIT Report No.110: 206pp
- Edwards, Sinchumpsak, Labhsetwar, Tabycanon. 1981. The harvest of micro-algae from effluent. Part – 3 Maize cultivation experiments. Aquaculture 23:149-170
- Labhsetwar, V.K. P.N. Soltanpour. 1985. Comparison of NH4HCO3-DTPA, NaHCO3, CaCl2, and Na2-EDTA Soil Test for Phosphorus. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer J. 49: 1437-1440
- Labhsetwar, V.K. J.M. Nielsen. 1986. Nitrogen Diagnoses and Therapy of Maize. Thai J. Argil. Sci. 19:31-47
- Labhsetwar, V.K. 1994. Fertilization of Maize with treated and untreated domestic wastewater. 15th International Congress of Soil Science at Acapulco, Mexico. No Reg. 484. ID – 18.
- Labhsetwar, V.K. 1995. Irrigation of Maize with treated and untreated domestic wastewater. Thai Journal of Agric. Science: 28: 147-160
- Labhsetwar, V.K. (2003) Irrigation strategies for crop production under water scarcity. Proceedings of International Workshop on Drought Management Strategies. July 2003 in Tehran, Iran. IRNCID Publication No. 79, pp 89-107.
- Labhsetwar, V.K. (2003) Global issues related with food production, security and trade. ICID draft publication for ICID session 2-6-1 under Theme 1-10 'Water for Food and Rural Development' at 3rd WWF In Kyoto, Japan. pp 1-65.
- Schultz B., C.D. Thatte and V.K. Labhsetwar (2005) Irrigation and drainage: Main contributors to global food production. Irrigation and Drainage 54: 263 – 278.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2005) Indian water footprints in global perspective. Proceedings of 12th World Water Congress of IWRA, Nov 2005, New Delhi, India
- Labhsetwar, V.K. et al. (2005) Global issues related with food production, security and trade. ICID Task Force publication, 19th ICID International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Beijing, China.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2007) ‘Multi-functionality of Irrigation water’. Proceedings of 10th Inter-Regional Conference on Water and Environment (ENVIROWAT 2007) at IARI, New Delhi.
- Labhsetwar V.K. and C.S. Modak (2008) Human Resources Development: 25 Years of Water and Land Management’. In Proceedings of 20th ICID Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, 13-18 October 2008, Lahore, Pakistan. Abstract at p. 388. Full paper in CD.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2009) Virtual water to mitigate impacts of climate change’. In Proceedings of 5th Asian Regional Conference, 9-11 December 2009. Abstract at page 313. Full paper in CD.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2011) Multi-functionality of irrigation water to increase the land and water productivity’, Paper number 56.2.43, Proceedings of 21st Congress on irrigation and drainage, October 2011 at Tehran, Iran
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2013) Actions for green economy through linkages between water, energy and food security’. Paper No. R3.41, Proceedings of First World Irrigation Forum, Sept-Oct 2013 at Mardin, Turkey. Abstract at page 159. Full paper in CD.
- Kyung Sook Choi and V.K. Labhsetwar (2019) Sustainable agricultural growth for the rural development in Asia: a review’. Paper No. W.3.3.09 (ST-3.3), Proceedings of Third World Irrigation Forum, 1-4 September 2019 at Bali, Indonesia. Abstract at page 159. Full paper in WIF3 Pen Drive. (Awarded Best Paper in the Theme).
- Labhsetwar, V.K. S.S. Bhalerao. 1990. Post irrigation crop survey and net irrigation requirement. 56th RD Session of CBIP. p. 235-239
- Labhsetwar, V.K. S.B. Varade. 1991. Post irrigation survey for irrigation water management. Indian J. of Water Resources Society. Vol. 11 No.2: 36-38
- Labhsetwar, V.K. 1993. Training module on soil moisture monitoring for irrigation scheduling. CBIP. Pub. No.233, Vol. No.2: 133-135
- Labhsetwar, V.K. 1994. Estimation of crop water requirement using electronics and computers. CEDT. NSEPD: 94:318-323
- Labhsetwar, V.K. 1997. Evaluation of Ammonium bi-carbonate-DTPA Soil test for phosphorus availability and requirement. National Seminar-Developments in Soil Science, ISSS, Part-I: 162
- Palaskar, Pawar, Labhsetwar, Musande, Sonune. Irrigated crops. Part – I, Water and Land Management Institute, Aurangabad. Publication No. 44.
- Palaskar, Pawar, Labhsetwar, Musande, Sonune. Agro technology for Irrigated Crops. Water and Land Management Institute, Aurangabad. Publication No. 47.
- Palaskar, Pawar, Labhsetwar, Sonune. 1998. Deciding rotation periods during Rabi and Hot weather seasons for Upper Penganga Project. Consultancy Report prepared by Faculty of Agriculture, WALMI, Aurangabad.
- Labhsetwar V.K. 2001. Comparison of overall irrigation efficiency of USAID and Non-USAID MI Project. Part – II Evaluation of current status of agriculture in Ranjangoan MI Project. Report on adaptive research project (Study No. 3), WALMI, Aurangabad.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2005) Water resources management in India. Proceedings of national conference on watershed management production, livelihood and environmental security, May 2005 at Pantnagar in Uttaranchal
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2005) Relevance of virtual water in international trade. Proceedings of national symposium on efficient water management for eco-friendly sustainable and profitable agriculture,1-3 Dec 2005, New Delhi, India
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2007) Relevance of Virtual Water in Water in Water Resources Management’ in 1st World Aqua Congress at India Habitat, New Delhi.
- Labhsetwar V.K. (2009) Water management for ensuring global food security’. In Proceedings of National workshop on Water management for ensuring food security at WTC, IARI, New Delhi.
- Agronomy related aspects
- Capacity development and training
- Drought Management
- Enhancing Water Use Efficiency and Productivity
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- Irrigation - Development, design & Management
- Non-Conventional water resources: Saline Water, treated waste water, drainage water, Industrial waste water, and others
- On-Farm water Management
- Use of Poor-Quality Water for Agricultural production