Dr. Mohamed Abd El Moneim Wahba
Vice President Hon., ICID
Position | Category | Period |
Member | TF-WEWM | 2024-2026 |
Member | TF-WWF11 | 2023-2025 |
Vice President Hon. | ICID Office Bearers - Honoraire | 2014-2017 |
Chair | AFRWG | 0-0 |
Member | WG-IDSST | 0-0 |
Chair | WG-CDTE | 0-0 |
Previously Contributed | ||
Member | PCTA | -2021 |
Personal Information-
1 Medan Galal Keretam, Damanhour, El-Beheira, Cairo , Egypt
Dr. Mohamed Wahba is the vice president honorary of the international commission on irrigation and drainage (ICID)has an integrated and diverse experiences in the fields of Irrigation, Drainage, Integrated water resources management, drought and floods management, conventional and non-conventional water resources, rainwater harvesting, advance micro irrigation technologies, agribusiness technologies, Sustainable Development Goal’s, strategies, climate smart agricultural, climate change mitigation and adaptation, “water, food, energy nexus”, supervision of the implementation of irrigation and drainage projects, field studies, evaluation of the use of advanced agricultural drainage technologies and the use of drainage water for irrigation, as well as savings in irrigation water, advanced drip irrigation technologies, development and management of water resources. In addition to design and implementation of policies and strategies for water and food security, follow-up implementation of large projects, planning and implementation of coastal protection projects, preparing of training strategy of Ministries, designing and implementing various training programs in all fields related to water resources, irrigation and drainage, drought management, training needs assessment, capacity building for all different functions at the ministry level, coordination of international conference, workshop, events, forums jointly with international organizations and donors.
Dr. Wahba has gained extensive experience in the field of strategy development and follow-up of the implementation of projects between 2007 and 2015, where he worked in the technical office of the Deputy Minister and then as General Director of the technical Office of the Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation in Egypt, and led various teams of professionals. During this period, it has been proven that his managerial ability and technical leadership in relevant work environments; demonstrated the ability to take initiatives, analyze complex issues quickly and accurately evaluate and make recommendations for decision-making, good governance in decision-making and performance management, and showed the impact on strategic decisions.
Dr. Wahba, was representative the Egyptian government in several international and regional forums, including the International Commission on Irrigation, Drainage and the United Nations, where he was elected as Vice-President of ICID and Chairman of the African regional Working Group of ICID, Chairman of Capacity Development, Training and Education Working Group of ICID, was a representative of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the ESCWA Water Committee for more than 6 years, was the coordinator of cooperation between the Ministry and similar ministries in China and Iraq, he is the Former chairman of ENCID and now he is an international visiting scientist to chines academy of science. During his career, Dr. Wahba has very strong networks and cooperation with many international scientists, experts organizations, biggest companies with state of arts in the fields of agribusiness, solar power energy for irrigation, water resources management, advanced irrigation, drainage technologies, rainwater harvesting, wastewater treatment and reuse and use of non-conventional water resources and climate smart agriculture.
- Ismail Elhasnaoui, Mohamed A. Shehata Wahba, Sinafekesh Girma Wolde4 | Ben- aoud Mohamed, Aniss Moumen. The past, current, and future of the Africa. Green Revolution: The case study of Kenya,Morocco, and Nigeria. World Water Policy. 023;1–24.
- Mokhtari, W., Achouri, M., Chtaina, N., & Wahba, M. A. S. (2021). Mini-Review in Scoring Systems of UAV Sensing by Imaging Sensors to Enhance Diagnostic Decision Making in Plant Protection. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(6). 502-512.
- Latifa Dhaouadi, Houda Besser, Nissaf Karbout4,Abdulrasoul Al-Omran, Fatma Wassar, Mohamed Shahata Wahba, Kang Yaohu, Younes Hamed (2021). Irrigation Water Management for sustainable cultivation of date palm. Applied Water Science (2021) 11:171 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-021-01507-0
- Chen Zhang, Xiaobin Li, Yaohu Kang, Mohamed A. S. Wahba (2021). Leaching efficiency and plant growth response in an integrated use of saline water for coastal saline soil reclamation. First published: 07 August 2021. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.4058.
- Ismail Elhassnaoui , Zineb Moumen , Manuela Tvaronavičienė , Mohamed Ouarani, Mohamed Ben-Daoud , Issam Serrari , Ikram Lahmidi , M.A.S. Wahba, Ahmed Bouziane, Driss Ouazar, Moulay Driss Hasnaoui. (2021). Management of water scarcity in arid areas: A case study (Ziz Watershed). ISSN 2669-0195 (online) http://jssidoi.org/IRD/ 2021, Volume 3 Number 1 (March) http://doi.org/10.9770/IRD.2021.3.1(5).
- Ismail. Elhassnaoui, M.A.S. Wahba, Zineb. Moumen, Issam. Serrari, Ahmed. Bouziane, Driss. Ouazar, and Moulay. Driss. Hasnaoui. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF WATER SCARCITY IN ARID AREAS.Study case: Ziz watershed the way forward. AGU journal, 2021.
- Zineb Moumen, Ismail Elhassnaoui*, Walid Khaddi, Mohamed A. S. Wahba, Abderrahim Lahrach. (2021). Assessment of deficit irrigation efficiency. Case study: Middle Sebou and Innaouene downstream. Open Agriculture 2021; 6: 102–114
- Latifa Dhaouadi, HoudaBesser, FatmaWassar, Nissaf Kharbout, Naima ben Brahim,Mohamed A S Wahba and Yaohu Kang. (2020). Agriculture sustainability in arid lands of southern Tunisia: Ecological impacts of irrigation water quality and human practices. Irrig and Drain. 2020;69:974–996., https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/ird.2492.
- Xiaobin Li and M A S Wahba.(2019). A case study of achieving WFE- Nexus: Drip irrigation with brackish water for urbanization and reclamation of coastal saline soil of china. 3rd world Irrigation Forum, 1-7 September 2019, Bali, Indonesia.
- Wahba M A S, and Amer, M. H (2017). Egyptian experiences in agricultural drainage in more than 4 years and future needs. 13th international Drainage Workshop of ICID, Ahwaz Iran, 4-7 March, 2017.
- Wahba, M.A.S. (2017). Assessment of options for the sustainable use of agricultural drainage water for irrigation in Egypt by simulation modelling. Irrig and Drain. (2017), Volume 66, Issue 1, Pages 118–128.
- Laurie Tollefson, Mohamed Wahba, John Harrington (2016). Review of the Strategy Theme Basin. Irrig and Drain. (2016), Special Issue: Volume 65, Issue 2, Pages 145–240.
- Wahba, M.A.S. (2016). GIS application in Subsurface Drainage and Disposal Options: Case study in New South Wales, Australia. 4th African regional conference on Irrigation and Drainage, 26-28 April, 2016, Aswan, Egypt.
- F. Abdalnour, F. and M.A.S. Wahba. (2016). Towards a Sustainable Use of Water Resources in Syria until 2025 4th African regional conference on Irrigation and Drainage, 26-28 April, 2016, Aswan, Egypt.
- Wahba, M.A.S. (2008). Development of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis Model for Integrated Water Resources management. 2008. Twelfth international water technology conference, Alexandria Palestine Hotel, Alexandria, March 27-30, 2008.
- Wahba, M.A.S and M. H. Amer, M.H. (2007). Holistic Perspective for Investments in Agricultural Drainage in Egypt. 4th International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, 30 September - 5 October 2007, Sacramento, USA.
- Wahba, M.A.S, A.A. Rady and M. H. Amer A. S. Elansary. (2007). Mitigating the environmental impacts of the new Naga Hammadi barrage (EGYPT). ICID 22nd European Regional Conference 2007 2-7 September 2007, Pavia, Italy.
- Amer, M. H and Wahba, M.A.S. (2007). Land drainage in Egypt: experience, success and future needs. ICID 22nd European Regional Conference 2007 2-7 September 2007, Pavia, Italy.
- Wahba, M.A.S and Christen, E. (2006). Modeling Subsurface Drainage for Salt Load Management in Southeastern Australia. Irrigation and Drainage System Journal, 20:267-282.
- Amer, M. H and Wahba, M.A.S. (2006). Sand Dune Fixation Towards Desertification Control in Toshka Project, South Valley of Egypt. International Symposium on Water and Land Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture. Adana, Turkey 4 - 8 April, 2006.
- Wahba, M.A .S, Khairy, W and Elsayed, A. (2006). Agricultural Drainage from an integrated social prospective (in Arabic). Water Science, the National Water Research Center Magazine, Cairo, Egypt.
- Abdel Ghaffer, E, Wahba, M.A.S. (2006). Possibility of Water table Management Through Sub-Irrigation In Egypt. Tenth International water technology conference, Alexandria Palestine Hotel, March 23-25, 2006.
- Wahba, M.A.S., Christen, E.W. and Amer, M. H. (2005). Irrigation water saving by management of existing subsurface drainage in Egypt. J. Irrigation and Drainage, 54: 1-11 (2005)
- Wahby H, El-Maghreby M.T, Abdelhafez S, Elgamal F, Gamil, N, Nasr L, Abdelghany M and Wahba M.A.S.(2005). scientific paper discussed the Wheat (self sufficient and food gaps) for the Egyptian National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (in Arabic)
- Wahba, M.A .S. Amer, M. H and El-Ganainy, M.A. (2005). Multicriterion decision making in Water table management. International Conference on water, land and food security in arid and semi-arid region. Mediterranean Agronomic Institute Valenzano (Bari), Italy.
- Christen, E.W. Bethune, M, Hornbuckle, J.W, Khan, S and Wahba, (2004). M.A.S. A Case Study of Irrigation and Drainage Management Impacts on the Murray River, Australia. 1st African drainage workshop, December 2004, Egypt.
- Wahba, M.A.S, Christen, E and Amer, M. H. (2004). Potential Irrigation water saving with subsurface drainage management concepts. Semi arid and Hydraulic resources seminar, Fortaleza, Brazil, 29 September to 1 October, 2004.
- Wahba, M.A.S, El-Ganayny, M and Amer, M. H. (2003). Water Table Management strategies for irrigation water saving. International workshop- September 2003, 9th International Drainage Workshop, The Netherlands.
- Wahba, M.A.S, El-Ganayny, M, Abdel-Dayem, M.S, Kandil, H and Goubran, A. (2002). Evaluation of DRAINMOD-S for simulating water table management under semi-arid conditions. Irrig and Drain. 51: 123-226 (2002).
- Wahba, M A. S. and Abdel-Gawad, S.T. (2002). Impact of Water Table Management on Drainage Water Quantity and Quality under Semi-Arid Conditions. ICID International Conference, Canada, 2002.
- Wahba, M.A .S, El-Ganyny, M, Abdel-Dayem, M S, Goubran, A and Kandil, H (2001). Controlled Drainage effects on water quality under Semi-Arid conditions in Westeen Delta of Egypt. Irrig and Drain. 50: 295-308 (2001).
- Abdel-Gawad, S.T. Wahba M A. S. Abbott C. L and Counsel, C. J. (2000). Controlled Drainage Strategies to Save Water in Semi-Arid Agricultural Areas Such as the Nile Delta, Egypt,” International Conference on the Challenges Facing Irrigation and Drainage in the new Millennium. 2000. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
- Agronomy related aspects
- Capacity development and training
- Design and construction Dams, Reservoirs & Irrigation-Drainage networks
- Drainage - Bio-Drainage
- Drought Management
- Environmental Aspects of Irrigation & Drainage
- Flood Management
- Irrigation - Development, design & Management
- Participatory Irrigation Management
- Policy and planning
- Research
- Technology - Canal automation
- Technology - GIS
- Technology - Micro Irrigation
- Technology - Software/ Models/Decision Support Systems, DSS
- Technology - Solar pumps