Dr. Vadim Sokolov
Vice President, ICID
Position | Category | Period |
Member | TF-WEWM | 2024-2026 |
Provisional Member | WG-IDSST | 2024-2027 |
Vice President | ICID Office Bearers - Present | 2023-2026 |
Chair | PCSO | 2023-2028 |
Personal Information-
Head, Agency of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea for Implementation of the Aral Sea Basin and GEF Projects (Agency of IFAS)
Karasu - 4 Building 11 (5th floor), Tashkent 100187 , Uzbekistan
Dr. Vadim Sokolov (Uzbekistan) - 2023-2026
In 1981 graduated from Tashkent Institute of Engineers in Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization. Obtained Civil Engineer diploma with excellency. Specialization: Hydraulic Engineer in construction of river structures and hydroelectric power stations.
PhD degree on specialty: "Land hydrology, water resources, hydrochemistry". Dissertation presentation took place in Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Irkutsk, Russian Federation on December 4, 1991. Scientific supervisor: Prof. Victor Dukhovny - Doctor of Technical Sciences, ICID Vice President honoraria.
Scientist and practitioner in the field of engineering hydrology, water resources management and irrigation. Professional experience in the field of irrigation and integrated water resources management and water security in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Worked for national and international clients as an experienced manager or expert for a big number of regional and national projects. For 12 years he was Regional Coordinator of the Global Water Partnership network for Central Asia and the South Caucasus.
Has experience in conducting research / analytical studies, diagnostic reviews within framework of water resources management projects in all countries of Central Asia, the South Caucasus and Mongolia. There is extensive experience as a lecturer at universities and training centers (advanced training programs).
As the Head of Agency of IFAS for implementation of projects in the Aral Sea basin, he provides supervision, practical guidance and implementation of programs and projects (including construction work) related to solving problems of the Aral Sea basin.
Member of political council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan - since its foundation in 2019.
Dr. Vadim Sokolov (Ouzbékistan) - 2023-2026
En 1981, il est diplômé de l'Institut des ingénieurs de Tachkent en irrigation et en mécanisation agricole. Diplôme du génie civil obtenu avec excellence. Spécialisation : Ingénieur Hydraulique chargé de la construction des ouvrages fluviaux et de centrales hydroélectriques.
Titulaire de Doctorat en spécialisation : "Hydrologie terrestre, ressources en eau, hydrochimie". La présentation de la thèse a eu lieu à l'Institut de Géographie, Branche Sibérienne de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS, Irkoutsk, Fédération de Russie, le 4 décembre 1991. Directeur scientifique: Prof. Victor Dukhovny - Docteur en Sciences Techniques, Vice-Président Hon. de la CIID.
Scientifique et praticien dans le domaine de l'hydrologie technique, de la gestion des ressources en eau et de l'irrigation. Possède l’expérience professionnelle dans le domaine de l'irrigation, de la gestion intégrée des ressources en eau et de la sécurité de l'eau en Asie centrale et dans le Caucase. Travaillé pour des clients nationaux et internationaux en tant que gestionnaire ou expert expérimenté dans le cadre d'un grand nombre de projets régionaux et nationaux. Etait coordinateur régional de Partenariat mondial de l'eau pour l'Asie centrale et le Caucase pendant 12 ans.
Possède l'expérience dans la conduite de recherches/études analytiques et d'examens diagnostiques dans le cadre de projets de gestion des ressources en eau dans tous les pays de l'Asie centrale, du Caucase du Sud et de la Mongolie. Possède également une vaste expérience en tant que chargé de cours dans des universités et des centres de formation (programmes de formation avancée).
En tant que chef de l'agence de l'IFAS chargé de la mise en œuvre des projets dans le bassin de la mer d'Aral, il assure la supervision, l'orientation pratique et la mise en œuvre de programmes et de projets (y compris les travaux de construction) liés à la résolution des problèmes du bassin de la mer d'Aral.
Membre du conseil politique du Parti écologique d'Ouzbékistan - depuis sa création en 2019.
Author of more than 300 publications related to various problems of hydrology, ecology, integrated water resources management and efficient water use in irrigation, issues of theory and practice of water, food and environmental security, aspects of international cooperation on transboundary watercourses, and others. A number of publications are devoted to problems of the Aral Sea ecological catastrophe and ways of its stabilization, aspects of improving the institutional and legal framework of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS).
Some selected publications:
Irrigation in the Countries of the Former Soviet Union in Figures. FAO Water Reports N0 15. Rome, 1997, 226p. (ISSN 1020-1203) http://sic.icwc-aral.uz/heritage/w6240e.pdf
IWRM: Putting Good Theory into Real Practice. Central Asian Experience. Published by SIC ICWC/IWMI and SDC. Tashkent, 2008. 384 p. http://sic.icwc-aral.uz/heritage/iwrm-monograph-e.pdf
Handbook on Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan. Tashkent Office of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. Tashkent. 2019. 300p. https://aral.uz/doc/Handbook_WRM_Sokolov_ENG.pdf
Irrigation and Drainage in Republic of Uzbekistan. Past, Present and Future. 2nd edition. National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, Ministry of water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan with support from Agency of IFAS. Tashkent. 2022.44 p https://aral.uz/doc/UzNCID-2022.pdf
Theory of Climate Change Intensity Determination. Integrated Drought Management HelpDesk. GWP/WMO. 2022. 7p. https://www.droughtmanagement.info/portal/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Theory-of-Climate-change-Intensity-Determination_Eng.pdf
- Capacity development and training
- Climate Change Impact & Adaptation
- Design and construction Dams, Reservoirs & Irrigation-Drainage networks
- Drought Management
- Enhancing Water Use Efficiency and Productivity
- Environmental Aspects of Irrigation & Drainage
- Financing Water management projects & Green Economy
- Integrated Water Resources Management
- International cooperation
- Irrigation - Development, design & Management
- Monitoring, maintenance, and operational services
- Participatory Irrigation Management
- Policy and planning
- Research
- Technology - Canal automation
- Technology - Mobile Apps
- Water policy and planning
- Water-Food-Energy Nexus approaches