Dr. Bing-Chen Jhong
Chinese Taipei Committee
Position | Category | Period |
Member | WG-WHMWS | 2024-2027 |
Personal Information-
, Chinese Taipei Committee
2024 GIZ Applied Water Ressources Management in the Lake Chad Basin
2023-2024 GIZ Nile Delta Water Management Programme – Improvement of framework
conditions for an efficient use of water in water supply and wastewater management and in
irrigated agriculture in the Nile Delta
2023-2025 GIZ Support of Digital Transformation in Togo
2018-2023 GIZ ProEcon 3 : Introducing ICT tools to enhance the competitiveness of Mozambican
agri-food sector
2021-2023 EU PRIDA: AU Continental Digital Agriculture Strategy
2021-2022 World Bank : Water Supply and Sanitation Program Tajikistan
2020-2022 MCC: Water Demand Management Program Tunisia
2019-2020 GIZ: ICT for Small-scale irrigation Study
2018-2019 MIS for WASH Rwanda
2016-2020 World Bank: TRIMING Dam Safety and Irrigation, Nigeria
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