Prof. Dr. Ray Shyan Wu
Chinese Taipei Committee
Position | Category | Period |
Member | WG-IWM&D | 2024-2029 |
Member | TF-WWF11 | 2023-2025 |
Member | WG-WATS | 2021-2026 |
Member | ASRWG | 0-0 |
Chair | WG-CLIMATE | 0-0 |
Previously Contributed | ||
Associate Editor | EB-JOUR | 0-0 |
Personal Information-
President, Chinese Taipei Committee (CTCID)
Dept. of Civil Engineering, National Central University 300 Jhongda Rd, Jungli City, Taoyuan, Taiwan , Chinese Taipei Committee
Dr. Ray-Shyan WU,
President of Chinese Taipei Committee on Irrigation and Drainage
Executive Vice President of National Central University, TAIWAN
- Educational Background
PhD, Cornell University, 1988/1~1990/8
MS, Cornell University, 1984/1~1987/6
BS, National Taiwan University, 1977/9~1981/6
- Work Experience
Distinguished Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University
Senior Advisor, National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
- Ray-Shyan Wu, You-Yu Sin, Jing-Xue Wang, Yu-Wen Lin, Hsing-Chuan Wu, Riyan Benny Sukmara, Lina Indawati, Fiaz Hussain, 2022, Real-Time Flood Warning System Application, Water 14, 1866. Doi:10.3390/w14121866 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Ray-Shyan Wu*, Dong-Sin Shih, 2022, Water table response to rainfall and groundwater simulation using physics-based numerical model: WASH123D, Journal of Hydrology-Regional Studies, 39(2022) 100988, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2022.100988 (SCI)
- 吳瑞賢,鄭安成,吳幸娟,2022,嘉南地區加強灌溉管理實務探討,台灣農業工程學報第68卷1期,39-55 (EI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, Fiaz Hussain*, Yuan-Chien Lin , Tzu-Yu Yeh, Kai-Chun Yu , 2021, Characterization of Regional Groundwater System Based on Aquifer Response to Recharge–Discharge Phenomenon and Hierarchical Clustering Analysis, Water 13(8), 2535; doi:10.3390/w13182535 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Ray-Shyan Wu*, Kai-Chun Yu, 2021, Application of Physically Based Seni-Distributed HEC-HMS Model for Flow Simulation in Tributary Catchment of Kaohsiung Are Taiwan, Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 29(1), 42-62, DOI: 10.51400/2709-6998.1003 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Ray-Shyan Wu*, Jing-Xue Wang, 2021, Comparative study of very short term flood forecasting using physics based numerical model and data driven prediction model, Natural Hazards, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s11069-021-04582-3 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Kai-Chun Yu, Ray-Shyan Wu*, 2021, Estimation of hydrogeological parameters using physically based hydrological modelling and lithology data in ungauged creek catchments of southern Taiwan, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 66(4), 703-728. DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2021.1889558 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Ghulam Nabi, Ray-Shyan Wu*, 2021, Spatiotemporal Rainfall Distribution of Soan River Basin, Pothwar Region, Pakistan, Advances in Meteorology, 2021 (6656732), DOI: 10.1155/2021/6656732 (SCI)
- 盧德瑋,石棟鑫,吳瑞賢*,2021,應用季節性預報資訊於乾旱時期鳳山溪流域地下水變化探討,中國土木水利工程學刊 33卷 1期,33(1), 35-44 (EI)
- 王靖斈,林遠見,石棟鑫,吳瑞賢*,2021,應用雷達降雨資料與支撐向量機於洪水預報結果之修正研究,中國土木水利工程學刊 33卷 1期,33(1), 45-54 (EI)
- Maria Fernanda Alvarez-Carrascal, Ray-Shyan Wu*, 2020, Influence of Climate Change on Streamflow in Pamplonita and Zulia Watershed, Colombia, Journal of International Cooperation, 15(2), 137-158
- Nabi, G.; Hussain, F.; Wu*, R.-S., Nangia, V.; Bibi, R., 2020, Micro-Watershed Management for Erosion Control Using Soil and Water Conservation Structures and SWAT Modeling. Water 12(5), 1439. Doi:10.3390/w12051439 (SCI)
- 吳瑞賢,謝仲霖,馬家齊,劉日順,2019,桃園地區農業埤塘灌溉系統調蓄能力分析,台灣農業工程學報第65卷4期,12-25 (EI)
- 吳瑞賢,劉宜軒,劉日順,2019,以水旱混作灌溉用水模式探討地下水合理應用之研究-以彰化溪州為例,台灣農業工程學報第65卷4期,62-80 (EI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Riaz Hussain, Ray-Shyan Wu* , Tanveer Abbas, 2019, Rainwater Harvesting Potential and Utilization for Artificial Recharge of Groundwater Using Recharge Wells, Processes, 2019, 7(9), 623, DOI:10.3390/pr7090623 (SCI)
- Fiaz Hussain, Ghulam Nabi, Ray-Shyan Wu, Bashir Hussain, Tanveer Abbas, 2019, Parameter Evaluation for Soil Erosion Estimation on Small Watersheds using SWAT Model, Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 12(1), 96-108,DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20191201.3769 (SCI)
- Tanveer Abbas; Fiaz Hussain Hussain; Ghulam Nabi; Muhammad Waseem Boota; Ray-Shyan Wu, 2019, Uncertainty Evaluation of SWAT mode for Snowmelt Runoff Modeling in a Himalayan Watershed, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 30 (2), DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2018.10.08.01 (SCI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, Gabriela Lucia Letona Molina, Fiaz Hussain, 2018, Optimal Sites Identification for Rainwater Harvesting in Northeastern Guatemala by Analytical Hierarchy Process, Water Resources Management,32(12): 4139-4153, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-018-2050-1, (SCI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, Dong-Sin Shih, 2018, Modeling Hydrological Impacts of Groundwater Level in the Context of Climate and Land Cover Change, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 29(3):341-353, DOI: 10.3319/TAO.2017.10.26.01 (SCI)
- 陳永彧 ,吳瑞賢*,曾國欣,彭新雅,2018,應用衛星影像監測石門水庫集水區水體濁度,台灣水利季刊第66卷 1期,13-25 (EI)
- 吳瑞賢,劉日順,張聖瑜,蘇家陞,陳佩螢,2018,建立水旱作混植區之地表水與地下水聯合灌溉管理模式,台灣農業工程學報第64 卷 1期,60-90 (EI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, Jih-Shun Liu , Sheng-Yu Chang, and Fiaz Hussain , 2017, Modeling of mixed crop field water demand and a smart irrigation system, Water 9(11), 885; doi:10.3390/w9110885 (SCI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, Chia-Chi Ma, 2017, The impact of agricultural policy to rural water management in northern Taiwan, Special Issue of AARDO Journal of Rural Development on “Agricultural Water Management for Sustainable Rural Development”, XXXXX(1),31-44, ISBN 0972-3021, India.
- 馬家齊,魏郁婷,吳瑞賢,2016,因應氣候變遷調整稻作停灌決策時間對水庫用水管理的影響,台灣農業工程學報第62卷 2期,27-39 (EI)
- 吳瑞賢,蔡明君,黃群展,許少瑜,2015,結合氣候季預報評估桃園地區一期作於不同決策時機停灌休耕之風險,台灣水利季刊第63卷 4期,1-11 (EI)
- 吳瑞賢,毛振泰,黃一凡,2015,合理水價機制之實務分析與決策影響,國土及公共治理,第3卷 2期,63-74
- 馬家齊,吳瑞賢,2015,氣候變遷與耕期調整對農業用水管理的影響,台灣水利季刊第63卷 3期,1-14 (EI)
- Ray-Shyan Wu, I-Wen Lin, 2015, Modification of generalized watershed loading functions (GWLF) for daily flow simulation, Paddy and Water Environment, 13(3):269-279, doi:10.1007/s10333-014-0438-y (SCI)
- Tai-Li Lee, Ching-Ho Chen, Tzu-Yi Pai, Ray-Shyan Wu , 2015, Development of a Meteorological Risk Map for Disaster Mitigation and Management in the Chishan Basin, Taiwan, Sustainability, 7(1), 962-987; doi:10.3390/su7010962 (SCI, SSCI)