Dr. Chung Feng Ding
Chinese Taipei Committee
Position | Category | Period |
Member | WG-SCER | 2024-2026 |
Member | WG-WFE-N | 2020-2025 |
Previously Contributed | ||
Member | WG-WATER&CROP | 0-0 |
Personal Information-
5F., No. 500, Sec. 3, Anming Rd., Annan Dis., Tainan city, Taiwan , Chinese Taipei Committee
1990~1992 MS, Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
1997~2006 Ph. D, Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
2018~Now Member of CTCID / WG-WFE_N, ICID
2012~Now Research fellow, Tainan Hydraulics Laboratory(THL), National Cheng Kung University(NCKU)
2006~2012 Associate Research fellow, THL, NCKU
1996~2006 Assistant Research fellow, THL, NCKU
1995~1996 Junior Engineer, Water Resources Planning committee, Ministry of Economic Affairs
1992~1995 Assistant Research fellow, THL, NCKU
Chung-Feng Ding, Yu-Ching Lin, Reuy- Chi Kao(2020),Strategies For Promoting The Sustainable Development Of Land And Water Resources In The Tidal Areas Of Southwestern Taiwan, International Workshop on Integrated Development of Tidal Areas - An Exchange of Expertise from Basin Perspective (SDTA), WS_SDTA_04。
Yeh, C.-L., Lo, W.-C., Lin, C.-W., Ding, C.-F. (2020), Influence of pore water pressure change on consolidation behavior of saturated poroelastic medium, Proc. IAHS, 382, 375-379, https://doi.org/10.5194/piahs-382-375.
Wang, H.-W., Lin, C.-W., Yang, C.-Y., Ding, C.-F., Hwung, H.-H., Hsiao, S.-C. (2018), Assessment of Land Subsidence and Climate Change Impacts on Inundation Hazard in Southwestern Taiwan, Irrig. and Drain. V67, P26-37.
Kuang-Chih Chang, Hsiang-Lan Juan, Te-Yuan Chen, Fang-Chun Lee, Chung-Feng Ding (2017), The Competitiveness of Water Industry in Taiwan, 16th International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan(R.O.C).
Yang, C.-Y., Lin, C.-W., Wang, H.-W., Ding, C.-F., Hwung, H.-H., Hsiao, S.-C. (2014), Inundation and Land Subsidence Prediction in Yunlin County Taiwan Considering Climate Change, 22nd International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage(ICID), Oral, Gwangju, Korea.
K. A. Korotenko, A. A. Osadchiev, P. O. Zavialov, R.-C. Kao, and C.-F. Ding (2014), Effects of bottom topography on dynamics of river discharges in tidal regions: case study of twin plumes in Taiwan Strait,Ocean Sci., 10, P.863–879.
Ruey-Chy Kao, Peter O. Zavialov, and Chung-Feng Ding (2013), Investigation And Assessment Of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Of Ping-Tung Near Shore Area In Southwestern Taiwan, Irrigation and Drainage, Sustainable Water and Land Management In Tidal Areas, Vol. 62, S 1, p10-p17, Wiley.
P.O. Zavialov , R.-C. Kao , V.V. Kremenetskiy , V.I. Peresypkin , C.-F. Ding , J.-T. Hsu , O.V. Kopelevich , K.A. Korotenko , Y.-S. Wu, P. Chen (2012), Evidence for submarine groundwater discharge on the Southwestern shelf of Taiwan,Continental Shelf Research Vol.34,P.18-25.
Konstantin A. Korotenko, Peter O. Zavialov, Ruey-Chy Kao, Chung-Feng Ding (2012), Model for Predicting the Transport and Dispersal of Contaminants Incoming with Submarine Groundwater: Case Study for the Southwestern Taiwan Coastal Zone, Open Journal of Marine Science, Vol. 2, p70-83.
Yawen Chiueh, Hsiao-Hua Chen and Chung- Feng Ding (2011),The willingness to pay of industrial water users for reclaimed water in Taiwan, Water Management / Book 2, INTECH, ISBN 979-953-307-673-6, chapter 12, p261-270.
18 publications in Chinese that study on land-subsidence and water resources allocation problems.
20 project reports in Chinese that study on prevention and reclamation on land-subsidence, automatic system on water measuring, monitoring and controlling.