International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

Water issues for a sustainable agriculture - Contribution to the public debate
Author: E.A.T.
Year: 2024,
Type: NC Publication, Format: Document
“Eau, Agriculture et Territoires” is an association of French professionals and researchers in the field of agricultural water. The association contributes to the development and dissemination of French know-how, knowledge and best practices in agricultural water management, both in France and internationally.
With this note, debated in June 2024 with 70 agricultural and water experts, “Eau, Agriculture et Terri-toires” intends to take part in the current public debate on the conflicts between farmers and environ-mentalists over water uses in agriculture, whether for irrigation or drainage. We believe that this debate can only find a positive outcome if we first succeed in defining the kind of agriculture we would like to see in our territories in the future, to meet our food and other needs. Once this vision has been clarified, dia-logue between the various water users (including the needs of the environment) will become easier, leading to the construction of sustainable local models, and moving away from the ideological positions we are currently experiencing.

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