Food Security by Optimal Use of Water - Synthesis of Theme 2.2 of the WWF6
Author: Pasquale Steduto (FAO), Bart Schultz (ICID), Domitille Vallee (FAO), Suresh Kulkarni (ICID), Macarena Johns (Consultant, FAO)
Year: 2014,
Type: Report, Format: Electronic & CD ROM & Print
ICID jointly with FAO was involved in the preparations of the Thematic Priority 2.2 on ?Contribute to Food Security by Optimal Use of Water? with Dr Pasquale Steduto from FAO as the Coordinator of the Core Group and Prof Bart Schultz, President Honoraire, ICID as Co-coordinator. Under this thematic priority nine targets were identified and debated in various essions including the opening session, a multi-stakeholder panel, and a synthesis session during the Forum to move from ?targets? to ?solutions?.