International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

ICID Technical Memoirs No. 2
Author: ICID
Year: 1974,
Type: Special Publication, Format: Print
This volume contains 15 valuable papers contributed by experts: 1. Irrigation in semi-humid regions, effect on river supplies 2. Proposition pour le calcul du d?bit ? assigner aux canaux apportant l'eau pour la riziculture 3. Multipurpose project planning in developing countries 4. Conduits en poly?thyl?ne employ?s dans la technique de l'irrigation par aspersion (Exp?riences et contributions ? l'?tude hydraulique) 5. Flood analysis in the plains of Northern Germany 6. Application de l'automatisme dans l'exploitation d'un syst?me de r?seaux de drainage - Ente Delta Padano 7. Hydrological analysis of water application efficiency 8. Exp?riences sur le drainage active 9. Modelling of influenced runoff in plain catchments 10. L'?volution de la planification des utilisations hydriques dans la zone Ionienne pouille lucanie au cours des vingt derni?res ann?es 11. Activity of the ICID in the field of the human environment 12. National Water Conference - General Report 13. Water-yield relations I wheat-growing I the Negev, Isreal 14. Report on the realization of an automatic fixed irrigation plant with particular reference to the mechanical pipelaying systems 15. Investigation on some factors influencing the runoff

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