International Commission on Irrigation & Drainage Commission Interationale des Irrigation et du Drainage

ICID Technical Memoirs No.1?
Author: ICID
Year: 1972,
Type: Special Publication, Format: Print
The Technical Memoirs (T.M.) contain valuable specialised papers from experts on themes of topical interest and have appeared between triennial congresses of ICID. Presents twenty-one papers: 1. Drainage protection of the Imperial Valley Resource 2. Proposed measures for irrigation improvement and intensification 3. A method for determining the hydrologic parameters of the water-bearing formations in the Delta Region (ARE) from observations within the main pumping wells 4. A jet medium pressure pendulum-rocking sprinkler in conditions of wind and technical uniformity of watering 5. Contribution th?orique ? l'?tude du d?clenchement automatique de l'irrigation par aspersion 6. Some useful derivations for design of canal section by Manning's Equation 7. Some aspects of soil evolution on reclaimed lands in the Danube Delta (Ostrovul Tataru) 8. Development of a new procedure for the determination of the system capacity and management program for irrigation of transplanted rice 9. Regime of Tewfiki, Manufia and Behera main canals in Egypt 10. Exploitation pour l'irrigaton des zones inondables pendant les crues des cours d'eau naturels 11. Planning of drainage operations in the I jsselmeer polders in The Netherlands 12. Irrigation et assinissement dans les r?gions deltaiques coti?res et terres basses - Rapport de l'Ente Delta Padano' 13. The boundaries between laminar, transitory and turbulent zones in silt sedimentation 14. Research station network for evapotranspiration measurements in Hungary 15. The utilization of highly saline water by successive dilutions in the reclamation of sodic soils 16. Design of contracting and expanding transitions in open channel sub-critical flow 17. Non-steady radial flow to a fully penetrated pumping well in an infinite semi-confined aquifer 18. Contributions to the study of mechanical movement of laterals in sprinkler irrigation systems 19. Factors concerning the control of the water-courses 20. A study of the computation and estimation of effective rainfall of paddy fields by computer programming 21. Automatic gates installed in water control system of Reddy Creek Improvement District, Florida

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