Towards Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas: Principles and Experiences?by Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA)
Author: ICID
Year: 2011, ISBN: 978-81-89610-4
Type: Special Publication, Format: Print
Tidal areas exist all over the world along the coasts.? Generally they are sensitive areas with a high ecological value.? Due to their physical conditions and environmental value they are normally left as such and spared from development.? However, due to strategic reasons, in many locations there are often tremendous pressures to develop these areas for various types of land uses.? Thus, ICID Working Group on Sustainable Development of Tidal Areas (WG-SDTA) held several workshops, seminars and meetings during last decade in order to prepare this publication.? The publication presents the principles and guidelines for engineers and the decision makers for sustainable development of tidal areas.? The publication is based on experiences from specialists in various densely populated countries, like China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.? The publication is based on three principles: optimal use of land and water resources, disaster prevention, and the preservation of biodiversity for present and future generations.