MINUTES of a meeting, typically describe the events of the meeting, starting with a list of attendees, a statement of the issues considered by the participants, and related responses or decisions for the issues. After a meeting of the Council, the Secretary General ensures the preparation of the draft Minutes containing a gist of the important discussions and full texts of the decisions made and of the resolutions passed. The amended minutes are finalized and then taken as the confirmed minutes, which are posted on the Commission’s website and also printed and distributed among all National Committees, Chairs of Workbodies and Office Bearers
Past AGENDA / MINUTES / Highlights
ARCHIEVE (Starting from 2003...)
75th IEC Minutes 2024 - Full Version – (Française)
74th IEC Minutes 2023 - Full Version – (Française)
73rd IEC Minutes 2022, Adelaide, Australia; – (Française)
72nd IEC Minutes 2021, Marrakesh, Morocco; – (Française)
71st IEC Minutes 2020, New Delhi, India; – (Française)
70th IEC Minutes, Bali, Indonesia, 2019
69th IEC Minutes, Saskatoon, Canada 2018
68th IEC Minutes, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017
67th IEC Meeting, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2016
66th IEC Meeting, Montpellier, France, 2015
65th IEC Meeting, Gwangju, Rep. of Korea, 2014
64th IEC Meeting, Mardin, Turkey, 2013
63rd IEC Minutes, Adelaide, Australia, 2012
62nd IEC Minutes, Tehran, Iran, 2011
61st IEC Minutes, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2010
60th IEC, New Delhi, India, 2009
59th IEC, Lahore, Pakistan, 2008
58th IEC, Sacramento, USA, 2007
57th IEC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006
56th IEC, Beijing, China, 2005
55th IEC, Moscow, Russia, 2004
54th IEC, Montpellier, France, 2003
Version française - Procès-verbal
69e CEI 2018, Saskatoon, Canada
67e CEI, 2016, Chiang Mai, Thailand
66e CEI, 2015, Montpellier, France
64e CEI, 2013, Maradin, Turkey, 2013
63e CEI, Adélaïde, Australie - 2012 [Appendices du 63e CEI comportent CPF, CPSO et CPA
61e CEI, october 2010, Yogyakarta, Indonésie
60e CEI, déecembre 2009, New Delhi, Inde
59e CEI, october 2008, Lahore, Pakistan
58e CEI, septembre - octobre 2007, Sacramento, EU
57e CEI, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2006
54e CEI, Montpellier, France, 2003